A swicther needing help.


A switcher needing help.

I guys. I have been eyeing the Macs for a year now and wanted to switch and see these things work. So after the big upgrades on all the Mac computers I picked my up a eMac with the Super Drive. Wel with that siad I'm having some trouble in the OS X learning curve.

1. Ok here's my new problem. Anytime I download a song, I get a small (new) window on my desttop, it looks like a small Quick Time window. It just shows a bar for the music and the buttons to control it. Anyway when I have that current window open I go up to file and click "save as" but I don't know how to save it the right way. I save it into the desktop in a quick time formate it tells me a error has happened and cannot be read. I'm trying to get get music I downloaded off a web site into my iTunes for burning. Here's a link to see s screen shot of my Desk top. I hope this helps. I want to save Music of the net in iTunes and movies like that Metroid prime video on the right I want to save in Quick Time so I can see it when ever I want. http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UQCv...jWc2AW5F/Picture-1.jpg?dc=4675409219825324174

2. I also need help with something about my eMac key board. I talk alot in forums and things like that and even post news but I'm having some trouple with the "return" key. In some forums when I hit the key it brings my text down so I can make decent looking paragraphs and things like that but in other places I get a simple box and can't move done at all. It's doing it now in this forum. Is there a way I can fix this? Any info will be very helpful!
The MSN Groups screen shot you referenced doesn't seem to work, at least from here, so it's hard to get an idea of what you're looking at. Can you post the address of the web page with the song you're trying to download?

As for your other problem, sounds like a browser glitch. What browser are you using?
Originally posted by Reality

1. Ok here's my new problem. Anytime I download a song, I get a small (new) window on my desttop, it looks like a small Quick Time window. It just shows a bar for the music and the buttons to control it. Anyway when I have that current window open I go up to file and click "save as" but I don't know how to save it the right way. I save it into the desktop in a quick time formate it tells me a error has happened and cannot be read. I'm trying to get get music I downloaded off a web site into my iTunes for burning. Here's a link to see s screen shot of my Desk top. I hope this helps. I want to save Music of the net in iTunes and movies like that Metroid prime video on the right I want to save in Quick Time so I can see it when ever I want. http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UQCv...jWc2AW5F/Picture-1.jpg?dc=4675409219825324174

to put yr song into iTunes, just drag it into iTunes. And when you open a movie or song into Quicktime you don't have to save it again.. It's already on your computer, propably in your download-folder (in your case).

ah, no no, i'm totally wrong, i think, I just saw your screenshot, your song and movie is open in Explorer (it's still on the internet)! you have to go back to the link, and control-click on the link to the song/movie and select "Save Target As" (i also recommend Safari as browser :)) So you download it to your computer. And THEN you can put your song into iTunes by dragging it into iTunes! I also recommend to put all your songs into the folder "Music" in your Home folder. So when iTunes is open, iTunes automaticly arranges the "Music"-folder into Artist>Album>Songs (very usefull when you try to find your songs back easily (you also can select your song in iTunes and press apple+R)

But you can't "save" movies IN Quicktime of course. You can put them in the folder "Movies" in your Home, that's a good place for movies. :p So you can open them later when you want to.

i hope i solved your problem! :)
Originally posted by coolgrafix
The MSN Groups screen shot you referenced doesn't seem to work, at least from here, so it's hard to get an idea of what you're looking at. Can you post the address of the web page with the song you're trying to download?

As for your other problem, sounds like a browser glitch. What browser are you using?

it did work 2 minutes ago... Try to "qoute" his post and then copy the link and open it in a new window
Hm I can't get the Link to work for me also. Wonder why. Anyway I using IE. It seems to be the defult browser. I went did the Cont-Click like you said and this is what I get. Internet Explorer help, Open Link in new Window, Download Link to disk, Copy Link to clipboard, Add Link to favorites.
download link to disk should do it. really get yourself a better browser. ie is more toruble than it's worth except for things like accessing your bank. do check your internet prefs and be sure where you have defaulted downloads to. it comes set for your documents folder but the desktop is much easier most of the time.
do a site search for 'browsers' to see lots of opinions on all the alternative browsers you could use.
You think it would fix this forum problem I'm having? If so I have been eyeing Safari. What's your opinion on it?
Safari works well in every forum i have tried it, so go ahead and use it! But when it comes to doing your bank-business, Safari isnt reliable yet (you can do it, but it takes some tweaking), since it is still in Beta.
I think you will be much happier with Safari! :)
Safari doesn't work well with some forums sites for me. Case in point is Mortality.net's d20 forums:


Can't click on the forum title to view the forum. Boo.

And it seems to have trouble printing to my HP 5000N laser printer sometimes.

That being said, I do use it at home. When I run into something funky (banking, etc) I launch Netscape.
I finally switch back to netscape, ie and ns were about equal back in the days of 4.x versions. Then nescape sucked for a long time and ie was the better. Now ie has slowed down and safari and ns7 are becoming better browsers. Safari isn't bad i've used it some, but i really like the tabbed windows in ns7. ns also handles java stuff better than ie. So in other words switch to either safari or ns7.
Hmm..I think I wil do netscape since I hear it runs great on Macs then Safari when a latter and better version comes out. Oh! And thank you all for such great help! I can save my music and I'm so happy about that! At one point I wasn't sure about the swicth but it's growing on me bad. Oh and how can I find my Movies amd Music folders?
It's in your Home-folder.
Macintosh HD/Users/Your Name/ or just use the "Home"-icon if you have it in you toolbar.
Ok? Remember your talking to a newbie! :D have no idea yet how to find this. Can you post a walk-through please. Thanks!
:) In your Macintosh hard-drive you have a folder called Users in english (if you are not from an english speaking country it will be called something that means Users in your language.) In the users-folder there are 2 folders. One called Shared and one with a short version of your name. The folder that has your name is your Home-folder.
Ok! Now how do I find my hard-drive? Would I go to files or something on my desktop? (Thanks again for helping me out.)
from what i saw of your desktop - your HD is that grey icon called "untitled" (different name i must admit). double click on that and you will be looking at what is called the 'root' level of your HD.
Ah! That pic really helped thank you. Ok I tried saving a movie in the Movies folder but but it saved as some kind of text paper. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?