I'm no expert on this, but the comment that Classic "takes up" 1 gig of ram is wrong. It is "allowed" to take up that much ram, it's not actually allocated. That means if you have a gig and a half of ram, then Classic can take up as much as a gig. VM is allocated on the fly, so Classic will only take up as much RAM as it needs (as long as it under a gig).
On a side note, I think a lot of people need to remember a couple of things:
1) OS X 10.1 is still not being advertised. Why? Because apple knows OS X is not polished enough for mass use. Apple fanatics who want to test out the OS will be okay, but maybe not your grandma. So if it's too slow, your just going to have to put up with it.
2) How much freakin time are you spending in the finder resizing windows? I d that like every couple of days. I only have 500mhz G3 icebook wth 256 MB of ram, and everything flies in 10.1. Opening folders is amazingly fast, playing DVDs and doing stuff at the otehr time is possible, compiling code is faster, etc. Login and bootup is so much faster and smoother, and menus come down almost instantly. If the only issue you have with 10.1 is finder resizing, I think we're okay.
3) If it's too slow, just use 9.2.1. If it's such a big deal to resize windows quickly, it will serve your purposes well.
On a side note, I think a lot of people need to remember a couple of things:
1) OS X 10.1 is still not being advertised. Why? Because apple knows OS X is not polished enough for mass use. Apple fanatics who want to test out the OS will be okay, but maybe not your grandma. So if it's too slow, your just going to have to put up with it.
2) How much freakin time are you spending in the finder resizing windows? I d that like every couple of days. I only have 500mhz G3 icebook wth 256 MB of ram, and everything flies in 10.1. Opening folders is amazingly fast, playing DVDs and doing stuff at the otehr time is possible, compiling code is faster, etc. Login and bootup is so much faster and smoother, and menus come down almost instantly. If the only issue you have with 10.1 is finder resizing, I think we're okay.
3) If it's too slow, just use 9.2.1. If it's such a big deal to resize windows quickly, it will serve your purposes well.