Jim Paradise
There's an amazing port of Quake for OS X. Just look for it at versiontracker.com Runs so bloody well! There's an option to make the game 32... so smooth for such and old classic! 

Originally posted by ABassCube
games are not made to require a Radeon or GeForce. The ATI RAGE is not obsolete yet... nor is the G3. Even if the games is not made to be run on a laptop, the iMacs still have G3 processors and the RAGE. As I said before, Unreal Tournament runs great in OS 9! I really want an OS X version.
Alice generally works OK in 9, but not well in X. I've asked Aspyr about this, and they said that the RAGE drivers were not complete for X, so it was using software rendering. That's why it's so bad. Once the drivers are complete, I'm sure Alice will run just as good, if not better, in X than in 9.