10.2.2 Is Here!


Get it from Software Update! :D

"The 10.2.2 Update delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for the following applications and technologies: Address Book, iChat, IP Firewall, Mail, Print Center, Rendezvous, Sherlock and Windows file service discovery. The update also includes the updated services previously delivered in Security Update 2002-09-20.

For detailed information on this Update, please visit http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n107140"
*screams like a little girl*

It makes no mention if JFS support is included but suposidily it can only be turned on from a command line so maybe that is why?
The GUI seems more responsive. Much like what 10.2.1 did for 10.2.

The Knowledge Base for this release isn't up yet. I'd like to see exactly what has been updated and changed.

I'm most interested in JFS support! Is it there or not?!?!
Triangles pulsate?! WHERE?! My icons still bounce when the program launches...

Edit: Nevermind. I simply turned off "Animate opening applications" under the Dock preferences and voila! Pulsating triangles!
In System Preferences/Dock, you can uncheck Animate opening applications. It will then make the triangle pulsate while the app opens, the icon will not bounce.

It has been this way for quite some time. It is nothiing new to 10.2.2.

As for JFS, i don't think its there! At least not for 10.2.2 client. The server version seems to allow you to enable it through Disk Utility. I don't see the option in the client version! :(
JFS is there, just hidden!

In Terminal, type "sudo diskutil enableJournal". To disable it type "sudo diskutil disableJournal".

I don't know what terrible things this might do to your OS X drive. Anyone care to find out? :p
Is it a kernel panic when the computer tells me I need to restart in four different languages? :(

If so, JFS is the DEVIL! *screams* :p
My first kernel panic ever! Yay! I knew i could do it if I just kept screwing with OS X. :D

It happened while I was restarting my computer.
Mine seems a little peppier, too.

Originally posted by itanium
The GUI seems more responsive. Much like what 10.2.1 did for 10.2.

The Knowledge Base for this release isn't up yet. I'd like to see exactly what has been updated and changed.

I'm most interested in JFS support! Is it there or not?!?!
the Desktop Icons Shifting and Becoming Part of the Desktop Until Such Time That You Relaunch the Finder Bug™ is still there. pity.
Mine just popped up with it, downloading it right now. iChat has been really buggy, I hope they fixed it.
One improvement in X.2.2 will solve a problem reported here with updates when apps like Mail have been moved to a subfolders of Applications:

"Improves updating of applications installed with Mac OS X, updating them only if they have not been relocated or deleted."

But maybe you DO want the update, put in the new location?

Source: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107140
:D It says: Corrects Address Book address format for Australian entries.

I only shot off a message about this too them an hour before the release. Guess I should have more faith, eh? :p