
Ok i cant seem to get 7b53 via software update! I started with 7A179 i think, and then upgraded to, 7A202, and 7B53 isnt on the software update list?? Am i doing it wrong, or is it not available for me please help!
While 7A202 was a test for the Software Update facility, newer builds have only been made available through the ADC seeding program. If you haven't got access to the seeds, I'd suggest going back to Jaguar until the final version of Panther is in the stores, as you won't be able to upgrade from the WWDC build to the release version, anyway. However, you _will_ be able to upgrade Jaguar to Panther (release versions).
Apple, making sure all is well in the world of Software Updates, has made "Panther Test Software Update 2.0" available. It installs a Read Me in /Users/Shared and is 140 KB in size.
This Panther Update is being made available to test the Software Update feature in Panther. This update will install a read me file in /Users/Shared. Please install this update and provide us feedback via your normal channels.


Also, it looks like SWUpdate uses the Safari/WebCore HTML framework to display information now. This update has the Panther X on the left.
I have just installed 10.3 7b53 on to my powerbook 867!

Tthe first thing i noticed is the speed increase compared to 10.2. 2nd thing i have noticed is that dvd player works now and Virtual PC 6 runs flawsley running windows xp pro slightley faster than it did previousley.
the GUI is a marked improvment and my divx and xvid films work fine. However i have no sound as yet, maby i need to reinstall the codecs into the quicktime folder.

Im still trying to get used to the metal interface, and sometimes i get a small amount of syetem lag when trying to do simple things such as moving windows (i must point out that this has only happend 3 times and was a tiny amount). Expose is blisteringley fast, and i like the new security settings.
However with only 256 ram im hesitent whether to run the "on-the-fly" encription.

I will post more, when i have tested more.
Anyone having problems with their DHCP lease on a Cable modem? I seem to need to get another lease every 15 minutes or else I can't get connected. This is very annoying; just wanted to see if it was a problem for some or just me.
Well Apple have definitely started cutting support for older machines, just tried to install 7B53 on my Wall Street and a message comes up saying this machine is not compatible with 10.3.

Anyone got any ideas for a workaround?

Powerbook G3 "Wall Street", 233mhz, 192mb Ram 6GB HD.
Ahh poo, i have found that divx works great.. but no sound :(. and norton systemworkd 8 does not even think about running.
Windows media pleyer, msn messanger, VPC, Toast 6, Office limewire, bittorrent all work flawesley.

Sleep on the powerbook is great with no lag or stalls.
Well, until some wireless drivers (like IOXpert's driver) get updated for 10.3, I am stuck with 10.2.6... I tinkered with 10.3 for about 60 minutes before reverting on the Lombard. Expose works (oddly, I thought it required QE!), it feels faster, although it also seems to drop frames like crazy on the Lombard. The curved sheet effect is choppy to say the least.
Exposé doesn't need QE, that's the cube effect from Fast User Switching.

Cybergoober and anyone else with access, what does 59 bring?
bug fixes. localisation. we're nearing the final candidate phase. so don't expect new effects. ;-)
A new desktop background... Someone posted at spymac.

I'm on dialup at home, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to d/l. Although someone over at MacNN was saying that they didn't see 7B59 when they logged in to the ADC site...

I'm sure I'm going to buy Panther. While there are a lot of nice new features, I just don't think it's quite as big a leap as 10.1.x to 10.2 was... IMHO.
Originally posted by arden
Exposé doesn't need QE, that's the cube effect from Fast User Switching.

I could have sworn that people were commenting after the WWDC keynote that Expose needed QE.

And the cube effect *might* use QE... All it really needs is OpenGL, although if I get a chance, I will see about the fast user switching on a machine w/o QE support (which is pretty much every OS X capable machine I get access to)
Could someone who is a developer please report a bug for me? When I am using my Sigma SD-9 digital camera with build 7B53 (iBook G3 700 dual USB) and the Sigma Software drivers, I get a kernel panic whenever I connect the camera with the Firewire cable. I can use the USB cable without a problem. But the Firewire has done this a few times now. This did not seem to be an issue in past builds. Thanks.
I'm still running build 7B53 and I just noticed that Apple issued a "Test Software Update 2.0" in the Software Updater app. It ran and installed very quickly. I immediately checked the version number of the software and it is still 7B53 (the first Test Software Updater took me from 7A179 to 7A202). Does anyone know what this update fixed or addressed?
It downloads a text file so Apple can test Software Update. It does absolutely nothing otherwise.