does the 10.2.5 update still kill iBook batteries? I know that some people dont believe that 10.2.4 did (at least in some cases), but I know 3 or 4 people it happened to.
woohoo Bluetooth now works with my address book and Nokia 3650. So I can answer the phone and send sms's via the keyboard.. heh
Now if only Apple or someone could figure out a bluetooth proximity sensor for the nokia I would have it made. I wonder if it would be possible with applescript.
My airport is fixed. The interenet sharing with my iMac over airport had a problem where certain websites would not load on the client(iBook) computer. Works now!
i am dl'ing it now!
hmmm... speed increases!?!?! yesss!!! whenever i start up my computer since i got X.2.4, it takes sooo long to start up! (the white boot screen).
Well, i hope this will make me happy!
Yay! At last, turning on file sharing does not make a mockery of file permissions. At least, according to the description on Apple's website... I'll look into it once it's installed
2 minutes to start up???? Whoa, The longest was 80 secs for me, and restarts average about 30 to 40 secs. Although 10.2.5 took a little longer to start after installation.
I had a temporary system hesitation, everything was jumpy for about 3 seconds, then Safari bombed. The mouse skipped, and iTunes hesitated, that's new.
I see a speed improvement when I click on the Apple Menu, all the thing appear *INSTANTLY*. Maybe Apple has updated the graphic driver for my PowerBook G4 12 inch?
took 10 minutes to boot after update works flawlessly now though
I'm noticing my iMac always takes up too long to boot after it's been on for more than a day, which always is. I checked it and it just sits there for 10 minutes checking the disk. Weird...
On what screen does it just sit there for 10 min? I'm curious. I had mine sit on blue for a while a few months ago, I said forget it after a while (3 to 4 min) I had to reinstall in place later that day.