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  1. H

    Did Apple just kill modern TV?

    Since the release of the new video iPod and browsing through iTunes 6, I can't help but think that they way we watch TV is about to be changed. Should all the major networks sign up with Apple, cable and satellite providers are going to take a hit. Point #1 I personally watch TV twice a...
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    NeXT Step 3.0 video with Steve Jobs

    I find it ironic that Steve Jobs comments on how the NeXT Step OS drastically improves corporate productivity, yet years have passed and Apple has struggled in this segment. I am in amazement at how advanced this OS was and how much of OS X is really based on it. peace.
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    Formatting window layout in Mail

    I realize I can do that, but what I'm looking to do is have all windows display in vertical columns. It is very similar to the way you navigate through the Finder using the column view. If you use or have seen this feature in Outlook, you would know exactly what I mean.
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    Formatting window layout in Mail

    Is it possible to layout the windows in Mail similar to Outlook? I have really come to like the side-by-side layout that Outlook uses. right now I have the preview pane on and my drawer on the right side. I think it makes more sense to just have everything flow from left to right...
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    Enqueuing a song from my iPod

    So there are playlists and there is iTunes. I make playlists on iTunes then sync to my iPod. That's great. What I would love to do is enqueue a song right from my iPod into a playlist or simply just the next song to play. Is there anyway to do this right from my iPod, or am I always going...
  6. H word association!

  7. H


    Is there such a Mac program like Snort that will run on Mac OSX?..something that does not have to be compiled and that has a gui? what other programs are available for the mac with respect to network security? peace.
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    iPod connection issue: disk spinning with magnifying glass

    everytime i connect my pod to my mac, it displays a spinning disk with a magnifying glass--and I mean everytime. what is up with that? is this normal? peace.
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    New features for iChat

    Just checked out Adium ( I saw one feature that really grabbed me and that was the organization of chat windows. Instead of having each chat in a seperate window, you can have them in one window and click on each chat using a tab/tabs. I think that is a must have for 10.4...
  10. H

    Powerbook 15 vs 17

    i've had my powerbook for 3 years now. I've used through college, at work, and on the road. I've been very satisfied. The 15" high end config is the best route to go. I got the top of the line 15"ti and I haven't made any hardware upgrades in 3 years. peace.
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    Itunes college license program

    whats the big deal about that...can't we just go to the internet and download it ourselves? peace.
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    Powerbook 15 vs 17

    after my experience with ti15", i would only go smaller. the 17" is awesome, but i have no praticality for that. The 15 is just fine and in the future i might even consider going smaller. although all are relatively thin, the bigger they get the bulkier they can be. I truely use my laptop as...
  13. H

    Wireless Firewire?

    Read this on this morning. I believe there is going to be a plethora of options for wireless connectivity in the future. Eventually they will all pan out, and something will standardize the market. Right now, everything is new so all this trial and error stuff is going to be...
  14. H

    Apple website: Loading in tabs a good idea?

    just a though......and its simply just that. Would it be cool if Apple's web page loaded as tabs in safari? would it work, be feasible, or is this simply a dumb idea. peace.
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    Got my iPod...Do i dare open?

    its opened...... peace.
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    Got my iPod...Do i dare open?

    well it was a gift. and the person understands my point of view. im just itching to open it...but still not convinced.
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    Got my iPod...Do i dare open?

    So I got my iPod, that I have so longed for. But I'm actually not excited to open it. I'm afraid that something better is going to come out at the developers conference. The other part of me thinks that Apple is not going to change anything about the iPod. Its still too early for a change...
  18. H

    Apple´s Handheld Plans..

    I'm putting my money on a Apple type cell phone with camera. Syncs with address book, iphoto, ical, mail, and works with ichat. it just makes sense. peace.
  19. H

    C++ and XCode Question

    good stuff...thanx a bunch. peace.
  20. H

    C++ and XCode Question

    I'm writing some code in Xcode using C++. Where do I need to put files (ie text files that contain data) so i can input the data from them. Currently I have them in the folder in which the project resides. I reference them using this code:"file.txt");. When i run the program it...