A switcher needing help.
I guys. I have been eyeing the Macs for a year now and wanted to switch and see these things work. So after the big upgrades on all the Mac computers I picked my up a eMac with the Super Drive. Wel with that siad I'm having some trouble in the OS X learning curve.
1. Ok here's my new problem. Anytime I download a song, I get a small (new) window on my desttop, it looks like a small Quick Time window. It just shows a bar for the music and the buttons to control it. Anyway when I have that current window open I go up to file and click "save as" but I don't know how to save it the right way. I save it into the desktop in a quick time formate it tells me a error has happened and cannot be read. I'm trying to get get music I downloaded off a web site into my iTunes for burning. Here's a link to see s screen shot of my Desk top. I hope this helps. I want to save Music of the net in iTunes and movies like that Metroid prime video on the right I want to save in Quick Time so I can see it when ever I want. http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UQCv...jWc2AW5F/Picture-1.jpg?dc=4675409219825324174
2. I also need help with something about my eMac key board. I talk alot in forums and things like that and even post news but I'm having some trouple with the "return" key. In some forums when I hit the key it brings my text down so I can make decent looking paragraphs and things like that but in other places I get a simple box and can't move done at all. It's doing it now in this forum. Is there a way I can fix this? Any info will be very helpful!
I guys. I have been eyeing the Macs for a year now and wanted to switch and see these things work. So after the big upgrades on all the Mac computers I picked my up a eMac with the Super Drive. Wel with that siad I'm having some trouble in the OS X learning curve.
1. Ok here's my new problem. Anytime I download a song, I get a small (new) window on my desttop, it looks like a small Quick Time window. It just shows a bar for the music and the buttons to control it. Anyway when I have that current window open I go up to file and click "save as" but I don't know how to save it the right way. I save it into the desktop in a quick time formate it tells me a error has happened and cannot be read. I'm trying to get get music I downloaded off a web site into my iTunes for burning. Here's a link to see s screen shot of my Desk top. I hope this helps. I want to save Music of the net in iTunes and movies like that Metroid prime video on the right I want to save in Quick Time so I can see it when ever I want. http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UQCv...jWc2AW5F/Picture-1.jpg?dc=4675409219825324174
2. I also need help with something about my eMac key board. I talk alot in forums and things like that and even post news but I'm having some trouple with the "return" key. In some forums when I hit the key it brings my text down so I can make decent looking paragraphs and things like that but in other places I get a simple box and can't move done at all. It's doing it now in this forum. Is there a way I can fix this? Any info will be very helpful!