Apple - Part II

What do you think of Mac OS X?

  • I love it! It's my only Mac OS!

  • Fun to play with, but I still do work with OS 9.

  • I don't use it. Software isn't ready.

  • I don't use it. It's way too slow.

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Actually my main intent was--to get everyone to wake up! Mac OS X is better, but it is also much slower. You can blame it on the hardware; however, the reason that I'm a Mac user is because I believe Apple's philosophy, which is handling both software and hardware, it can offer the best end-user experience.

Well, guess what? Windows has past Mac OS since 1996 and Linus is catching up.

It's time for us Mac users to demand more than just good-looking computers.

We want a mature Mac OS X--not just a good enough OS--like the ones Microsoft offers.

You see me as your enemy? Fine. You just don't see it until you admit it.
Heh. Slap me around and call me stupid.

I missed the sign posted:
Do not feed the trolls

OK, I'm done here. Bye bye. :p
Sorry guys. It's really late here in Taiwan. Please excuse my poor English.

Let me try this again.

Actually my main intent was--to get everyone to wake up! Mac OS X is better, but it is also much slower. You can blame it on the hardware; however, the reason that I'm a Mac user is because I believe Apple's philosophy, which is by handling both the software and the hardware end, it can offer the best end-user experience.

Well, guess what? Windows has passed Mac OS since 1996 and Linus is catching up.

It's time for us Mac users to demand more than just good-looking computers.

We want a mature OS--not just a good enough OS--like the ones Microsoft offers, not Mac OS 7.x.

You see me as your enemy? Fine. You just won't see it until you admit it.

No, I won't "slap [you] around and call [you] stupid."
But I will call you turtle, just like what Windows 2000 would call Mac OS X.

Wake up sleepy head! We are paying more and getting less!!!
you are just trying to bloat your posts.

YOu have nothing to say, you are talkin about
things of which you clearly know nothing.

Maturity? research.
Security? research.
Tuning a System? research.

You might as well be a Mall shopping consumer pet american.

seriously. You are void of anything intelligent.
Thanks! People are so friendly here. You've got a point though. That is, I'm wasting my time here. Research. I'm a user. All I care about is user experience.

Good night. It's 1:25 in the morning in Taiwan.

Thanks for all your feedback!
originally posted by the naive one
Well, guess what? Windows has passed Mac OS since 1996 and Linus is catching up.

to whom, Lucy or Charlie Brown?:D

frankly, osx is a lot faster than os 9 for lots of things. especially use of firewire devices. in other ways it is just as fast - the finder works very quickly and smoothly. the only places it slows down are in specific applications which leads me to continue to believe that it is not osx to blame. it is the developers understanding and use of the os that causes the slow down.

case in point - i recently complained to a small developere about a speed issue with one of his apps. Within a couple of weeks he had sent me a beta copy with the problem totally corrected and it works lightening fast now. the public version has already been released and reviews of the app have been much more favorable. This particular developer related to me that fixing the problem involved a complicated code rewrite. Perhaps most developers just aren't willing to put in the effort that this one did.
I apologize for being so abrasive.

But everything you said, indicated, that you wanted something
out of the box.

A computer is not a gaming console. It is more like a pet. You have to read the manual. You have to learn how to use it. You need to learn how to make it best suit your needs.

Everything I read was inflamitory, derogatory and unfounded.

The simple soluiton. Read Manuals. Read man pages, Read FAQs, Read HOW-TOs.

Dont just stop yer foot and shake your tiny fist.
some of the main "perceptions" in the slowness of X has to do with poorly coded/optimized Applications. Examples: Compare an application like OmniWeb. Look at the version that shipped shortly after 10.1 came out. I believe that was OW 4.06. Sloooow as molasses, even under the optimized 10.1. Now, look at the 4.1b4 release. Much, much quicker.

The very first wave of OS X apps all had speed issues. Whether they be Carbon or Cocoa. The reaons were varied, some due to the OS, a lot due to the newness of the APIs, and developers who weren't quite adept at optimizing for the new OS yet.

Another example would be Lightwave. When version 7.0 came out, it had some serious speed issues with rendering and OpenGL performance. They just released 7.5 last night, and woa - the app is much more responsive, and rendering/OpenGL are dramatically improved too.

I will agree that Apple could still do more to optimize OS X, and they will. However, if speed is such a concern for you, then ante up for a new Mac. Speed was a concern for me, and I ponied up for the G4/800DP. It runs OS X plenty fast. Could it run OS X faster. Of course it could. But at this level, OS X feels just as fast as OS 9 (except for Explorer, which I have abandoned in favor of Navigator/Chimera ). Now on my PBG4/500, OS X definitely feels slower than 9, but not anywhere near the point that I would consider going back to the arcane, crash prone OS of days gone by.

Sorry you have an avalance of disagreement falling on you now, but I think you are in the minority on this one....
Wow, georgelien built five computers! How can we possibly argue with that?

You're not going to convince anyone here that you're right. If you keep arguing, that makes you a troll. And at this point you're not making many arguments at all; you're just insulting the thing that brought all of us here!

But I will call you turtle, just like what Windows 2000 would call Mac OS X.

And we're not supposed to respond to that with hostility? What did you hope to achieve by saying that?

There are many people here who won't argue that Mac OS X is sluggish in many areas. But here's a little computer tip for you:

Slower <> Worse.

And here's another tip.

Don't come to a web site called "" and use the phrase "Macs suck" in a serious way unless you want to be called a troll or have something besides MHz numbers to back it up.


-the valrus
One of my pet peeves ever since OS X 10.0 was released is people b*tching that "it's too slow."
What is too slow?!? Yes, the GUI (and especially the Finder) is too slow in certain areas, and still buggy. But actually doing something in OS X is FAST!
Uploading and downloading. Composing and editing texts. Tweaking graphic images. All FASTER than OS 7.5 -9.2.2 (never used earlier Mac OSes). Not to mention the stability and multitasking. And the ability to use UNIX programs. And the Developer Tools.

Damn, I love OS X!
You want a wild, unsubstiated, guess?

I think at WWDC, Apple is going to show us that they've hooked OpenGL into the Quartz engine so that OpenGL now does all the Aqua drawing, meaning of course, that it would be accelerated.

Based on a few "teaser" emails from Apple people, that's what I think is going to happen.

Incidentally, even at its current speed, I too LOVE OS X. My Mac has power it's never had before.

If a window does pop open with quite the same speed, I'm OK with that, especially knowing it's going to get better.

Don't be some silly and inconsiderate. He is allowed to have a view. He *isn't* trolling. You might not share his view, but don't attack him as a troll and tell him he does't know what he is talking about. Thats just mean and I know you wouldn't like it if it were being done to you.

Now, I don't have a problem with OS X but he might. I don't think macs suck now - I think the mac is better then it has been in years. OS X is why I came back.
But I will call you turtle, just like what Windows 2000 would call Mac OS X.
You mean (CRASH) Windows 2000 (BSOD) is actually (Keyboard stoped responding, hard reboot) much faster (ARGH!!! Froze! Completly! Stupid Windows! Reboot AGAIN! Oh great, now it's forcing me to chkdsk my hard drive, have to wait 10 minutes to finish) than OS X (what service failed during startup???).... You coulda easily fooled me - NOT! :P

Blasing fast speed does not mean better if the system is going to crash whenever you try to do something other than web browsing or use MS's own proprietary software - oh wait, that crashes Windows too! :P

I come from a PC world since I had a Tandy 1000 EX, then a Packaged Hell - err Bell with Windows 3.1 and I've had every version of Windows and a couple of Linuxes and built my own PCs aprox 7 of them for myself (altho I only have 3 of them now), a couple of servers and then some for clients since. And I must say that I've haven't had as many problems with Mac since I made my very wise descision to buy my Mac!

And the ONLY problems I've had with my Mac where all MY fault that I've admited... Or faulty RAM that I had installed.

I've never been this happy or satisfied with a computer since... since... hmmm... let me rephrase that - I've NEVER been this happy and satisfied with a computer ever! :)
Originally posted by georgelien
but Apple is still playing around with only 1GHz G4 while AMD and Intel are passing 2GHz?

So... um... why is it that my Dual 533Mhz G4 Tower blew away my 1Ghz Athelon and my friend's 1.8 Ghz Pentium 4 when doing the exact same graphics work? (and an IBM laptop I sold after it was put to shame with the same test - having a serious crash) Seriously we where even doing the same actions and timing on all three computers... My Athelon Crashed, his P4 froze for a couple of seconds, My Mac was at the finish line waiting for the two PeeCee slow-pokes to catch up...

Now I know I have an unfair advantage over the Athelon since my Dual 533s must put me around at 1066 Ghz - but that's no excuse to crash! What a quitter! But the P4 has no such excuse! :p

Now I'm going to get off of my soap box before I get flamed! heh :D :p
Sorry, googolplex, but he is trolling. He's purpously stating incorrect facts and trying to start a flame war here. He has offered nothing useful.
I have no complaints about Macintosh computers (can't say so much for pcs), although the one thing that Apple has been stubborn about is the one button trackpad/mouse. Everyone has different preferences on how to work, but it doesn't make sense to corral everyone into using one button on their laptop, since it adds time to the simple tasks of navigating. I will not go so far as to say that this small problem makes Macs not worth using, nor that having three or more buttons and wheels on a PC makes me want to use one. If I'm missing some underlying reason to the button shortage please enlighten me.

Oh, by the way, all I use is OS X and it kicks the ass of all the PCs I've ever used, its never crashed on me (using for 7 mos), what PC user can say that!!!!
Nobody will ever see my post way down here after all these good posts but I would feel bad if I didn't say anything.

I use a computer that has a 266mhz chip. I saved for 4 years from my 6th grade year till I was a sophomore in High school. Now that computer is 3 years old and I still use it and for me, it runs X.1 great. That is only possible by the fact that I have for all practical purposes built this machine.

I opened it the first time to install memory. A second 32 meg chip on the top side and I felt so good that I did it myself. Then for christmas I got 264 megs in two chips so I opened my machine again. Being a pro at the top chip, I got even more excited at digging farther into the machine to the bottom chip. Then I had an external drive which I switched with my internal (see sig) and that was so awesome because I had to get under the cd rom and there was no manual so it was all done by knowing my machine.

So when people say that Macintosh computers are for people who don't want to get their hands dirty, I just laugh. And when people say that there is no way to upgrade the hardware, I snicker. But when people say that Macs Suck I hang my head in sorrow because it's obvious that person isn't willing to make the personal connection to their mac that they do when building a win 2000 machine.

My mac may be old and may not perform as many calculations per second but that's alright because it's my trusted friend and companion.
I don't have a Mac Laptop... but I know what you mean having used a 1button mouse on my Mac for a while...
and even tho it's optical, I just didn't feel comfortable with one button - especially comeing from a PC world, where I have a 4 button mouse with a scroll wheel - hey wait a minute! That is not standard equipment on a PC! :D
So I quickly yanked it and put it on my Mac! There! Much better! :)

I forget who said it or where it was said... but TRUE geeks toss the rat that comes with their computer and gets a REAL mouse! But from what comes as standard equipment with a computer - Apple was sensible enough to give us a good one for free! :)

And if you argue that PCs are doing that now too - I'll call them Copycats - but then again they've been accused of that how many times already? :D
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