windows to mac

  1. S

    Can't print to my HP Officejett K60

    I just bought an iMac and am in the adjustment phase (learning). I connected the printer using via USB. The printer was visible, but there was no suitable driver found, so I downloaded guenprint-5.0.2.U.dmg and usbtb-1.0.15.uni.dmg. I was able to select the driver called HP Officejet K60 -...
  2. N

    iPhoto resizing??

    Still loving this mac!! I have questions that come up from time to time. The latest, I did a search on resizing photos I could not find any answers. Windows has a "Photo Resize" power pack. It was a left click function that would make a full size picture small enough to email or post...
  3. M

    Burned DVD's not playing in a standard DVD player??

    Hi, First week of being a mac user and I am trying to convert a avi file and the burn it to dvd. Previously in windows I used "convertXtoDVD", which was great. When looking for a MAC alternative I found VisualHub, which seemed to do the trick, the dvd was burned. The thing is that when I try...
  4. S

    is this hardware enough to try mac?

    I want to try mac os, but I've some doubts regarding mac os. I have an intel pentium 4 processor 1.8GHz, with 1GB DDR primary memory, and a nvidia 6200 128mb GPU, and secondary memory of 120GB, which release or version os mac runs on this system? I'm desperate to try Mac-Os once...
  5. S

    folder size info

    When I view my folders in the finder as a list, it doesn't tell me how bid the folders are. There's a size culumn, but it's blank. Is there any way to vew the size of a folder without clicking "get info"? Also, if i need to know the size of several folders and I click "get info", it...
  6. T

    Missing icons in Finder cover flow

    Hi, I'm new to Mac's, and have managed to mess up my finder cover flow in 10.5. I updated the icons with the Glass icons I found on the apple site, they are updated correctly in the 'get info' details for everything, and in most views they are now correctly displaying the new icons...
  7. P

    script-software to convert .msg messages

    Hi, I have just ported over to mac osx from windows.I'd like to ditch windows altogether but need to find a way to convert .msg outlook emails that I have. I don't have a recent version of outlook that will run on Vista (in bootcamp) so many of the software I have seen is no good.I have...
  8. J

    slideshow in iphoto

    I am a switcher. I have had successful experiences using MSMovie Maker to display photos with music edited to go with the pictures. I am attempting to do the same thing in iphoto. I have learned that only one selection of music from itunes will play. It will loop. I cannot add a second, third...
  9. E

    ibook A1005

    I recently aquired an apple ibook A1005. I am based in Kenya-East africa where technical support on mac products is not available. 1) is there any mac dealer based in kenya? 2) if not how do I switch from mac os x to windows xp os 3) how do I activate internet through GPRS on the current system...
  10. M

    How do I grab a photo's URL?

    Hi. I've just switched to an iMac with wireless keyboard and mighty mouse, after many years on the PC. I wondered how to do the the things with this that I used to do by right-clicking the mouse on the pc. Specifically at the moment how to get the url of a photo on the net. I usd to right-click...
  11. P

    cannot find stuff!

    Hi I know this is a real no brainer but well i have always reckoned if i can suss out new computers or s/w anyone can! Well here i am completely stuck. I have just got my new imac Jaguar os- and can i work out how to do a find !!?? I have used both the find under edit and the spy glass and...
  12. N

    Word to iWork

    I was told when I purchased iWork '08 it was compatible with MS. I tried opening a Word doc and it would not open in iWord. The trial Word program opened instead. I would like to bypass all MS programs and just use iWork. Is there something that I have to do in order for this to happen or I am...
  13. Digital FX

    problem with preview

    Recently I noticed the preview in finder window were not reading any of mp4's that downloaded of youtube. All I can say is this (1) Any mp4 videos that were copied from dvd using a program called handbrake work fine. (2) Any flv videos work fine and (3) any flv's that were converted into mp4's...
  14. A

    Making My Mac Wireless -Help!

    I have a Mac and also my brother has a PC. I want to make them both Wireless. I know for a PC you can buy a Wireless card (usb). All the wireless cards I looked at are only for PC's. Are there any made for Apples/Mac? My Mac is an OS X Version 10.4.11 and my PC is running on Windows 98. I...
  15. imacg5guy

    why doesnt my G5 have photo booth?

    well... it has the isight camera at the top... i don't understand why it doesn't have isight... is it suppose to have Photo Booth? and if it is, I've searched for it in application folder and I've spotlighted it :( help please -.-
  16. N

    Putty vs. Terminal (Copy from highlight)

    I work on a PC at work, and sometimes here at home. In Putty, the SSH program I use for CLI, when you highlight something it automatically puts that information into the clipboard. Coming from a long Unix background I'd actually like this behavior on all the applications. Highlighting...
  17. imacg5guy

    i dont know where the command button is on the keyboard!?

    '....and the winner is for most N00BIEST question on goes to - imacg5guy!' yes, my question is STUPID!but i simply cant find it....i think i have an old key board :|
  18. H

    Genius tablet drivers

    Have Genius tablet for windows but no drivers for mac. Help Please
  19. D

    loaded Parallels - not working

    1st time (and probably last time) Mac user. Just bought Macbook Pro for wife. she uses Quickbook Pro for our business - so bought Office and QB Pro for Mac. Unfortunately QB for Mac sucks as it doesn't allow us to do credit cards, pull up customer list, etc.. - so she says to trash the Mac or...
  20. G

    what mac os can l run on my pc

    please could you tell me if l can rum mac on my PC? as l am doing a course at collage which only use mac OS x