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    The link is invalid. Please repost.
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    PTHVolume with wClock has a MOSX section. PTHVolume PTHClock are both there. Plus a whole lot more.
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    PTHVolume with wClock

    That's a LOT easier than modifying the Defaults.xml file. You are right. There should be a standard.
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    PTHVolume with wClock

    I've happily been using wClock from Wolf Software as a replacement for the Menu Clock. I then found PTHVolume, a menubar volume control. It's very well designed and blends nicely into the Aqua interface. Even uses a Genie effect to disappear. However... By default it sits right where...
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    The Sound Fix

    Just in case anyone missed it: On older machines that use the AWACS sound chip, the default installation will prevent sound from working. As an example, I have an 8500 with a G3 upgrade. The installation was a breeze. However, no sound. Very disappointing. Persusing through here, I...
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    Missing Sound Fix???

    TextEdit works just fine. Drag the icon onto TextEdit in the Dock holding down option-command. This will open the file. Make sure that it is saved as plain text.
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    Missing Sound Fix???

    You are right. There is no Info.plist. You have to open: /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAudioScreamer.kext/Info-macos.xml Do a search for "davbus". Replace it with "awacs". That will fix the problem IF the chipset on the machine in question is indeed AWACS. It worked on a 8500 with a...
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    First Post! nyah nyah

    So far so good! I like the idea. I would also like to see window and path structure as contextual menus within the Dock. Similar to A-Dock combined with WappPro on OS9.
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    PowerMac 8500 -> G3 DaughterBoard?

    I finally received my PB copy on Oct 13. What a wait! On my iMacSE (at work) the install was a breeze! I was on the 'net in minutes. Even through a network firewall. At home, on the 8500 with G3/300 upgrade, the install was also a breeze. No problems whatever. Running it is a little...
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    PowerMac 8500 -> G3 DaughterBoard?

    Whew! That's good to here... I'd hate to only be able to run it at work on my iMac DV/SE. I'll let you all know what happens next week... (When UPS get's their slug-butt to my house)
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    PowerMac 8500 -> G3 DaughterBoard?

    I have a PPC8500 that had the daughterboard upgraded to a G3 300mhz. It has 2 video cards in it too. Both older ATI cards. It has 208megs of RAM. My concern is the compatibility with the upgrade, the video and the fact that the CD drive is probably less than 8x. Anyone know if I'm SOL?