10.2.8 Released! Yea!

hmm, I'm up and running since the install, no problems yet and i have been pushing the system hard with work. I have PS, Flash, had GoLive open, Word was also open, the norm of Entourage, Safari, AIM, preview are running as always. So if there are problems, they haven't hit me yet.

I even made a special desktop as 10.3 draws closer. :)

This is a downloadable version, although not the custom image i use on my G4
bobw wrote:
Apple removed 10.2.8. Must be a lot of problems/complaints.

twister wrote:
it's still on the macosx page but not available for download.

twister wrote:
ok not anymore. they removed the banner.

Watching Apple is like watching "The Keystone Cops".
Well would you rather they release a buggy update now, or work the bugs out and release it a little later?
Originally posted by Urbansory
hmm, I'm up and running since the install, no problems yet and i have been pushing the system hard with work. I have PS, Flash, had GoLive open, Word was also open, the norm of Entourage, Safari, AIM, preview are running as always. So if there are problems, they haven't hit me yet.

I even made a special desktop as 10.3 draws closer. :)

This is a downloadable version, although not the custom image i use on my G4

i think she got the wrong size skirt there ;)

i have 10.2.8 installed as well, havent had any probs yet, unless it was the culprit of messing my ipod up

what probs are the most typical so far?
Yep, removed ...

From MacNN today:

Apple pulls Mac OS X 10.2.8 update
Apple has quietly removed both client and server versions of the Mac OS X 10.2.8 update from its servers (including all links to the downloads and Knowledge Base documents). Earlier today, we noted several problems with the OS update and several MacNN readers report the update is no longer available from the Software Update Preferences Pane in OS X or Apple's website. (Prosoft is offering MacNN readers who have experienced difficulty with the Mac OS X 10.2.8 update a 25% discount on its Data Rescue suite using promotional code '1028'.)
You know what is really scary about this. My system hasn't ran this good in a LONG time.

While i was thinking of a response to the "short skirt," I noticed something very odd with Safari. You know the spinning thing in a tab that lets you know a page is loading... it was blinking , as if one of the animations of the movement was a all black square.

Hmmm, I guess her skirt is a bit short, but she is a beautiful woman, and it is far from distasteful and disrespectful. But you gotta love the Indians logo i added, lol, she is part of Cleveland now.
Yay! just noticed that Safari no longer shows really bad small pixelated type when the type is small (always happened on this site as well)... now all is good (and my ethernet is still working! ;) )
Two days so far and still no sign of problems, and after another long day of pounding away at apps such as PS, AE, Flash and Word.
Hey if you guys could fill me in because I'm totally clueless and was just reading this. Did update # 7 already happen? I havn't seen it on my Software Update.
yep, it came and went. too many g4 owners had problems with it. they took it away in less than a day. keep your eyes open, i'm sure it will be back soon. i'm guessing tomorrow or friday. but that's just a guess.
makes me worried since i installed it on two computers. oh well. all works well so far!!

Now do you suppose there will be a patch for us upgraded people?
Probably. They'll probably have 2 patches, one for those who downloaded 10.2.8 already and one for those who didn't.
The first thing that went through my mind when noticing the 10.2.8 banner was gone was...

A) MACOSX folks will have already noticed this, and
B) Maybe Panther is about to be released.

I wasn't even thinking about the problems that have been reported.

As for my system, the iBook 500 MHz has 10.2.8 and is running with no problem. I noticed, though, that my display had reverted to thousands instead of millions of colors.
Although i saw in this thread there where a lot of problems with installing 10.2.8 (when it was still online) Apple admitted one.. Ehm.. a little one..

About 10.2.7, Apple won't put a downloadable version of 10.2.7 just because it's only working on a G5.
The G5 owners won't get 10.2.8 (it only installs on G4).
Well if they make a patch, i doubt if i will use it, my system is still up an running fine. So it's a perfect update. Doesn't Software update keep the installers for use later? I want to keep a copy of that update just in case I need to reinstall.