What I hate in the updates, is that it installls the updated versions of everything in every language.
E.g. I had Jaguar only in English, Italian (and sometimes spanish). After basically EVERY update, opening the softwares contents, I found the language packs for all the languages. I see NO REASON why there is no such thing as "English only-updates" available. If I don't speak korean or norweghese, I will never use my mac in those languages either. Thus I don't want ANY langprojs in my mac in other than the languages I have chosen.
I admit, I do open many programs manually (the contents) and remove the useless stuff from them.
Havign the option for "english only-updates" would save apple a lot of bandwidth (= money). I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd get those updates if they were available. Of some programs you can reduce the size by 20 - 70 % if you have one language only.