A Mess O' Trouble (old mac game)

Man I wish I had had the foresight to save my game as..periodically... grrr. i saved about two screens from dying of thirst and my game is now f***ed.

I even emailed ray to see if there was a fix for this sort of foolish behavior, and I toldme I was outta luck.

Guess I'm moving on to twisted, (to which I remember I couldn't get past the third frame when I was younger so hopefully my powers of deduction have grown in the last ten years....

as for the platter you can't find, I'm sure you need to combine it with the horn I couldn't find...... alas I have no idea where I found it (although I am pretty sure I found it on the voidbeast). I may actually start the game anew now that I know all the secrets I bet I could catch up in a few hours.

good liuck!
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Probably wouldn't take long at all to catch up when you know what to do... Wish you could remember where the platter is, but thanks a lot for you response.

As for saving, I've ended up with over 20 save files, which has helped at times.

I thought to switch to Twisted as well, but I'm not quite content to quit yet... The only game I had ever played in the past was AMOT, and it has had some nostalgic value to boot, but I'm sure I'd love the other games as well.
Hi everyone! Out of pure nostalgia, I recently continued to play AMOT. It's fun, but I keep getting stuck. Maybe someone here knows what to do.

1. I'm playing AMOT 1.8 on Mac OS 8 something, and the game won't let me save! I have to start over and over again. Luckily, I'm working on a walkthrough (since there aren't any on the web, and there should be!). Anyone else got the same problem?

2. How do you open the oval door in Void Ruins (the one with the keypad found in Narrow Room)? Whenever I end up there I have to start over, because there are no Jump Doors that I know of in the only three scenes I can find right now (Void Ruins, Narrow Room, Damaged Lower Level) and if there's a clue to the combination for the keypad in any of those scenes, I'm too stupid to figure it out. Can someone give me the code or tell me where it can be found? (Assuming this is the right way of entering the building, I may be even more stupid, who knows.)

3. How do you get to ride the tram from Monolith Tower (the one where Shifty tries to sell you a forged pass to)? Is there any other way to the main city? I need that OCR from Shek Varta badly!

4. How do you open the door without handle in the Glass Wall scene (Fallen City View)?

5. What's in the Horrible Odor scene (City Wreckage Interior)? How do you defeat the monster? I noticed that you can use the rope with the plastic cover, but what else? Will something fall down from the roof or what?

6. There's something across the Open Desert (next to Cemetary, Revenue City etc.) but you can't go there by foot. How do you get there?

7. How do you get past the shark in Under The Sea (next to Reef/Wall and Gate)? The game gives you clues about strength (I've found the rocket) and
scuba diving. Where's the equipment? No matter how strong you are, you always run out of breath before defeating the shark.

8. How do you get past the guard dogs under the palm tree when trying to get over the wall? Whenever I end up in this area, I have to start over for the same reasons as Void Ruins: I haven't found any Jump Doors yet.

9. What's the relay found in the broken elevator (Ruined Subway) for?

I'll probably get stuck a lot more in the future. I hope anyone out there can help me.
Been nearly a year since I played the game now (didn't end up continuing it due to something odd happening to the way the game would play on my computer--became painfully slow, and I was at a standstill with the game). Always possible I'll try to give it another shot. If I could find a way to play the game with sound, I'd likely be happy just starting over. Neither time I played the game did I have sound.

1) Never had an issue saving.

2) The code was on some sheet I believe...a small number on it. It's viewable from the area you get trapped in there (on a wall poster perhaps). I don't recall if that is the same area you needed to get some machine running below. If so, you have to move some stuff around in the room to get below through a crack or something and figure a simple puzzle out to activate the door before the code will work.

3/4) Both I could have answered a year ago, but I can't remember right now unfortunately. Even some of the stuff I mentioned in this thread last year is pretty fuzzy to me now =P

5) I don't think you need to defeat the monster thing--I believe you're referring to the one that shoots some sort of acid. You have to put the plastic cover on the ground in that room first, then do whatever triggers the creature to spit acid. The plastic cover will collect it and you can use it somewhere in the building (I think it was needed to dissolve a safe). To get to the area with the safe, something had to be done in the area you climb a rope to get to... whatever was at the end would open up. All vague memory here :/

6) Not certain what you're referring to here, and may not be able to without getting the Mac together and runing the game.

7) You have to punch the shark in the nose (somewhere there's a story in the game about punching a shark in the nose).

8) I think you can find some type of food on the Island that puts the dogs to sleep (don't recall if it's something off a bush, something you dig for, etc.) Once you get it, you can give that to the dogs in some fashion. I think there may be a jump door on that screen, though there's also an important guy to talk to beyond that point.

9) Don't recall.

This game is in desperate need of a Walkthrough, so I hope you'll be able to complete it.
yea when you examine the hole it magically glows blue, so I figured those pellets were for the hole, I just couldn't convince that bear to give them too me. . .

and I see, I finally figured out to push the top rock to move the lower rock.... sooo mad that all I got was the payroll bonus object, I was sure I was going to get the nuggets to give to the old man in the trailer. Back to square one on that puzzle I guess. .

One more thing, you haven't had any luck getting the elevator working i presume?

geez what a hard game.... at least Ill have something to keep me busy this weekend

Either I got it working, or that's the one that had the panel that pops open above (I believe it's the former)... If you never got that other panel open with the alien writing (and installed the new fuse thing), perhaps that's the issue...

Again, there's a lot to do once you get that elevator working

Gold nuggets... I had gotten those and talked to the old man, but don't recall where I found them :/

virtual assistant
I beat this game (including the other two games in the series) a long time ago, one of the best adventure games I've ever played in terms of seamlessness and ingenuity, has that perfect blend of difficulty vs. common sense solve-ability. PM me if you have any questions.
I started playing this game again after 15 years. Last time I gave up quickly, this time I'm sticking to it. :D

It's good to see there are still people playing this game today. Maybe someone can help with a few hints?

I'm basically stuck with the Monolith city and the Void/beast. I got the Magic Wood and Revenue City worlds done, I got the letters A and O. But I haven't found the Protector and I can't even get past the biogate on the voidbeast.

I've read this topic and it's given me some hints about the voidbeast, but where do you get the axe for cutting the hairs on it? Someone said in the treasure chest with the knob that needs to be turned and pushed, but I found an empty chest? I'm stuck there until I can cut hairs!

Questions two and three:
Here are some pictures.

What do I do in this scene? I push the buttons but there's no reaction.

How do you break the glass on those pedestals? Do you even need to do it, do they actually have some purpose?
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Hey, thought I'd reply to your post, since this proves I'm not the only one still thinking of this game...

So I reciently re-hooked-up my Mac, and took a spin around my last saves, and while I wound up stuck on the beach outside the compound with the run aground boat, and the coconut tree that leads to a yard with viscious dogs...

I also found my self at the voidbeast's eye, and found the nearby room with the gears. I found if you go outside you can use the rope there to gain entry to the 2nd floor, and searching under the rubble is what appears to be the gear. I decided to get right onto sending this info out, and haven't confirmed the item's use yet, but will soon.

As for the empty chest nearby, and the turn and push, I believe that refers to the room with the two drawers and the crank wheel and button on the wall that opens a passage to a machine with levers and a cable that needs to be mended. I'm not sure I found out what the machine is good for, but I have gotten all 4 lights lit inside.

I don't know what the "A" and "O" are, and I have likewise not found an axe, and as for the pictures, they aren't ringing any bells, at least as to what you have to do there...

I'm thinking of starting from the begining again, there is so much I have forgotten, and it would probably help if I started keeping notes, and making some kind of map... Boy I remember when I 1st checked this game out I could not figure out how to get out of the caved-in mineshaft, and it wasn't till years later I gave it yet another go, and found out how to escape, and now it looks like I'll be back there again soon...
I found out thatb the knife can be used to take the plate you find upstairs, and make it into a gear to fit/work on the Voidbeast, it leads to some kind of lathe, I haven't figured out what to do with it yet...
I also found my self at the voidbeast's eye, and found the nearby room with the gears. I found if you go outside you can use the rope there to gain entry to the 2nd floor, and searching under the rubble is what appears to be the gear. I decided to get right onto sending this info out, and haven't confirmed the item's use yet, but will soon.

!!!! Yes! I can't believe I hadn't thought of that myself!

I got the plate and the pattern now, thank you! :D Funny though, I made a gear a different way. I went to that horn that you can open by pulling a lever/hair that's next to it. I put my plate inside it, and closed it. When I opened it again and took the plate out, it had been carved into a gear!

Then I took it back to the hut and opened the door to the basement, where the lathe is. Not sure what you do with the lathe either. I put the pattern that I found upstairs into it, but apparently it's used to cut things. What things? I imagine I still need to cut off a hair and bring it to this lathe to be cut into some shape. Maybe then it can be used to open the biogate?

But howww do I cut the hair?

As for the empty chest nearby, and the turn and push, I believe that refers to the room with the two drawers and the crank wheel and button on the wall that opens a passage to a machine with levers and a cable that needs to be mended. I'm not sure I found out what the machine is good for, but I have gotten all 4 lights lit inside.
No no, that's on the dirtcloud, the technotron technology stuff. I'm talking about this hut on the voidbeast:
It's the hut that's West and then North from the voidbeast eye. There's a message written on its wall that says "Turn, then push". And apparently you're supposed to do that with the buttons on the chest but when you do it says some mechanism is broken. You can open the chest and it's empty. No idea what all that is about??

So I reciently re-hooked-up my Mac, and took a spin around my last saves, and while I wound up stuck on the beach outside the compound with the run aground boat, and the coconut tree that leads to a yard with viscious dogs...
You don't really need to play that world before you've started the enchanted forest cos it's actually part of that story... basically in the enchanted forest world you need to free the princess who had been turned into a statue. The only way to free her is to play some magic triangle instrument to her. You have to get it from the guy in that mansion on the island. That's long story short. :D

If you do get stuck there though, the only way out is through the jump door that's on the other side of the wall, if I'm not wrong. To get there you need to catch a fish, stuff it with poisonous fruit from a shrub, climb the tree, and give the fish to the dogs. It makes them go to sleep, and they stay asleep for the rest of the game. When you jump down you can go to the mansion and see if they let you in, or do a search and a jump door will open, which takes you back to Revenue City.

I don't know what the "A" and "O" are, and I have likewise not found an axe, and as for the pictures, they aren't ringing any bells, at least as to what you have to do there...
As far as I've gathered, each world you visit gives you some crazy complicated task (find the creator, save the voidbeast, free the princes...), and when you complete the task you get a letter (it's like, an object). There are four letters - H A K O. (figures, eh)
You need to collect all the letters in order to finish the game and get out of Ray's Maze. And you need to put them into the meteor with four slots that's hidden in a cave in Revenue City.

I'm thinking of starting from the begining again, there is so much I have forgotten, and it would probably help if I started keeping notes, and making some kind of map... Boy I remember when I 1st checked this game out I could not figure out how to get out of the caved-in mineshaft, and it wasn't till years later I gave it yet another go, and found out how to escape, and now it looks like I'll be back there again soon...

Yeah! I was the same, I would just roam around aimlessly and get completely lost and tire of just trying to figure out where I was going. This time I took it seriously. :D I took screenshots of each view in each new world I visited and compiled maps in photoshop. Makes it easier to get around.

But it's still a wicked game to figure out!

Is there anybody out there who knows how to cut the voidbeast hairs? Waaahh!!
Hey, glad that you still actively check the site, nothing much worse than replying to someone when they don't check back...

So yeah, I thought that the Cylinder was what you had to put in the lathe, but it doesn't work...

Oh, and I tried using the knife on a whim, I have been playing adventure games lately, and it occured to to me to try that.
(Love Telltale and the Sam & Max, Back to the Future and Monkey Island games... Still haven't gotten around to playing the Walking Dead yet...)

As for the chest, yeah, I got the wrong idea that the message was for something that wasn't nearby, I guess, as I have no idea what to do about the empty chest...

So how do you catch a fish? It says the hook is missing, so I can't catch one, do I need to have found the hook elsewhere before being dropped on the island?

Sounds like you've already started what I was planning on doing, and besides you seem to know a whole lot more than I do...
Ever plan on releasing any of your map/guide?

Really feel like picking your brain for answsers to all my past sticking points, but it'll have to wait till later, I have to explore a lot of old saves to refresh my memory of where and how I got stuck.

It reminds me of the old Choose Your Own Adventure books, and how I'd always bookmark the page I mad a choice in, so I could go back and try the other way if it dead ended, or I didn't like the way things were going...
Eventually I started to map out the paths and see how the choices would some times fork back together, and so on...
Yeah I've been playing this on and off for the last couple of months, maybe once or twice a week.... I'm not really a regular game player otherwise. Last time I played a computer game before this was when the sims first came out. :o

The fish.... ok first you have to go into the boat and take all items you can take from the downstairs room and say hako when you see a rocket. The rocket makes you stronger. Then when you go back to the beach and dive, under the water you see a shark that's blocking your way. You punch the shark in the nose and it runs away. Then you can go in two directions, one takes you to a cave with a golden brick, the other direction takes you to a reef. On the reef you'll find some gull caught in some fishing line. You catch the gull with the fishing net that you found on the boat, and remove the fishing line from the gull. There's a hook on the fishing line. You take it back to the shore, and look into the shrub that's on the beach, There you'll find a worm. So you put the hook on the pole and the worm on the hook, and go back to the boat. From there you can catch fish. Hope this all wasn't too much of a spoiler. :D
It's been so long since I played I forgot how you used the rocket! I remember it now... I recall figuring out how to get past the shark, and all that, I suppose the only thing I was never able to do was feed the fruit to the fish, and feed the fish to the dogs... Now I know why you told me it was unnesesary to do all this yet, as all it gets me is a new mission and an exit...

Was wondering if you know what to do with the gold brick, I can get it to the shore, but what else is it for? (I attached the life jacket to the brick to carry it through the water) And used the knife to open the giant clam.

On another note, I also found myself at the dirtcloud I guess, where you can see the Voidbeast in the distance... and there are a series of two buttons that seem to activated a teleporter or something... Any clue how to get the 3rd light to light? the room by the water supply has two buttons that refuse to stay down... I know I must be missing something!
I don't think the golden brick is for anything, it's just a "maximum value object"... it's one of the useless treasure things you need to collect cos if you don't have enough wealth you can't get out of the maze in the end... :D

The dirtcloud is a total mystery to me. I haven't gotten much further than you. That machine with 3 lights... I remember I got the 3rd light to come on (can't remember how exactly) but all that happened was that some kinda golden pyramid thing appeared on it, and that again was a useless "maximum value object". No idea how any of the other stuff there works... but from reading other posts in this thread I think you need to solve the voidbeast first, and then you get some cube which you need to insert into that control panel by the oval door, the one with the 6 buttons... I think...
I found the axe on the voidbeast!!! I'm such an idiot!
I went back and re-read all conversations I had with all the phleas, and noticed that the waiter in the bar told me that you can sometimes shoot things with locks to get them to open.
So I went back to the ruined hut with that empty trunk and I said "shoot knob". It opened up a hidden compartment and that's where the axe is!! :D

Then I used the axe to cut off a piece of hair, went back to the lathe, put the hair in the lathe, activated it, and it turned the hair into a "probe". Then I took the probe to the bio gate and stuck it in the horn with a hole in it. And turned it. And it opened the bio-gate!! :D

Now I can finally move on. Yay!
thanks for the help finding the hatchet and getting the probe, I got through the gate, but it didn't get me much further, I used my knife twice to get the orchid, and looked around and found a giant bug that eats the orchid, and unless you have to feed and refeed him a bunch of times to make him go away, I don't know what to do... both he and the leach queen won't die from gunfire... and I found a jump gate in the floor but only brought me to the dirtcloud one space away from the one that took me to the voidbeast.

O n top of the queen, the vet's door is closed and he's not home, the resident doesn't have anything to say when I knock on his door, and there is a lever that it says it doesn't do anything. Oh and there are little white mytes in the hair forest, anything you can do with them? I can't catch or kill them...

Otherwise any other advice? I haven't restarted the game yet btw...
I finished the voidbeast last night! Took me ages to get the orchid down, I kept saying "cut hair", but I had to say "use knife".

You need to take the orchid, then just go to the Krabb (giant bug) and he will follow you cos he likes the smell of the orchid. Then you go to that orifice where the voidbeast is sucking in rocks, and you throw the orchid, the krabb follows it and gets sucked into the voidbeast! That's how you get rid of him. Then you can get into master vet's house. In there you will find all the further tips and info on how to kill the leech queen and other stuff you need to do. It ran pretty smoothly for me after that. :D I can tell you everything you need to do but that so spoils the fun, doesn't it? :D
Man, I am just missing something I guess, I hadden't found the mouth till you told me, and now Inside I couldn't figure out what to do with the blender, I put it back together, but I don't have any of the ingredients listed on the paper... and that thing I found in the drawer I'm not sure where to use it... unless it fits in the smaller hole nearby... in hindsight maybe I should have tried it first... I suppose I should go try that soon... but if that doesn't work then I'm still lost... I turned the dial both ways and got the empty perfume bottle, and the series of buttons that don't seem to do anything... Care to lend me a clue as to what those 4 buttons activate? Also there was a diagram of a lever, and there's a lever that doesn't do anything on the void beast, any clue what it does? Also the page says that that 3-pointed figure is a deadly poison to the void beast, and the dirtcloud has that symbol on something(s), so does that mean you have to kill the void beast?

Oh, and during a jump gate transfer I was briefly sent to the moon, at least as the name at the top, before being sent to the begining part just outside the mineshaft... so i had to start over when it happened... So ever been to, and stay at the moon?
Ookkaaaay here come spoilers :p

The potion for fast hair growth is how you kill the leech queen, you pour it on her and the hairs grow under her and stab her. The "atomizer" (empty perfume bottle") is what you will need to spray the potion on the leech.

The 4 buttons that open valves... just press them all so they all say "unlocked", it's something to do with the "bio-elevator".

Potion ingredients:
You get in through the biogate. On the first screen after the biogate you have to break the horn with the black patches on it. You'll find the fungus spores in it.

Once you've been to the vet's house, read all the papers and opened all the valves by pressing those 4 buttons, you go back out and find all horns that have cracks in them, (there are 4 of them) and say "open horn". The horns will open, and they all have a lever in them. Pull the lever.
Then go to the screen where there's a lone lever that seemingly does nothing. Pull it. A bio-elevator will appear, and you go down in it.

When you go down, as you exit the elevator, in the first scree you need to press a button. You'll get a valve in which you will collect hormones, you'll get the tech cube (you'll need that to get the antidote later, back at the dirtcloud). And you'll get a note which you have to read, which tells you how to find tix eggs.

Then go south, to a chamber where you can milk hormones. You have to pull on the glands hanging from the ceiling. Don't worry if the door shuts, there are three buttons on the wall, you have to push them in some order (give it a few tries) and it will open.

Once you have the hormones you can go back up.

Then go back to where the pool of water is, and you'll find a "tix". Try to catch it and it will run and lead you to its nest. Then you can take its egg. (note that the tix won't appear until have read the note inside the voidbeast!)

When you have all that go back to the house and put it all in the blender and pull its lever. It will automatically put everything into the atomizer.

Then go back and spray the potion on the leech queen. Large hairs will grow and kill her. However as she dies, she will poison the void beast.

You have to go back to the dirt cloud, and put the tech cube (the one you found downstairs inside the void beast) into that gap next to the oval door, and type the combination - first two buttons in the first row, and the last button in the last row. (to be honest, I found this combination in some discussion online, I don't know how you get it in the game, hah)...
It will say the light is now on.
Then go out (east - north) to the "dome interior". Push first the left button then the right. A probe descends and reads your mind. It gives you a formula, made up of some signs. Write them down or take a screen grab.

now go back to the oval door room, and press the long button. It will open a compartment to the south. That's the lab. Enter the formula the probe gave you. It will create the antidote that you need to save the voidbeast. Take it and inject it where the leech queen is.

That's it, you've saved the void beast! Go back to the village, there will be a celebration thank you party for you, and the villagers will give you some valuable items. One of them is the key for that horn with a strange symbol (north off voidbeast's eye).

Go there, put the key in. Another bio-elevator opens. It takes you to the voidbeast's nerve centre, something like that. You have to go there, cos that's where you'll find the letter -K-.

After that, if you like, you can go back to the bar, talk to the phleas some more. One of them will give you a tip to go back to the dirt cloud and use the mind probe again. If you do that, it will give you another combination, and when you type it in it will give you some kinda platinum ball. It's just a "maximum value object" nothing more. So it's up to you if you want it or not.

That should be about it, I've so spoiled the game for you now :p