
  1. T

    $HOME/bin -- terminal question

    hi! i have a shell script that i need to copy in $HOME/bin. Now, this is my first real encounter with the terminal. What is $HOME/bin and how do I accomplish this simple move? (the insturctions i'm following assume i know the basics...) Please help! yours, tench
  2. LordCoven

    checking battery from terminal

    has anyone come accross a way to check the status of a battery in an iBook (or PowerBook I supose) from the terminal. Thnx, C
  3. drgreg

    trash emtying terminal command

    several months ago some kind soul posted a very useful bit of information to this forum about how to write a little app that you could run under terminal to empty your trash when it was reluctant to do so. i followed the instructions and wrote the little app and stored it in a folder called...
  4. xaqintosh

    strange terminal problem

    whenever I try to type in various commands, especially with fink, it says command not found, unless I type "/sw/bin/fink" every time that gets obnoxious, what should I do to fix it? also, when I use finkcommander, it says my download program is not installed. what should I do? I tried...
  5. E

    A newbie terminal question and a XDarwin question

    Hi everyone .. i am running MacOSX 10.2.3 ... did the installation for xfree4.1.0 ... and created the ~/Library/init/tcsh/path file ... and copied the xinitrc file to ~ ... when i clicked on XDarwin to start XServer up ... i get the X icon ... then the green clock ... and after a while...
  6. 3mors

    Different terminal commands on jaguar.

    I have two questions: 1. Why, if I use tab key to complete a path, doesn't terminal show me all the possible choices anymore? 2. Why doesn't "ll" or "l" command exist anymore? And Is there a way to get colored list of files as "ls --color" in Unix?
  7. T

    How to delete in Terminal?

    I'm new to all this and when I try to run MySQL, it says that my one file could not be deleted and that I need to do it manually. It's a pid file. It won't let me just drag it to the trash so I'm wondering how to delete it in terminal... I know "mkdir" is make directory, "cd" is change...
  8. S

    Terminal Problem

    Every time i open a Terminal window it executes [Computer-van-Stijn-Smets:~] stijnsmets% /tmp/CodeWarriorJava.command; exit cd /Rega/3de Jaar/Projectwerk/Eindwerk java -cp .:/Rega/3de Jaar/Projectwerk/Eindwerk/JavaClasses.jar:/Rega/3de...
  9. ApeintheShell

    terminal won't display new shell

    i started up the terminal today to write a paper in pico and it wouldn't display the shell. I tried stretching it and than went to preferences for the window and it showed 2500 columns 5 rows. That normal? anyone seen this sort of anomally?
  10. O

    mount image on terminal

    hi, how can i mount a diskimage (.img or .dmg) on the terminal? thanks for all! ogg
  11. T

    mkdev in Terminal??

    "Use the mkdev command to add the drive to the system. Type mkdev hd id host 0 and press Enter at the # prompt where id is the SCSI ID of the drive." How come this does not work in the Terminal. I used sudo to put myself as ROOT. Thank you.
  12. T

    Format HD using Terminal

    Hi all, I am not familiar with terminal commands. How can I list the HDs on my computer via the terminal. And, How can I tell the terminal to format a particular HD (using FDISK I think). I have 3 HDs on my computer. 2 IDE and 1 SCSI. Thank you.
  13. michaelsanford

    Some commands localized in terminal in 10.1!

    My system is localized in French, but I've never noticed this happen in the terminal before! None of the other commands do this (as far as I've checked, like mkdir, awk, etc), and all the manpages are English.. :confused: [gwailo:~/Library/Preferences]% grep Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATRON...
  14. Giaguara

    Terminal fun?

    How do you use your terminal? I meant the weird ... or not so usual ways to use it.. :p Any suggestion what (variety of things) one can combine with it?? i launch many apps from it, i try to change some features of some apps in it, i change gpg keys practically only in terminal... i fixed...
  15. R

    would like finder menu choice open terminal from here

    There was a Microsoft PowerToy called "Open Command Window Here" Open Command Window Here This PowerToy adds an "Open Command Window Here" context menu option on file system folders, giving you a quick way to open a command window (cmd.exe) pointing at the selected folder. I would love...
  16. S

    Terminal FTP Question

    I think I migh have had a very long week this weekend... :p Problem: Can someone tell me; how can I upload a directory with its contents and sub-directories via FTP using the Terminal? Why?: Eventually I want to create a script that will automatically do this overnight to upload reports...
  17. C

    Terminal User Input into a variable for a script

    I have a Xserve setup as an FTP Server only. I edited the System/Library/User Templates the way I wanted but it doesn't carry over the permissions. I want to run the below script. I'm going to save it in /bin as myftpperm so it is in the root's path. Let's say I have a user named apple...
  18. michaelsanford

    Neat cd backup utility for terminal

    http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/17107 I've been loooking for something that will do this for a long time...not too hot on the hfspax compression though.
  19. S

    terminal telnet problem...

    hello, i am having the following problem after typing telnet at the terminal prompt: dyld: telnet Undefined symbols: telnet undefined reference to _tgetent expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib Trace/BPT trap which then sends me back to a prompt, leaving me unable to...
  20. michaelsanford

    Proper way to write and execute a terminal script?

    I've got some commands that parse out my web logs into readable, catgorized columns suitable for other post-processing (excel, MySQL, whatever). The only problem is that to rip apart my logs I'm entering a bunch of command sequentially into the terminal. Obviously this is stupid, but I don't...