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  1. C

    Right mouse click?

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    launchd: getty repeating too quickly on port /dev/fax, sleeping

    I have found the cause: in system preferences the option "receive fax on this machine" was accidentally checked.
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    launchd: getty repeating too quickly on port /dev/fax, sleeping

    I keep receiving strange (error?) messages in on Mac OS X 10.4.2. I have no idea how long this has been going on, but yesterday I recognized it for the first time. launchd: getty repeating too quickly on port /dev/fax, sleeping What exactly is that and what can I do about it...
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    VirtualPC 7 networking

    Yes, DHCP is on. I should add that this problem was probably caused by shutting down VPC prematurely. I wanted to log out and had not seen that VPC was still active (hidden). That must have disturbed some of the VPC settings.
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    VirtualPC 7 networking

    Router --> DSL (Ethernet). Nothing fancy. Problem occurs with any Windows version I have tried (98 / 2000).
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    VirtualPC 7 networking

    I have a problem using VPC 7: When "virtual switch" is used, an error message is prompted stating that "virtual switch cannot be activated". Shared networking also does not work. As a result, I cannot access the Internet. But that is the only reason for me to use VPC to check webpages on some...
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    No network gurus here?
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    My router keeps telling me I have "SYN Flood" attacks every now and then but I believe that is harmless. They normally look like this: 01/04/2005 12:30:58 **SYN Flood to Host** 192.???.?.10?, 1283->>, 80 (from PPPoE Outbound) - ? = real digits are hidden! However, a few...
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    Panther and Britannica

    You need to upgrade to version 2003 or later. 2002 and older do not work with Mac OS X 10.3!
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    VNC Mac --> Win

    True, but then I would need XP Pro or 2003 Server (and I only have XP Home). But turning off ZRLE encoding did it for me. Thanks a lot!!!!!
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    VNC Mac --> Win

    I use VNC (Chicken of the VNC and WinVNC) and I am trying to connect to a PC with Win XP Home from my G5 Mac OS X 10.3.1 machine. A black window opens but then I receive an error message: "Terminate Connection ZlibHex unknown subencoding 92 encountered" Has anyone got an odea what it...
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    PSC 950 Fax driver

    I have a PSC 950 AIO printer device. Everything works well in Panther 10.3.1. The only thing which won't work is the installation of the fax driver. In "Print Center" it says "AIO Fax" is available but I cannot add a fax printer driver in order to send faxes straight out of Office or the like...
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    Virtual PC for Mac 6.1

    I had installed an earllier version of VPC on Mac OS X and must say that it does the job but cannot fully compare to a "real" PC. It probably depends on what you want to do. I suppose the most elegant solution would be a "real" PC with XP Pro and M$ Remote Desktop Connection, where you run...
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    Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

    Britannica 202 Standard version does not run anymore. It crashes upon search.
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    Panther and Britannica

    No, it's not a Java problem in itself I think. I have Java 1.4.1. does not offer any patches yet. They don't even bother to answer my emails. Great company... ::evil::
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    How do I install Panther without trouble?

    I cannot subscribe to that view. I have upgraded on two machines flawlessly. The real issue is "hacks" and "apllication enhancers". Remove such crap first and - most likely - you'll be fine! ;)
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    Panther and Britannica

    Is there anyone around who's not on acid? I'd appreciate some REAL assistance.
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    Panther and Britannica

    Since I have upgraded to Mac OS X 10.3 Panther on my G5 1.6 Ghz everything works like a charm. Well, just like it used to with 10.2.8, only a bit more elegantly... The only problem I have faced so far is an incompatibilty with the Encyclopedia Britannica 2002 Standard Version CD (Win/Mac). I...
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    Application "host" wants to connect to the Internet

    Does anyone know what exactly the application "host" is which repeatedly wants to go online on my G5 with Panther 10.3 installed? In Jaguar I have never had this application prompt this message. Until I know what "host" is and what it wants, Little Snitch will block its attempts to connect to...
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    Panther kills external FW drives

    I would also like to know if the 911 is fine with Panther. Besides, how do I make sure I have a 911 and not a 922? (Firewire 101 for dummies, so to speak!)