
  1. J

    Password bug

    I think this is a bug. Both my admin password and my root password ends with a number. My friends acounts password does not. The fact is that you can add letters and numbers after the password (which ends with a number). example: i enter the terminal and type 'su' then i type...
  2. J

    Password bug

    I think this is a bug. Both my admin password and my root password ends with a number. My friends acounts password does not. The fact is that you can add letters and numbers after the password (which ends with a number). example: i enter the terminal and type 'su' then i type...
  3. G

    iTunes 1.1.1 bug

    I have a very interesting problem in iTunes v. 1.1.1, if i click anywhere in the play bar ( the black bar on the yellow background) it goes to the next file, intstead of going to where i clicked.
  4. P

    Avatar display bug

    I noticed today that in OmniWeb, avatars in JPEG format are not displayed correctly. It seems that the vBulletin software sends out a file called "Avatar.php" for files with "*.jpg" extensions while GIF formatted files are sent out as "Avatar.php.gif". The lack of a valid image extension causes...
  5. O

    iMac 333 with new memory / and G4 with new memory BUG !!!!

    This strange and bizarr event accurd to me and a good friend of mine, when installing MacOS X !! After buying new memory for my iMac 333/ and memory for the G4 and later upgrading to MacOS X, The computers dont wanna start up any more not even a sound our a flashing singn of the startup...
  6. davidbrit2

    Goofy Dock "Bug"

    This is a funny little minor bug that doesn't really harm anything. Try this: grab one of your dock icons (any one will do.) Drag it slowly to just a few pixels above the Dock's upper border (or side, or bottom, depending on how you've got it positioned.) If done correctly, the Dock will sort of...
  7. J

    Slowness due to optimization bug?

    I've read on appleinsider.com that some users (mostly iBooks and older G3s) are experiencing very slow performance. They say it's due to an optimization bug in the istallation process for OSX. When you are installing it *should* optimize the OS for your particular computer but actually it...
  8. J

    Mail.app Bug

    Does anyone have this happen to them? When they command - q to quit a program the mail window just pops open if it was closed....It happens all the time...
  9. Z

    Interesting bug in the CLI?

    Here's an interesting problem I've found: From the terminal (or other CLI login) run ftp. Now suspend it with ^-Z. Every time you press return from now on, you should be appraised of the fact that ftp is in fact suspended (abnormal). Now, try to resume it with fg. ftp no longer responds...
  10. strobe

    Bug: KEXT loading

    One long standing bug which has yet to be fixed is one which prohibits KEXT loading if specific hardware is connected. Basically when such hardware is connected no KEXTs are loaded and cannot be loaded either automatically or manually. The obvious symptom is no sound. kmodstat shows if...
  11. M

    Classic Bug

    When I launch classic in OS X I get this message: "The System Software on the startup disk only functions on the original media, not if copied to another drive." I'm clueless here. I haven't copied anything to anywhere; OS X is on the same partition I originally installed it on and classic...
  12. M

    SERIOUS BUG regarding fsck/RAID and HFS+/netatalk or samba

    I want to let people know there are two issues with Mac OS X Server 1.2. There is no good reason to believe that the Mac OS X Beta is not similarly affected. The first problem occurs when attemping to fsck a UFS volume. fsck will hang when executed. The problem occurs when using the...
  13. G

    Bug with Microsoft software using Microsoft services

    I didn't know whether to get really mad or break out laughing when I found this - every time I try to log into hotmail using explorer, I get redirected to a screen prompting me to enter my password again. No, matter what I do, I end up at this screen. Note: this was not accompanied by an error...
  14. B

    HORIBLE EVIL BUG, Wrecks computer

    The few posts about terminal.app not working are a result of this. I have found a HORIBLE EVIL BUG in MacOSX!! All of these files have ben some zeroed out, they dont have a file size! Other people are reporting the problem on macosx.com but i'm afraid this might happen to alot more people as...