8-10 min Delay on blue login screen on OSX 10.6.8

To do this properly, and this will help you avoid any problems, you should dump the whole 'Torrent-freebie' idea and purchase a legal copy of Snow Leopard from Apple.
Once you have that installed log into the App Store and again, purchase and install a legal copy of "Lion".
I'm surprised that there are members on this forum willing to assist you to "play the system" and avoid Apples very minimal licensing fees.

Edit: I now see that you can purchase Lion from Apple, but you still need Snow Leopard to get access to the App Store.
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Thanks a lot for the concern JBarley but With all due respect Sir theres a saying that "Rules a made to be broken". If it is possible to make it in a different way Then why should we go by the rules!! :P
And, now that you have tried to get the torrent to work through different methods - so, that makes your choice for torrent a little suspect.
My experience with torrents (and I have messed with those for various purposes for the last 12 years) is that torrents leave you on the edge of usability (you don't know what you are getting). I have downloaded lots of unusable junk, and a few times got files that wouldn't even begin to pass a malware scan. It's a time that I trust AV scanners on a Mac.
Is the aggravation worth it?
I think the "joys" of losing the rules is outweighed by the amount of time that I have wasted downloading files that I have to get legitimately at some point.
Thanks a lot for the concern JBarley but With all due respect Sir theres a saying that "Rules a made to be broken". If it is possible to make it in a different way Then why should we go by the rules!! :P

So, if I break in to your home and steal all your furniture, You should not call the police, because golly gee - laws (rules) are made to be broken!

If I can steal your furniture, why should I obey the law and purchase my own furniture?
So, if I break in to your home and steal all your furniture, You should not call the police, because golly gee - laws (rules) are made to be broken!

If I can steal your furniture, why should I obey the law and purchase my own furniture?
My point exactly, but this "instant gratification generation" of to-day doesn't see it that way.