Search results

  1. B

    Virtual Pc 5.0

    If you bought the full version, it should have also installed some sort of "virtual hard drive" with some sort of PC OS... when you buy VPC, it will say on the box which OS it comes with (eg, win98, win2000, red hat linux, etc). So the message youre getting is that it can't find the virtual...
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    I hate the choices on the initial page

    are all these forums really even necessary though? this is for discussion of mac os x, at least thats what i would assume. there's waaaaaay too many forums in my opinion. its just overwhelming, especially for new people i think...
  3. B

    Poll: PC and/or Mac users in this forum?

    I have an imac and a PC. I love my mac (running x.1), but I also have to say that I love my PC which runs win2k. There are good and bad things about both platforms... I think people who deny this are letting their bias get the better of them. at work, its the same scenario. I have a mac (g4...
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    Website Developer/Programmer

    i would consider myself intermediate-advanced when it comes to php and mysql. :D the project i was working on for the last 5 months got put on hold about a month ago because of lack of funding. i was the lead developer... but we needed ca$h money, so we all went and got jobs. now i work at a...
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    Jaguar - Mac OS X 10.2

    overall i'm very pleased with osx, especially after 10.1 came out. there's only 3 things that I think OSX could really use: 1. virtual desktops. I cannot elaborate enough on how useful these are. Not to everyone, obviously, but "pro" users, and the "UNIX crowd" that OSX kind of appeals to...
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    Anyone know where to find some good High Resolution Backgrounds?

    zerologic: those are some great photos man... im going to have to grab a bunch :D
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    iCab is great

    Yah. the best part about icab is how stable it is. Often I can go for nearly 7 seconds before it crashes. It represents what a true OSX application should be.
  8. B

    Ie & Passive Mode

    I had this problem all the time in the public beta, but havent seen it once in 10.0 or 10.1. I never tried it or anyhting, but maybe trashing your IE prefs could help?
  9. B

    IE Stability: G3 vs G4 issue?

    I've read countless topics at various places about how IE on OSX is extremely unstable, and hence, unusable. However I've never had a problem on my imac. IE rarely crashes on it, maybe once or twice a week. At work we finally got enough licenses that I finally got to install OSX on my...
  10. B

    Apple has got to do something with the dock!

    That thing rocked. One of my favorite CP's from OS9 too :) The dock does everything that it is supposed to do, but that does not mean it doesnt have room for improvement of more features. As it is now, it's really just an application launcher, and a place where your minimized windows go...
  11. B

    IE view-source to BBEdit?

    That would be really really nice, but I've never heard of a way to do that. :cool:
  12. B

    Getting /etc/motd to show with ftpd

    Does your edited MOTD work for non-anonymous ftp? I've never set up anon ftp on my machine and never plan on doing so, but I know that when I edited my MOTD, it showed up in ftp sessions and ssh sessions when i was testing it out.
  13. B

    A few ideas for iTunes 2......

    Amen to that! I hate how you cant change it so it adds the track number in the file name... on anything besides iTunes, it plays the tracks in alphabetical order rather than album order. This is one of my few gripes about iTunes. Overall it's a great app IMNO, but a few little things such as...
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    Window resizing

    faster resizing would be nice, but really, whats the big deal? unless you sit there all day and do nothing but resize windows, it shouldnt be bothersome. when i first got 10.1, i checked out window resizing, wasnt that impressed, didnt care and moved on. once i got all my windows to be a...
  15. B

    Question about MP3 CPU usage in OSX

    check out mint audio: takes a bit to get used to the interface, but once you do its a pretty cool player, and generally takes less than 10% of my cpu. i havent used it for a while, and its been updated a few times since then. it used...
  16. B

    setting up FTP server???

    well the file doesn't exist by default in OSX. I've always seen it as ftpchroot rather than ftpChroot. so typing sudo pico ftpchroot would create the file, not open the existing one (since it doesnt exist). I dont know if it actually matters to the OS if the C is capital or not...
  17. B

    10.1 not for gaming

    That was me. I know that my computer isnt exactly the "king of gaming", but i was saying, compared to OS9, OSX has a much lower framerate and laggy controls in quake 3, since ive played Q3 on both OS's on the same machine. But as I also said, it doesn't really bother me because any games I do...
  18. B

    Vote on the color of this site!

    The colors are a little strange, but after being here just a week im used to them and dont mind them at all. A more neutral scheme might be nice, but I have no problems with the current look. :cool:
  19. B

    Mac 10.1 vs Windows XP

    I didnt realize i was dealing with Sir Genius himself :) Sorry i wasnt trying to be rude, I had forgotten about typing "open" on the command line. But still as other people have said it seems to work only for root and not other users.
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    Virtual Desktop Pager for OSX?

    yah, space is the only virtual desktop program thats been written for OSX, and its extremely limited, although still very useful. I would kill to see a good VD implementation on OSX. I begged apple to write their own (it would seriously not take very long at all for apple to do), but alas they...