Search results

  1. Factor41

    OS X version of Disk Wizard, FindIt or similar?!

    Umm, hi. Yeah, I think we did just find an OS X version of Disk Wizard or Disk Tracker or something in the end. Works a treat! Thanks for the timely reply! :D
  2. Factor41

    Leopard woes or Use error?

    Having the same problem, but also if I search for something within a folder, it finds it. If I then do the same search on the whole volume, it doesn't pick it up. It's getting frustrating having to use a Tiger computer to do searches, then navigate to the file manually on my Leopard Mac. Rubbish!
  3. Factor41

    Mentor Router Refusing to Port Forward

    Yeah, I said that in my second post! I was thrown by the fact that the outside IP didn't work from inside, clever as I was being. Cheers, all!
  4. Factor41

    Mentor Router Refusing to Port Forward

    Not mine - it's a work one so if it works, it works. The rest of the network is fine and gigabit, just the internet link that's below par. I think much of that is down to the ISP tho.
  5. Factor41

    Mentor Router Refusing to Port Forward

    Sussed it - tried from home and it works perfectly when you're outside the network! Bleedin' thing...
  6. Factor41

    Mentor Router Refusing to Port Forward

    Hi all, I've got a network here which is connected to the internet through a Mentor router - not sure which model exactly, but the control panel matches pics I've seen for the Annex-A-V3.27. My problem is this - I have a Mac Mini on the network that I have set up as a web/ftp server. Since...
  7. Factor41

    Exporting PDF/X-able Postscript files from QuarkXPress7

    Thanks for the reply, but I knew that! The thing is, we want all the processing done by the other computer which is running Distiller. All the files are fine and work perfectly through QXP6, but not through 7. Seems there's some change in the way it prints Postscript files - that's what we need...
  8. Factor41

    Exporting PDF/X-able Postscript files from QuarkXPress7

    Hi, We've got a Mac here running Distiller and have generally printed Postscript files through an Acrobat 7.0 PPD to the Distiller which then produces PDF/X-1a:2001 compliant PDFs files. This works fine from QuarkXPress 6.5, but from 7.03, the Distiller always returns the error that no...
  9. Factor41

    Mighty Mouse Won't Scroll Down

    Just blew on it and it started working! Gotta love modern technology. Cheers!
  10. Factor41

    Mighty Mouse Won't Scroll Down

    I've got a mighty mouse with my work MacPro and it's been great, except that this morning it stopped scrolling down. I've restarted and checked the prefs and it doesn't look like i've inadvertently altered some settings (as I quite often do). It still scrolls up and sideways, just not down...
  11. Factor41

    Help me get a mac book!

    I don't think it's your age, I think it's your attitude. People on this site are passionate about their Macs, new and old. You seem to dismiss anything other than latest technology as worthless which is what got you off on the wrong foot. I also don't think the support aspect of the site is...
  12. Factor41

    Help me get a mac book!

    In which case, either sell what you've got or be content with being a spoilt kid, rather than a greedy spoilt kid. Not much of a choice, I know, you you've made your bed... or got your maid to do it for you.
  13. Factor41

    Help me get a mac book!

    Well, a year in and I have $620.73. Not a MacBook granted, but an Intel MacMini to play with ain't half bad for some sugary fruit drinks and a street-full of thirsty workers. Dude, you have four Macs, at least one of which (if your nick is anything to go by) is good enough to run OS X. What...
  14. Factor41

    Wanadoo Livebox

    Ah yes. Been here myself. Simply make sure that the connection is showing in your Network prefs as whatever port the Livebox is on, be it wireless or Ethernet, then in a web browser go to http://administration.adsl This accesses the box's internal gubbins. Login: admin Password: admin and...
  15. Factor41

    G4 upgrade advice...

    Yeah, I quite like it too! Bit of a pain trying to get some kip while something's downloading, but at least most of the drives go to sleep after a while. The Seagate's are pretty good on the noise front really, but with three or four of them, it's a fair old row they make.
  16. Factor41

    Security Update Broke My Mac

    Repaired the permissions, Disk Util reckons all my drives are a-ok. The little things were just other stuff on the Software Update. Can't remember exactly, but prob just quicktime update or something (I have QT7Pro). Nothing that should have broken the system. How would creating a new user...
  17. Factor41

    G4 upgrade advice...

    Hmmm, the SMART thingies in my drives are reading 36, 44 and 45 degrees, and the operating temps are given as 0-60 (5-55 for the 200Gb) so I have some room to play with. There's easily room for another drive in there, so I might get me one of them Y-splitters and see how it copes. The 867...
  18. Factor41

    Upgrading hard drive in G4

    If you have an ATA100 controller, the ATA133 drive will just run slower I believe? As I said on another thread, I'm a space-crazed graphics user the route I took was to get a Serial-ATA card. I had a 40Gb and 80Gb on my internal ATA bus so added a Sonnet Tempo 2-channel card (cheaper than the...
  19. Factor41

    Imac G5

    Sounds like an external drive is best for your needs, and you can get huge ones pretty cheaply these days. Best bet is to use the external for storage but keep your system files on the internal bus drive which is faster. SATA is 1500 mbps vs 480 (USB2.0) or 400/800 (FireWire) which you'll get...
  20. Factor41

    G4 Dual Mirrored - Crt Monitor Cuts Off At Blue Load Screen

    Sounds like you have your system set to a resolution your monitor can't handle. We have some manky Dellboy flatscreens at work and people are forever setting them to resolutions they can't handle. After they panic and restart their Mac, they usually start up so far, then switch to the new res...