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    I'm Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    congrats bro it was about time! now you beat my powerbook hehe
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    Bluetooth: Not Available

    That happened to me also. There are some solutions to that problem in Apple's forums that include resetting PRAM, resetting PMU etc. I tried all of them to no avail, so finally I had to send my PB to Apple for Bluetooth Module replacement. Fortunately it was still under warranty.
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    Simple mouse over help

    You can replace your image using javascript. For example <img src="images/image1.gif" onmouseover="this.src='images/image2.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='images/image1.gif'"> Hope it helps
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    Looking for a Web Design Professional

    Hi macinsm, I've sent you a PM with my details. hope you find them useful.
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    Indesign bleed and pages cuestion

    Thanks a lot wicky! That's exactly the answer I was looking for.
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    Indesign bleed and pages cuestion

    Natobasso thanks for your reply. Regarding the "Facing pages", I had already realised that, but it only lets me put two facing pages and not more. You may ask why would I want more, the answer is to make a trifold brochure for example. As for the bleed, thanks for your answer but already...
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    Indesign bleed and pages cuestion

    HI, I have two questions for you Indesign users out there. - Is there any way to have indesign create the bleed automatically? This is, if I put an element where the page is cut, I want indesign to "extend" it's size according to the bleed settings. I recall QuarkXPress doing that... - Is...
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    PHP and MySQL problems as of 10.3.9

    Did you try repairing permissions?
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    Can you play an extern swf into a flash file?

    Take a look here: and here:
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    Db Gui

    There's a great app thaht is called Aqua Data Studio that can connect to oracle, sybase, mysql, sql server and more. it has code completion but is built in java though. it's a great app. on the other hand a very simple yet effective app is YourSQL, for mysql databases.
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    sql group/order by question

    what you need is this select name,count(name) as c from testdata group by name order by c hope it helps
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    Photoshop experts: How do I get this effect?

    You can do that easily in After Effects and a plug-in called trapcode shine. in PS i think you could do it with radial blur set to zoom though...
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    InDesign questions

    Isn't exporting as PDF a good alternative? you can have all your images reduced to the dpi you specify, of course you will be losing your archive's editability, but if the design is locked, what's the problem with this?
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    illustrator 3d curving problem

    why don't you use the 3d tools built into illustrator, there you can create a clinider and map an art over it...
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    Web design costs guidance

    Hey thanks for the reply!!! I gues I am charging less than 1/3 of what I should.. hehehe... Thanks!
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    Web design costs guidance

    Hi, I'm a Designer from Argentina and regularly I work for clients in the US. Work is good but I think I'm charging too little for my work according to US standards. I would appreciate some guidance on this issue. For example: How much would you charge for designing a website like this from...
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    Dreamweaver MX 2004 wont start

    This may sound silly but have you tried rebooting your iBook? Also try moving the Configuration folder to another location so dreamweaver can create a fresh new one, hope this helps,
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    Photoshop template sizes

    The "safe" areas according to dreamweaver are: 760x420 for 800x600 795x460 for 832x624 955x600 for 1024x768 Although these are not 100% accurate, for example the limit before scrollbars appear in 800x600 is 776px wide ad about 460/500px in height (depending on browser toolbars, icon size...
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    Motorola phones bluetooth support

    To sync motorola phones using bluetooth you need an app called onSync, which can be found at Also you have BluePhoneElite, wich acts as a caller ID, proximity sensor, SMS center, etc. - Also you can...