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  1. D

    My Ipad Air Will Not Receive Emails

    Thanks. The problem seems to be resolved now, but I am still not entirely sure how. All the help is much appreciated. dens.
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    My Ipad Air Will Not Receive Emails

    Sorry to be a nuisance, but when I get the list of WiFi 'addresses' there is no option to 'delete' only the chance to join. dens.
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    My Ipad Air Will Not Receive Emails

    C Cheryl, I appreciate that it does not make sense, but it has happened. I could access all the incoming mail on my old iMac, & now, since following advice to another member to delete the offending account & then re-instate it I appear to be getting emails incoming. Where do I find 'system...
  4. D

    My Ipad Air Will Not Receive Emails

    Hi all, My iPad Air is not receiving emails. I can send them, but not receive the replies. This has happened since being on holiday & using a satellite WiFi connection rather than a phone line connection. The bottom line of the mail list reads 'updated on the 14/3/15' which was the date the...
  5. D

    Backing Up.

    Thanks, but my problem is that of finding an external disc which will both accept the files from the old iMac G4 and be compatible with the iPad & new MacBook. This certainly not possible with a USB stick for example.
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    Backing Up.

    I have not posted for some time, but now need some advice! My ancient iMac (c2005) is beyond updating & I am expecting to buy a MacBook (12" Air?) this year. In the meantime I should like to be able to back up all the material on the IMac G5 onto an external disc from where it will be available...
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    Old Macs

    My old LC11 + Apple Sony 14" monitor + mouse + keyboard are sitting on a shelf gathering dust. Are they worth anything & if not what is the best way to dispose of them in UK? They all work perfectly (except battery has failed so need to set date/time each time you open) & have some manuals...
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    JetTec ink

    This may not be the place to ask this, but does anyone in UK have any experience of using JetTec inks in an Epson printer? Just discovered that my R800 inks now cost £16+ per colour! This is over £1600 per litre - surely a rip-off? Thanks.
  9. D

    YASU v Macjanitor

    I've run YASU for some time, mostly just from the 1st section, daily, weekly & monthly. Does Macjanitor do the same thing & is it worth replacing YASU with MacJ? Thanks.
  10. D

    Viruses On Os X

    ex2bot, Thanks. On MacFixit someone has suggested my problem has arisen from downloading an Apple Security update. I think I have 'fixed' it, at least so long as I keep the padlock closed! Sad if true.
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    Viruses On Os X

    frike, I have tried that twice, but when I try to download the snapshots the display says please wait & nothing appears to be happening. Thanks for your patience I guess I''ll just have to give up live with the problem. Dennis.
  12. D

    Viruses On Os X

    Fryke, OK, I'm thick. I can get a snapshot on to the Desktop, but do not know how to upload to the thread. Thanks. Dennis.
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    Viruses On Os X

    Fryke, I can 'grab' a shot, but don't know how to get it to the thread. Dennis.
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    Viruses On Os X

    No, have not downloaded any pirated editions. Have noticed that when opening an emailed attachment (newsletter) that the icon has some text (not sharp enough to read properly) about a boy & a small coloured pic of child in lower RH corner. Is this relevant to a specific virus/trojan/whatever...
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    Viruses On Os X

    Thanks for all this. I am a bit mystified since I have not downloaded anything or given the admin password to anything. I have a problem in accessing the network in system prefs since it is this page which has the drop down telling me that it has been changed by an application. Since writing...
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    Viruses On Os X

    DrX, How do I do that? Dennis
  17. D

    Viruses On Os X

    I began looking at this thread because when I tried recently to open System preferences from the Dock (iMac 17") I had a 'drop-down' appear which said my SPs had been changed by an application. Well, not by me, so I thought possibly an incoming - what? Trojan, virus? & had to force quit to get...
  18. D

    Garage Band book?

    Satcomer, Thanks for your advice. I'll have a look at the book. I find the Apple info difficult to follow since it appears to assume a knowledge which I don't have. Best wishes, Dennis.
  19. D

    Garage Band book?

    I've just been trying to get to grips with Garage Band with a view to recording my sax to hear what it sounds like (& check tuning, tempo etc). Sadly I cannot make it do anything. Is there a book (pref inexpensive!) which helps explain how to use Garage Band? Thanks. Dennis.
  20. D

    LC ll OS7

    Now running an iMac - what to do with ancient LC ll running OS7 +Sony Trinitron 14" monitor & all the bits + various progs. Is there a collectors market for these, or do they get scrapped? Mine runs perfectly, but needs a new battery for the clock - I just have the clock appear at the 'open' &...