10.3.4 is out

Giaguara said:
repaired permission from cd before installing .3.4.
the permissions were fine after.

before i got the same thing i am getting right now. does anyne else get this? i was getting it with teh powerbook too - i am just amazed that after fixing this problem 30 hours ago from a cd (and it was fixed) i again get some issues with cdutil. oh well, never put the os x cds out of the reach of yout paws...

I've been getting that since 10.3.3
Heheh Gia, they live in my iBook bag...
I'm running Permissions Repair right now, I'll let you know if mine are broken in the same place.
right. but that's not my problem.

my machine, after repairing the permissions, deleting the locations my airport can connect to, my WEP string, what not.

bah. I'll figure it out. not like I'll find a pertinent answer here.
http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25764 said:
Addresses an issue in which scheduled items, such as automated backups or Software Update checks, may not work if the computer is asleep at the scheduled time. With this update, the schedule will run once the computer wakes from sleep.
Anyone know more aboout this 10.3.4 item?

Is it a cron thing or something else?
jackdahi said:
Feels a bit more responsive.
Graphics drivers just as crap as before on a 800MHz G4 iMac. I have also found no differences in anything, application starting, startup times, nothing. My 'About This Mac' dialog says 10.3.4 but I must be mistaken. If 10.3.4 came with anything new I'm sure not noticing a thing.
And that's a good thing, too, Veljo. Such updates should, if everything's normal, change many, many things in the background. There's a list of changes, but if you're not using an iPod with USB-2 or any other mentioned feature change, you probably won't notice a thing. Which you did. So the update worked. I know this sounds like sarcasm, but aren't you glad this one didn't break anything? ;-)
it broke my airport. I had to revert back to an ethernet connection - mind you, I had to move my desk, other computers, what not too! - just to accomodate this busted update.

I'm super angry still.
theres nothon we can do bout it... go to an apple discussion forum and ask for help, call apple...

be angry, i frankly dont care,
im more interested in the problems, or the news.... not ppl whining!
fryke said:
ElDiabloConCaca: I know I'm nitpicking. But you don't get 300kbps on a 3Mbps line. What you mean, probably, is 300 KB/s on a 3 Mbps line. The capital "B" stands for Bytes, the lowecase "b" for bits.

Nah, it's 300 kB/s you nitpicker. "Kilo" is abbreviated to a lowercase K, i.e. k.
300 KB/s=300 KelvinBytes/second ::evil::
i thinks its kb/s

but i dont think we really care if its a capital or not, since were certainly not talkin bout temperature in here.
and second of all bytes is not part of the SI system, except if it can be derived as a secondary unit, dont really know...
1 byte=8 bits :)

soulseek said:
i thinks its kb/s

kb/s or kbps is kilobits per second, while kB/s or kBps is kilobytes per second.

soulseek said:
but i dont think we really care if its a capital or not, since were certainly not talkin bout temperature in here.

K stands for Kelvin, k stands for kilo.

soulseek said:
and second of all bytes is not part of the SI system, except if it can be derived as a secondary unit, dont really know...

Well, we use the SI prefixes for binary as well, even though it's not correct. A "kilobyte" is not actually 10^3=1000, but 2^10=1024 bytes. So, the correct term to use is "kibibyte", "KiB", but I've never actually seen that used.
Regardless, this isn't the thread to discuss the proper abbreviations for data transfar -- you all know what I mean -- I've got a 3.0MB/mb/mB/Mb connection that gets speeds in excess of 300KB/kb/kB/Kb per second. That's fast, especially for the price I'm paying.

10.3.4 hasn't caused any problems for me. It hasn't fixed any of my problems, either, since my system is problem-free now. None of the fixes listed on Apple's site pertain to me or my system, and it doesn't feel any faster nor slower. All it did for me is change the version number and use a few megabytes/MEGABYTES/MegaBytes/MeGaByTeS of space (or is it megabits? Or mebibits? mebibyes? ;)).
ksv im well aware of kilos and Kelvin abbreviations...

and btw kbps its kilobits per second.... kb/s is kilobytes per second... there is no kBps :)