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  1. F

    Big double arrays in C HELP!!!

    Aha, thanks. I'm not too knowledgeable about stacks and heaps. My general impression was that stacks are easier to use when inside a function because the memory allocated to the stack variable automatically gets garbage collected. Being a lazy programmer who just wants programs to work, I...
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    Big double arrays in C HELP!!!

    Hm, well I want such a large range because I want to calculate the value of a Gamma function near 0, and this requires a numerical integration, and I am using an extended trapezoidal rule. Yes, for such kinds of ill-behaved integrands, it is probably better to use a variable interval-size...
  3. F

    Big double arrays in C HELP!!!

    Hi, I want to run this program: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { double y[100000000]; # that's a double array of size 10^8 y[0] = 1; y[99999999] = 1; printf("%f %f\n", y[0], y[size - 1]); } I have a dual 2.5GHz G5 w/ 2.5G of...
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    ulimit and hard limits

    I'm using 10.3.9, and I wrote a program that needs to access a lot of memory, so I wanted to do ulimit -s unlimited but OS X won't let me. I did a ulimit -H -a and found stack size is hard limit is 64M. I know on Linux, there is a /etc/security/limits.conf file root can edit...
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    Did I just find a bug in gcc/g++?

    thanks, will get adc membership!
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    Did I just find a bug in gcc/g++?

    Yeah, I installed Xcode (1.2) that came with my Panther install CD. Do you know if you have to be an ADC member to install Xcode updates? thanx mr. concaca!
  7. F

    Did I just find a bug in gcc/g++?

    yeah, i forgot to mention, i am using g++, hence the #include <cstdio> the thing that i don't understand is that on my linux machine, the code above works correctly, so it gives a different result than on my mac. and i thought as long as you were able to see a macro (meaning if it...
  8. F

    Did I just find a bug in gcc/g++?

    Hello, I'm doing some calculations for my master's thesis, and I think I found a bug in gcc/g++. So can some knowledgeable person tell me whether it is/isn't a bug, and if so, should I report it to Apple? So I boiled the problem down to 2 simple programs, one buggy and the other not...
  9. F

    Installing GDB?

    Hi. Assuming you're using OS X, gdb/gcc should be available on the Developer Tools CD. Just install it that way, as Developer Tools (or whatever its called these days) installs other stuff like C include files and things necessary for compiling and debugging a program. BTW, if you are in need...
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    Javascript/OpenSource question

    Hi, one day a long time ago (3 yrs), I was working on Javascript where I really wanted to be able to use Java/C++ style inheritance instead of the built in prototype inheritance, so I came up with a scheme to do this. Now I'm working on some ActionScript in Flash and needed this facility yet...
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    Login Screen Customization

    Cool, Visage from VersionTracker did the trick. I really like it.:D
  12. F

    Login Screen Customization

    Is there a way to customize the wallpaper of the login screen? thanx
  13. F

    PHP error_log on Console

    Does anyone know how to make the error_log () function print out to I want to call error_log(message, 0) I know there is a variable in php.ini called error_log = syslog. I've tried error_log = "/dev/console" in php.ini, and no cigar. :confused:
  14. F

    Some Qs

    A while ago, I started a thread about why C is so hard to learn. See, I am not a CS student or a computer professional. A long time ago I bought K&R's C Programming Language for a summer job in college, I was so clueless that I did a void main() { int *i; for( *i = 0; *i < 5...
  15. F

    Running remote X Win apps on OS X

    Ahh, so that's what the screen shot of the web browser in the doc was. I forgot what brand my router is. But thanks for the tips. Now I think I know what to do. Cool! OS X is great for physics BTW. In fact the reason why I wanted the X DISPLAY was so I can make sure my hmwk for my "math...
  16. F

    Running remote X Win apps on OS X

    >> if you are behind a NAT firewall router (which you almost certainly are, if you are sharing a home connection), then you need to get your router to forward port 6000 to your machine. Okay, I looked through the docs for my router, and it does say that it is a NAT firewall router. But I...
  17. F

    Running remote X Win apps on OS X

    I have OS X running in my apt, and I want to run an X app from school, so I start OroborOSX on my machine and type xhost <remote machine name> on my terminal, and xhost adds the remote machine to the access control list. Then I set the DISPLAY variable on the remote machine to...
  18. F

    Idea for a better 2 button + scroll Mac mouse

    Last week I finally layed my hockey puck mouse to rest in favor of a Logitech wheel mouse because I downloaded Quake III and hated not having at least 2 buttons and a wheel. As much as I was loathe to get such an unattractive looking mouse (well, not that bad, but ugly compared to one of those...
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    Unix apps

    If you want a nice TeX package and don't care whether it is a Unix app, why don't you go for teTeX (this thing is Unix) and TeXShop (this is the Mac OSX graphical front end to teTeX) available at Unix Apps and Utilities Go to the...
  20. F

    Why is writing C so hard!

    --> If you are a real JAVA programmer, learning C or C++ is not much of a stretch. Pick up one of those "learn C in 10 minutes" books. <-- I WAS a Java programmer professionally for 2 yrs, and I worked inside a big project, so I think I'm pretty real as a Java programmer. And the first...