
I just read the updated info on the Apple site about the 10.0.2 update and the iTunes update.
Can't wait to go home!! 5 more hours! Bummer!

I think the update is in two parts. One update for the OS and another for iTunes for OSX. the apple press release mentioned OS upgrade offers application stability and support for ftpd (file transer protocol deamon I assume ?).

This regular release cycle is looking good. Hopefully Apple will be able to put the appropriate spin on the updates so people understand that Apple is keeping up-to-date on all the appropriate Unix patches too. Or so it seems.

Call me pesimist but no DVD, no greek, and no cyrillic yet :(
When apple...wheeeeennnnn ?????????

Admiral it had already been stated that the CD burning would come in one update and the DVD in another. It will be soon. Just be patient :),
I know I know :)
I am just being impatient thats all :)
Apple is doing a GREAT job considering that this is a 1.0 OS :D
(its only been release 1 month and it is close to being fully operational, bells-n-whistles-n-all :) ... which is more that we can say about microshaft LOL :P)

Installation went without a hitch. :)
My Sony spressa firewire CD burner is now recongniozed by iTunes :-) (haven't tried burning though).

All is well, Just waiting till I get drivers for my UMAX scanner to completely get rid of OS 9.


When I was playing with iTunes and my CD burner and got my first kernal panic.
This is what I did,
- Installed 10.0.2, intalled iTunes 1.1.1
- Restarted computer with burner turned on.
- Started iTunes. Pressed the burn icon. iTunes recongnizes burner. :-)
- Switched off the burner while iTunes was active.
- pressed the burner icon ---- PANICK.

Is this a known problem ?
Is this actually a problem or did I do someting I was not supposed to :)
Software update recognised and installed iTunes 1.1 without problems, but never said a word about 10.0.2... I can think of two reasons:
-I use french (but I thougth OSX update were language-independant??)
-I use the leaked 4L7

I tried deleting the content of the receipts folder, to no avail... software update proposed downloading iTunes 1.1 again, but still no mention of 10.0.2 =(

Has anyone any idea of what I should do? Bar reinstallling everything, which I would rather avoid?



PS: Bonus question. When are the epson stylus color 600 drivers ready?
heres my idea. look around on the web. maybe apple.com and download the update from there.


--to busy to updte mine yet.
both the 10.0.1 and the 10.0.2 says they cant be installed on this computer =(
Maybe I'll just have to reformat my partition, reinstall OS9, reisntall OSX, update it to 0.1 and then to 0.2.... bah

Don't bother to reformat, just reinstall OS X and go from there. Should work as well as a complete reformat and reinstall. I got a similar error when trying to install 10.0.1, but after some experimentation I found that it was because I did not have essentials.pkg and BSD.pkg in my receipts folder. I copied these files from the OS X CD, and the install worked. However, reinstalling would probably be a better solution, because it doesn't place the full installer files in the receipts folder like my method did. 10.0.2 and iTunes 1.1.1 installation worked without a hitch from software update.
Anyone else get a speed boost from this?
My increase in responsiveness was incredible, but possibly this is due to the fact that I received no speed boost from the first update. Anyone else have results like mine. Make sure to look at my hardware stats in signature to see if there are any similarities, and, oh yes, i've optimized my drive, about once every 2 days, so its not from that.
My OS X speed doubled or tripled!
It took a small time delay for the prefs panels to open up, and apps to do the same...now...its almost instant! :D
I've noticed a decent increase in speed from 10.0.0 to 10.0.1 to 10.0.2. It just keeps getting faster. I read somewhere that it adds drivers for ATI graphics cards. This would improve the responsiveness of the system since it wouldn't have to use the processor for rendering as much.
10.02 together with OmniWeb release candidate 1 is very acceptable. If it were not for some MIDI & Audio software not working in Classic under OS X, it would be my all time OS right now.
Yeah Omniweb has gotten much faster. In 10.0.1 cf3 took around 10-18 bounces to launch. Omniweb rc1 under 10.0.2 takes less than 3 bounces to start!!
Originally posted by Kinniken
Software update recognised and installed iTunes 1.1 without problems, but never said a word about 10.0.2... I can think of two reasons:
-I use french (but I thougth OSX update were language-independant??)
-I use the leaked 4L7

I tried deleting the content of the receipts folder, to no avail... software update proposed downloading iTunes 1.1 again, but still no mention of 10.0.2 =(

After useing the 4L7, did you update to the correct 4L13? you have to have the "official" 10.0.1 build in order to get 10.0.2 to install..

good luck
