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  1. F

    apple stats

    hi, does anybody know where i can find statistical material about apple (comp sold > worldwide > usa > europe ..../ OS sold > worldwide ..../ macs used at this time > last week .../ I hope you get the picture) on the net? cheers faxe :confused:
  2. F

    Verbose login...

    sudo nvram boot-args="-v" just works as long as you stay in X one boot in 9.x it is gone, and you have to do it again :rolleyes: faxe
  3. F

    Did you get a manual with your 10.1 update?

    I ordered mine and got the "Manual". But as mentioned before of some use for newbies but nothing else. BTW I ordered from Europe maybe that«s the difference.:)
  4. F

    how does OSX

    handle distribution of CPU power between apps? I am exporting a mpeg movie in Quick Time to a mov file, playing other (mpeg1, mov, ...) movies in another player (Seagull Video Player), playing mp3«s with with iTunes and browsing the web with OmniWeb (by the way I love osx )> iTunes doesn«t...
  5. F

    firewire to SCSI question

    As far as I know you have to have a PCMCIA Slot which supports "cardbus anything" and to my knowledge the 1400 does not have this. I have a Sonnet G3/400 in there. Thank«s for the shareware file, but up to now I have«nt found anything. :( faxe
  6. F

    PB 1400 and OSX

    Have looked right now on the hompage of UUX what I read there it doesn´t look to good for the PB1400 but you are right that it may not be worth the trouble with 64 Meg, though I´ve read that at least the first version of X was installed on an IBook with 64 Meg. About the 64Meg in my 1400 I...
  7. F

    PB 1400 and OSX

    Hi, sorry if this has been questioned and answered before, but is there a way to install OSX on the PB 1400cs (64MB Ram/Sonnett 400Mhz upgrade) thnx for every reply :confused: faxe
  8. F

    Can PC ram use in my G4 Powerbook?

    I have installed 512MB in my Pismo (Kensinton Value Ram) which is now at 640MB and 2x 256 & 1x 512 (again Kensinton Value Ram) which is now at 1GB in my G4 500 Sawtooth. Gave the original "slowwer 3:2:2" Apple Ram to my mothers AMD PC. Had no problems so far running OS 8.6,9.0,9.1,9.2.1(just in...
  9. F

    firewire to SCSI question

    hi everybody I am looking for a way to connect an external FW case to a Mac equiped with a SCSI bus. In my case an an PB 1400 which I want to use as an MP3 jukebox cause I got a Pismo recently. Any sugestions are thankfully welcome. By the way do you know of any way to install OSX on my...