10.3.3 exceeds expectations...

Captain Code said:
I haven't had any problems with SMB in 10.3.2, so what is there to fix??

SMB (both client and server) have a very large number of fairly serious problems in 10.3.2, go to Apple's support page and browse around the Networking Discussions group to catch a few of them...
Ripcord said:
SMB (both client and server) have a very large number of fairly serious problems in 10.3.2, go to Apple's support page and browse around the Networking Discussions group to catch a few of them...

I guess I'm lucky cause I can transfer between 10.3.2 w/ all the latest updates at 8-10MB per second
fryke said:
Maybe he meant networking as in "can't find any friends in good positions..."? ;-) Networking's as fine (or better) as in 10.3.2 so far for me.

I don't want to get into a personal flame war here. However, in my line of work I jump network to network and I can say with certainty that Jaguar was superior networking compared to Panther. I speaking this from a client position. Yes, Panther will network. But like I said before (and hulk somewhat verifies) Jaguar was and is still superior to Panther in the networking sense.
I also preferred Jaguar's networking model a bit better. I have, however, come to accept Panther's model and in the end, it works fine for my meager networking needs.
I apologise for making fun of your comment, satcomer. It just sounded rather funny to me, vague as it was. And I also didn't understand quite what you meant, as I never had any networking problems with Panther - and I move my iBook from home network to on-the-road GPRS networking to a company network, too --- and I've always found Panther's networking preferences to be top notch. It seems that your experiences have been entirely different, though, and I guess it must depend on specific settings of the different networks. Maybe I live in Panther-friendly worlds...

Again: Sorry...
As I wrote previously people, the problem that I run into with Panther (but not with Jaguar) is that while using the same network infrastructure as the Jaguar it isn't functioning correctly as a host... :mad: Not as a client but as a host! :mad: The problem in my personal experiences with Panther is when it is the host of the network and not just a tiny client here and there :mad:

While anyone can say that "I do not have any problems with Panther's networking" or "Panther's networking is superior to Jaguar's" this is far from some truths out there :rolleyes:

There are workarounds, solutions and then again maybe not until some Panther update later on (10.3.3 perhaps?) to those Panther hosting problems but until then, in some cases, Jaguar is a much better host OS than Panther! Maybe Panther Server is the best solution but that costs LOADS of money :p
hulkaros said:
As I wrote previously people, the problem that I run into with Panther (but not with Jaguar) is that while using the same network infrastructure as the Jaguar it isn't functioning correctly as a host... :mad: Not as a client but as a host! :mad:

<analocity>In SMB networking terminology, you're talking about a CIFS "server". A "host" is *any* system on the network.</analocity>
There hasn't been another seed for ADC Select members since the flawed one (iMac 20" troubles). I've been using 7F24 for some time now, haven't found many bugs - but some glitches. There are known issues in the build, so I'd expect at least two or three other builds before a release. I'd say we can expect another build this week for developers, but not a release.
Whether this is related to the problem Hulkaros has bee grappling with [sorry! I couldn't resist that] but I was at my friends with my iBook and I was trying to get onto his wireless network over DHCP.

Nothing doing for quite some time. Then my friend looks through some tool in DOS on his Windows 2000 machine and he saw that my iBook was saying: 'I'm having this IP address' and the pc was saying: 'no, you will ask politely, _then_ I will give you one'.

This was the the problem for ages until my iBook happened to drop on the IP address the pc had set aside for it...
That's just a normal DHCP issue. Usually, your iBook would instead inform you that the IP was already used. However, you can easily drop and renew IPs for DHCP in the Network preference pane.
I've just installed 7F24, I gain some 10-20% on OpenGL games. Not enough to play UT2003 or UT2004 on my iMac.
For the rest (Safari 1.2), you already have it.
not enought to play UT2K3 on ur iMac ?
and thats a 1ghz imac ?

how come ?
im working on a 1ghz powerbook 521 RAM .. and unreal 2K3 is really good on it. graphics are really good, and it plays quite fast with those graphics!!!!. it only gets a little sluggish rarely...!!!
soulseek said:
not enought to play UT2K3 on ur iMac ?
and thats a 1ghz imac ?

how come ?
im working on a 1ghz powerbook 521 RAM .. and unreal 2K3 is really good on it. graphics are really good, and it plays quite fast with those graphics!!!!. it only gets a little sluggish rarely...!!!

watch this game on a highend pc and you will know what is meant by "quite fast". I have a very similar book like you and it's really not running quite fast. It works and appears ok, but you can't seriously play it. I think you just need to see the game run on a good machine to compare. I did and that's why I am hardly waiting even for those 10-20% more openGl performance. ;)
fryke said:
ADC (connect.apple.com) is down atm. Sounds like an update's coming?

So when you've been quiet for a while, we can safely assume one of two things: 1) you're deeply engrossed in the update and too busy to post, or 2) the update has utterly and irreparably screwed your mac and you simply can't post... :( :confused: :D