10.1 Distribution, how?

Ok but 10.1 is not a new OS, it fixes 10.0.4 bugs, fixes the lack of speed, enables the DVD view, fixes some developper tools bugs...

All this features was expected in 10.0.0!
Ok Apple says that DVD was not available in the first version, but not that I'll need to pay for it!

Who gets OSX on 24 march gets it knowing that it's not finished, and gets it to test and familiarize with the new OS, without this guys OSX would had a slower upgrade. Apple must say thanks to this guys.

I hope that a free dowload would be available.

to reassure Schizophonic the uk upgrade will cost £15 (to cover costs of postage and packing!).

But there is no reason why we should have to pay for a bug fix, you may say that that pc users have to pay for windows upgrades, but that to get extra and better features, we're having to pay for features that we should of already had.

I shelled out £35 for the beta (which refused to run) and £70 for Mac OS X (with all it's incompatabilities) and yet I'm expected to shell out another £15 for features which I've already paid for!

fair enough apple should charge if it has to send people cds in the post, but even so £15($) is just a bit steep to send a cd through the post (hell it only £10 to get my computer delivered, complete with monitor, scanner and printer!)

Apple should definately offer a free download to those with net access & should charge something reasonable (£5 or something) to other without.
There's no denying that 15 pounds more than covers CD production costs, packaging and postage I guess so they (Apple) will definately profit out of this.

I'm looking at it from more of a developers viewpoint. 10.1 will provide me with an Objective-C++ compiler, which I desperately want. 15 quid for a new compiler is cheap. I haven't got a DVD or CD writer so couldn't give a monkey's about that stuff.

There's something for everyone in this release.

Yes it is an upgrade but (and I've said this before):-

If you chose to buy Mac OS X without bothering to read reviews (which would have told you about the lack of speed and functionality) then you had no idea what you were getting and therefore must accept what you get. If, on the other hand, you did read reviews before buying then you knew what you were getting before you parted with your cash and decided that you could live with it in which case you still have the option of living with it. Just don't buy the upgrade. easy!

Me, I'll gladly pay 15 quid for all the extras we'll get.
I remember when everyone first found out about how Microsoft plans to have XP users pay a yearly fee in order to use the OS, everyone was laughing at how ridiculous that was. Now Apple is basically doing the same thing. $20 for 10.1 Then what happens when 10.2 comes out, say in Fall 2002? Another $20. That's ridiculous. And we're all hypocrites for laughing at Micro$oft.

And what's this crap about how you get 4 CDs w/ the 10.1 update.:confused: OS 9.2, OS X.1, Developer Tools, and something else. Hello!! If you are updating then you already bought 10.0 and that comes with the Developers Tools and OS 9.1 which is easily upgradeable to 9.2 online.

Just when Apple is starting to bring their hardware prices down to a reasonable level, now their software becomes ridiculously expensive.
dsparse, sorry to say but no one forced you into buying Mac 10.0. If you think that it was not finished or to even your likings, then why did you buy it? YOu should of waited till you got a full verion to your likings. Dont get mad at apple fo charging for an upgrade. This is to help the developers and the hard work that they produced for us to have a stable and wonderful os. : )

The only reason that people would continually pay for $20 updates is if the past update sucked and didn't give them what they wanted. Now how many people will continiually pay for updates that suck? Most of you dont even want to pay for one! Charging $20 for every update will never happen because eventuially people will figure out that they dont need to update (after 10.1 that is). Apple knows that its testing the limits, it doesn't want to step on anyones toes, but they need to say in the black for its shareholders.
The developer tools will be updated e.g. Objective C++ compiler. Not everyone has a Cable modem so the 9.21 upgrade is not easily available to everyone and for these people a CD copy of the upgrade would be welcome.

As I say, if you bought OS X 10.0 without reading reviews then you get what you deserve. Would you buy a car without a test drive or at least reading some reviews about it? If you think 10.0 is too slow then pay your $20 and upgrade. If not then no one is forcing your hand! Stick with 10.0.

I am f*%#ing sick to death of all you moaning, whining whingers. If you think Apple are ripping you off then why don't you all just f#%k off and buy Windows machines from Dell and good riddance.

Originally posted by Djk515
I remember when everyone first found out about how Microsoft plans to have XP users pay a yearly fee in order to use the OS, everyone was laughing at how ridiculous that was. Now Apple is basically doing the same thing. $20 for 10.1 Then what happens when 10.2 comes out, say in Fall 2002? Another $20. That's ridiculous. And we're all hypocrites for laughing at Micro$oft.

And what's this crap about how you get 4 CDs w/ the 10.1 update.:confused: OS 9.2, OS X.1, Developer Tools, and something else. Hello!! If you are updating then you already bought 10.0 and that comes with the Developers Tools and OS 9.1 which is easily upgradeable to 9.2 online.

Just when Apple is starting to bring their hardware prices down to a reasonable level, now their software becomes ridiculously expensive.
1st of all, cool your pipes man.
2nd, $20 will ONLY get you the OS X upgrade CD. The OS 9.2, OS X, Dev Tools and the "other things" will be on the FULL version of OS X. Do you really think that Apple would give you 4 CDs for $20??? ha ha ha ha ha...even LINUX which is FREE is $60 for 4 CDs.
First of all, okay I am chilled.

Secondly re 4 cds I'm telling you what I've heard from ADC developers. We'll see come 26th Sep.

The dev tools that ship with 10.0 do NOT work with 10.1. You're telling me Apple are gonna let me upgrade and then tell me my dev tools don't work any more and I have to buy the full version again? I think not.

Thirdly If you pay $60 for Linux then you're a mug and more fool you.


Originally posted by AdmiralAK
1st of all, cool your pipes man.
2nd, $20 will ONLY get you the OS X upgrade CD. The OS 9.2, OS X, Dev Tools and the "other things" will be on the FULL version of OS X. Do you really think that Apple would give you 4 CDs for $20??? ha ha ha ha ha...even LINUX which is FREE is $60 for 4 CDs.
If Apple says the 20$ are just handling fees and that the soft is otherwise free, why should it be forbidden to distribute it around you? Both by duplicating the CD and putting it for dl... that way the mac users, not apple, are paying for the distribution...
I'm going to AppleExpo, I expect to get the update there for free, and I'm gonna ask the guy making the demos in public if I'm allowed to distribute it. And if he says no, he's going to have some explanations to do ;-)


I don't want any of the new programs that come with the update I just want the speed. If they could offer a way to increase the speed of Osx by downloading patches that would be great. Other than the speed of the os I think it is a wonderful os. It is far more stable than OS9.
Wait a minute, who told you that 10.1 is not available for download? The last time I visited the Apple store, I specifically asked the local genius about a free download, and he told me that a download would be available from the apple website, but he doesn't recommend it unless you have a high speed connection. So if I'm wrong please correct me!

You people are really pissing me off. Where are you getting your info? You are treating rumours as fact, and that is moronic...

Bottom line, there's every bit as good of a chance that this update will be FREELY DOWNLOADABLE!!!

Until you see it on Apple.com, don't believe a word!!!
downloadable perhaps...but it is more likely that people cannot download the >250Mb file where they are (I expect 10.1 to be at least 250Mb)

I can tell you that 10.1 WILL NOT BE A DOWNLOAD.
4g48 is a 468meg file that installs over the top of 10.04 and any build greater than 4g27. There is too much that has changed for this to be a simple download, no your going to shell out $ for a CD.
Originally posted by bradleysmith
PC professionals had to pay to "upgrade" from NT to Win 2000 and now they'll have to pay another $100 to upgrade from Win 2000 to XP. The cost of buying Mac OS X outright is what, $100? and then $20 for the upgrade.

Not that I disagree, but XP is $199 for the "professional" upgrade, $599 for the full version. Compare to $30 for Windows95 when it came out, that really sucks.

I'm also curious as to why Apple calls Mac OS X with the numbers "Mac OS X 10.0" and "Mac OS X 10.1" etc. Wouldn't it be "Mac OS X.1"?

And, no, I wouldn't mind paying $20 for an upgrade. Not because I believe in apple or anyhting. Honestly, in principle I think it's a low thing to do, but in reality the only other viable choice is Windows (unless you like Linux for a desktop OS)
If you name the upcoming release of OS X, OS X.1 people are going to think that it is a 0.1 release and people are weary of such "immature" apps.

I am going to the Peabody APple Store today. Do you think that apple will sell upgrades to OS X in boxes at stores or will it just be available from the online store ?

I'm sorry I should have said 5g48 in my earlier posts.
To the inept or niave who think this will be a simple download
There is too much to change to be a simple 20 or 30meg download, 5g48 is 468megsas a raw file, and when you turn it into an image with beta 11 of disk copy (will not work with previous versions) it expands to over 500 megs. Then you must use Apple's tools to burn as a CD as toast will not work, its in the readme!
The developers tools are an extra download.
So from a developers point of view I would be phuqing (phonetically and you'll get it ) surprised if Apple released this as a download.
Get over it pay the money and enjoy.
And to the sceptics that this point 1 upgrade is immature, then remember that OSX has roots that go back 10 years!
steve jobs in the expo said...

It's going to be a free upgrade for existing owners of Mac OS 10

There you have it. It will probably use those little blue coupons that came with mac os x to give you a rebate or somethin like that. You know if he reneged on that he would be flamed for weeks.