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  1. E

    Tiger upgrade / LaCie D2 problem

    It's not the powersupply, the drive is still fine on non tiger Macs. And of course, yes I disconnected all the firewire stuff when doing the upgrade.
  2. E

    Tiger upgrade / LaCie D2 problem

    Hi, I've searched on this and tried all the possible fixes I could find but to no avail. Since upgrading to Tiger my Lacie D2 120GB won't mount and in fact freezes the finder (well, I get a spinning beachball of death and nothing will work). So far I've tried... Software update to 10.4.1...
  3. E

    Right-Click Delay Hell

    Mr mindbend, you absolutely do rule! My right click delay in your text edit test was nineteen seconds! You can probably imagine how mad this has been driving me and this is the only place I've found mention of the problem, let alone the solution. Thank you very much. The annoying thing is I've...
  4. E

    Panther 7A179 - detailed report with screenshots

    Can anyone report on Flash playback speeds? Maybe report on your FPS on the Moock Flash speedometer - Thanks.
  5. E

    Jaguar made me deaf

    Since I installed Jag on my TiBook the sound output level has approximately halved. Anyone know why? Anyone noticed the same thing happen to them?
  6. E

    What's your Instant Messenging application ?

    I'm using Fire at the moment but only because I hated AIM so much and needed to talk to someone on that network. I have to say though, I downloaded Proteus first and hated the usability of it. Fire seems pretty decent.
  7. E

    quick jaguar question

    Woohoo! Thanks. I was starting to worry.
  8. E

    quick jaguar question

    Hi, I feel kind of stupid having to ask this question but... Can anyone tell me if my TiBook 550 is likely to have a gfx card that will take advantage of Quartz Extreme? According to the system profiler I've got a RageM6 (whatever that is?) thanks people.
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    Quick question for the Jaguar people

    I take it you are talking about Macs running Jaguar? I wasn't very clear in my question, but if you are, that's great news, thanks. :D
  10. E

    Quick question for the Jaguar people

    Can anybody tell me if Flash playback speed is even vaguely comparable to a PC? Thanks in advance :)
  11. E

    director for osx?

    Director is not going to get axed. This is one of those stupid rumours that eminate out yahoo groups and people start taking them seriously. And the reason cited (Flash MX) is just plain silly. Consider these two questions: 1. You need to make a dynamic content driven, media rich, immersive...