10.3.2 released

I've already heard some horror stories of it eating someone's home folder disappearing with that update... restarting, it was not there, restarting again .. it'd have (after a few boots) got back again. Weird - I hope no one here gets that.
hmm... just came back from doing the update and now my address book is acting kind of funny. Everything works fine, until you try to edit a record. Clicking on "edit" causes Address book to spontaneously jump to another address record and then shows you the editing options for that record instead.
10.3.1 works fine for me, i see no reason to update just yet. See how many more horror stories, hopefully few far and between.
Methinks i wont be downloading this update then... (although i've not had any problems with updates before (that weren't caused by corrupt installers i'd downloaded previously)
Its working OK for me apart from Mail quitting but that could be just a coincidence. Anyway its got rid of the annoying asking for password thing when ejecting my Firewire externals. No probs with Addressbook either.... so far so good.
Don't listen to those 'horror stories' about vanishing Home folders. Whatever update Apple releases, those stories always appear. Trust Apple more than those horror posters and just install this update!!!
How big is it? If it's a big one (more than a few meg) i'll download it here at work and take it home on a flash drive. :)
btw - don't forget to repair permissions before and after you update. running disk repair might not be a bad idea either. always make sure you're in good working order before you install.
I had a problem with Activity Viewer or whatever its called, not wanting to launch. so i ran repair permissions.. bugger me. there were squillions of things it "repaired"
This update is supposed to fix an issue of firewall unavailability when having done an update install... But it doesn't do that for me
Been working fine for the past few days with 7D24. No problems whatsoever. The boot-time actually _is_ a bit longer now, but I don't care about that, they can solve that later. For now, I'm glad to have the first real update to the OS. :) (10.3.1 somehow doesn't count...)
EdX said:
btw - don't forget to repair permissions before and after you update. running disk repair might not be a bad idea either. always make sure you're in good working order before you install
Hear, hear! That is very sensible advice. I've been doing this for the last few updates in Jaguar and now in Panther and never ran into "horror" scenario's. Regularly running cron jobs helps too.
10.3.2 running perfectly for me.