Androo's Image Club


Yeah, Androo.
Hello! It's time for me to open a thread here for me (and possibly you people) to show Computer art that YOU MADE on your mac (or maybe PC... but most of you do most things on mac.....). Every few days, i will post a new design. You can rate it (1-10, decimals included).... You can say you like it, or say you dont (and say why plz!), maybe some suggestions to make it better (what it lacks, and what shouldn't be in there), or you can view it in silence. Of course, all you macosx users can post your own artwork (either from another site, or upload em here, but make sure they follow the size limit), and we can all comment too.

To start it off, here is my most recent design, "Broken Soul"(34 KB). I made 2 others that also looked cool, but here it is, my favorite:
Good stuff, Androo! :D

This is a title graphic I put together for a friends web-site last month...

I would like to post my comic but it still isn't finished even after 6 months. But trust me, when I eventually get it online, you guys will be the first to know. :p


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Androo, Cool!!! I agree with Dusky, it would be great for a blog.

Great iMac flat panel symphonix! art...does that include rendered scenes? Sounds like it to me, so I'll post one :D

(It's 1280 x 1024 - just warning you guys ;))

Pipe Dream
Originally posted by Androo
Hello! It's time for me to open a thread here for me (and possibly you people) to show Computer art that YOU MADE on your mac (or maybe PC... but most of you do most things on mac.....). Every few days, i will post a new design. You can rate it (1-10, decimals included).... You can say you like it, or say you dont (and say why plz!), maybe some suggestions to make it better (what it lacks, and what shouldn't be in there), or you can view it in silence. Of course, all you macosx users can post your own artwork (either from another site, or upload em here, but make sure they follow the size limit), and we can all comment too.

To start it off, here is my most recent design, "Broken Soul"(34 KB). I made 2 others that also looked cool, but here it is, my favorite:

Nice one!

Go Androo! Go Androo! GO! :) :p :D ;)
Whoa, 4.8mb! Could you perhaps run it through ImageReady or GraphicConvertor to crush it down to a smaller file? Even on broadband thats a helluva lot for one image.
I'll take a look when you do...
Hulkaros.... thanks! If anyone ever needs a quick little logo for their site, just ask!
about Darkshadow's artwork being to big, i'll fix that up.....i'll make it smaller in one sec... 70 KB
Here it is, "Pipe Dream" by DARKSHADOW:


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i kno... it came to me one day when i wanted to make fun of something that people are afraid of... should i do SARS? no. Should i do Windows? maybe later. THE RING!? YES! PERFECT! my friend put it on his brother's TV, and when he woke up, he FREAKED. hahahahaha, i inspire many.
I'll submit a bunch more art tomorro! I got 80 more megs from April and May... i shall pic the ones i like most.... Some are just little fun things.
He he he ... Androo's one's are getting a little weirder. :D I like the broken soul ones, but whatever centre of my brain is responsible for criticising artwork took one look at "The Sandwich" and collapsed sobbing into the corner. :p

Hey, Androo, are you using PhotoShop? If you are, try applying very different filters heavily to only one colour channel at a time. The results can be pretty awesome.

Now, here, just finished last night is my promo frame for my eventually upcoming webcomic. It took under just half an hour to do, including scanning and so on, and gives an idea of the method I'll be using for the comic. (68kb 1024x768)


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Not bad, symphonix. It's a little strange, but sortta cool too.
I would submit something, but I am too busy programing PHP :D
Originally posted by symphonix

Hey, Androo, are you using PhotoShop? If you are, try applying very different filters heavily to only one colour channel at a time. The results can be pretty awesome.

ummmm... that's odd, my dad just showed me that last nite.... ARE YOU MY DAD?
That's neat symphonix! it's colorful and things...... and things!
Androo, I'm starting to worry about you, after that image.

And no, I'm not your Dad.

But the colour channel trick is a favourite of mine. Another trick you might like is to Render up some clouds using two complementary colours, then Image->Effects->Posterize them. Use about 2 to 4 levels of posterisation. Then, put a strong radial blur on it.
If you're not my dad then who is? o my dad ..... hahaha
o ya i made that as a little joke..... i started making something, and it looked like eyes and eyebrows... then i fixed it a little, and wanted to spice it up a bit, so i drew a red line. I thought it looked like blood, so i made it "bleed". I still laugh at it... the dumbest thing ever!
I'll submit more art later today!
Neat! I love images that look like blue prints, but have an image behind it..... i give it an A+!
Here's my first attempt at the new Panther Aqua look:


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