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  1. D

    WANTED: Used Laptop

    maybe a bit late....but there is a distro of linux for Macs, and its amazing! it's called Yellow Dog, search for it at
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    FOR SALE - iBook 1.2 GHZ 4 Grand of software, DVD burner, 512 ram, 14.1' LCD

    unless you include the actual software, not copies of it, that is illegal. to have the same software license on someone's computer, and keep it for yourself, is a felony if the retail of all the software combined exceeds $2,000. just thought i would let you know.
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    32" LCD widescreen setup resolution

    the Hz is the refresh rate TV's have very low refresh rates, as far as i can recall somewhere around 50hz, 60hz? what video card are you using? does it support S-Video? you could try that sometimes, the drivers/software with a video card can enable TV readiness/optimization that's...
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    how will my g4 733 w/384mb ram perform?

    384 is sufficient for running OSX and web browsing, listening to music, chatting, etc, but I would highly recommend at the least 512mb. If you're going to do media work, it would be best to max it out. I know that maxing out your ram may not be possible right now, but at least get in there are...
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    you can change your preferences so that Konfabulator widgets disappear and reappear with assigned keys and you can make Dashboard widgets remain on the desktop as well i disabled Dashboard, it's pretty resource hungry
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    FS Power Mac G5

    i mean no disrespect what-so-ever, but sir, you are crazy for selling a beauty such as that. sell the display if you must but PLEASE keep the powermac.
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    Airport extreme card Please help! Need Internet!

    if it recognizes that there is an Airport Extreme in System Profiler, then you should have no issues using it. to set it up, go into your Network Preferences, then click on Show then select Airport, from there I would click the checkbox titled "Show Airport status in menu bar." after that, you...
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    Why do ibook g3's still sell for over $350?

    the requirements for Doom are ridiculously high i would definitely recommend a powermac with at least 1 gig of ram
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    F/S Powermac G4 1ghz 1.5gb Extras

    my ibook is on ebay right now G4, 14", 768mb of ddr, 1.33ghz, 60gb hd if my reserve isn't met, i will totally trade you email me Saturday, Nov 5. and maybe we can work something out
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    Canon A75 not compatible with OSX.4

    try using Image Capture(located in Applications) to pull images off the camera it's what i do for my EOS D30 and Digital Rebel when I can't get to a card reader
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    Why do ibook g3's still sell for over $350?

    the mod factor comes into mind, for me the shells are clear plastic, painted white from the inside let them soak in rubbing alcohol for a bit scrub away, and BAM! you have a crystal clear ibook
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    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Haujobb "journey ahead"
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    Photoshop does rely heavily on scratch disks, that is if you have a fairly limited amount of ram and extremely large files i wouldn't recommend setting the ram usage of PS to more than 60% keep in mind, you have an OS to run, and all the background stuff with it
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    Link Sys Wireless Connection to Powerbook G4

    go into your Network preferences, then the Airport pane set up a location for the said router underneath the airport ID should be a click box that says "be default, join :Automatic" just click on it and change it to your specified network and when you're done setting that up, when you're...
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    Beige PN G3 won't read burned cd's

    okay, ill look into that but im using a cd from the same stack of HP cd-r's that i burned OS9 with so i dont think that would make much sense.
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    Beige PN G3 won't read burned cd's

    i have an old Powrmac G3 im trying to get OSX onto for server duty yes, i know it's not officially supported for anything above 10.2.8 but im trying to burn Xpost Facto 4 onto cd, so i can install it but it won't read burned cd's! i burned OS9 just fine, as well as the 9.2.2 updates any...