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  1. C

    Do you pay all your software ?

    I am one of the few people that use the cracked software but if I like it I GO AND BUY IT I think if a programer makes an awesome product, We as a people should pay him or the company manly for gratitude for a job well done. But dont get me started on some software which is sub-par and...
  2. C

    Will Ferrell Switch Ad

    I have the movie if you want it i can email it to you!!!!!!
  3. C

    Apple's newest Switch ad!

    Thank you for the daily laugh I am going to watch this every day for a month..... I almost pee'd myself
  4. C

    Switch campaign - the other way round

    I SWITCHED BACKKKK!!!!!!!!!! Got your attention huh? I only switched back cause over a year ago I got my iBook (Orange clamshell) stolen:eek: Man did that suck Azz.... And before OS X too ughhhhhh I had and still have a PC, even with the mac. I think my PC does serve its puprpose...
  5. C

    this seems suspicious???

    Yes i did Pick the name "Culo" and i do know what it means in spanish. It was my nick name through HighSchool and College and on the Basketball court all around Chicago. (Plus a Few in Champaign, IL) But on the Dj software thing I still Use My PC just For "PCDJ-Red" and to use "Acid pro...
  6. C

    this seems suspicious???

    I am an idiot, And maybe I am missing something, but I find a connection between the things I circled on the apple switch ad. Maybe its an international DJ symbol and i dont know it. I was bored at work and saw this connection. So if anyone noticed this too tell me what I am missing...
  7. C

    Post your BAD M$ joke

    Well i hope you get a laugh out of it???? Three women are sitting in a bar talking about their love lives. The first one says, "My husband is an architect. When we make love it has power, it has form, it has function. It's incredible!" The second one says, "My husband is an artist. When...
  8. C

    Best place to get a used Apple portable

    i posted the same thing and no one answered it:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: If i find anything I will help!!!!! Good luck on the search
  9. C

    Anybody feel like getting ticked off?

    sorry to double post but i read some more replies on the article.....and all i can say is WHAT THE $%^&*()????????? how many closed minded people are on the net???? I cant belive how many people bash something they have never use for more than 15 min at a store?????
  10. C

    Anybody feel like getting ticked off?

    I really dont know where to start???? I dont know where to end?????? I am speech less?????? Butt what makes it worse is PC mags "disscusion board" and what people replied??????????? I am so ........ forget it give I up????????????
  11. C

    Wheres a good place to buy a clamshell iBook?

    Wheres a good place to buy a clamshell iBook? I know i could try ebay but is there anywhere else that i could pick one up for a good price? I want toget one to use while i save for a powerbook, plus i think those brightly colored iBooks would be a cool thing to keep in the livingroom...
  12. C

    Which Windows features?

    the only thing i can think of is........ummmmm........ i guess the fact that Programs come out first, a broader range of apps, and a broader range of PIRATED apps. another thing i would like is MORE STORES CARRYING APPLE PRODUCTS. it suck that i have to travel 1 hour in traffic to get to...
  13. C

    NBA finals and Apple ads

    isnt funny Apple bought commercial spots on the NBA finals (THE LOWEST RATED FINALS) I just saw the on with the windows LAN admin. HAHAHAH LOVE'N it
  14. C

    New Apple Ads

    I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :p :confused: :p :confused:
  15. C

    New Apple Ads

    Whoa ......... i just said that was the first thing i thought when i saw the ad. "Where's the token black or latino guy in the ad" It was more of a light-hearted comment. ( a joke ) i was stating an opinion, please oh for the love of "what ever you worship" (being politically correct), just...
  16. C

    Who's your favorite apple ad "CHARACTER"?

    Mine isSarah Whistler "That Horrid little machine" I laughed so hard i changed my underware TWICE:confused:
  17. C

    New Apple Ads

    I will still stick by the concept of apple's new marketing no offense to the people in the ads, BUT where in the !@#$% did they find that bunch of @#$%. Thank you apple for the great laugh today.
  18. C

    New Apple Ads

    WHATS WITH ALL THE WHITE PEOPLE IN THOSE ADS???? Wheres the "token" Latino or black guy to show diversity???? Not trying to stir up anything.........just saying my first impresion?? But i think the Idea of the ads and bringing in PC's to the apple stores, Plus the virtualPC demo's...
  19. C

    Flagship Stores.

    MAC bashing is the fun of going to compusa. I usually go to the one on touhy and central. I stop in there when i am waiting to see a movie.... i go striat to the mac section and the same guy is always there tryin to get me to buy the Toshiba satilite instead of the iBook. given the...
  20. C

    Flagship Stores.

    I think early 2003 is a bad Business move... two times to open a computer is June-July rigth when the College and school students splurge before school. Or before X-mas, cause you know if its a new store all those stupid rich folk walking on the mag-mile during christmas shopping see a new...