Apple sightings on TV and movies?

i saw "Runaway Jury" last night at a preview screening; John Cusack has a gen 1 imac [blueberry] running osx and a gen 1 or 2 ipod which plays an important role in the movie.
Also, there is a control room in the movie which features cinema displays and at least 6 ti powerbooks.
martin grammatica is 'teaching' a bunch of kids to use computers in a room full of original style imacs in an NFL/United Way commercial.
The latest Mac Addict staff video shows an office with a G5 and a Powerbook. But I don't suppose that counts... :)
Days of Our Lives used to have black and white Mac from 1993 to 1997, then Blueberry iMac in 2000. After 2001, there is no Macs in it.

EDIT: Oh. I forgot there is full of gray iMacs in movie "Clockstopper"
Hey, I am not sure but i think in "What I like about you" the tv show with amanda bynes, there is always a Imac in the back ground. I always see it multiple times in the back ground whiles she's acting :). Look over the couch she sits in and u will see it :)
Spike Tv has a powerbook featured, and i mean featured as in that's all there is in the picture besides their logo, in one of their station id spots that they always show before going back to the program.
If only I could create a web site "Mac in Movies, TV Shows and Soap Opera".
Could be fun to do at the free time!

Edit: Remove "Macs in Pubic Places"
arden is joking. :rolleyes:

and as for wanting a thread about it, last i checked you can start threads just like everybody else.
Yes, it was a joke... the way you wrote it (forgetting the L), it sounded like "Macs in your crotch" or something. LOL, all you had to do was add the L. :)
there was a nice imac managing the business of an online voyeur site on CSI Miami tonight. only they picked it to be the one that got hacked into and a forged email sent from. the imac owner wasn't the murderer. the guy in charge of all the pc's that ran the site was the guilty one. :D
SEINFELD : It started with a classsic, and after that i remember they changed it witha powerbook duo and dockingstaion with a 17 inch screen, then they upgraded to the 20th century mac...
You can see in the corner in Jerrys apartment in every episode...

The TRIBE : Loots of macs and TiBooks, but they all have a TRIBE logo sticked over the apple logo.

... and in numerous others, but very often, at least here in norway, they coverup the logo .Pathetic.

FRIENDS : In some episodes you spot imacs, but numerous times when Chandler is reading a magazine it´s MacWorld he´s reading.
I thiiiiink I saw a mac or macs in Hackers... the smiling classic apple face. I saw that movie yesterday, a really good example on how bad a dubbed version can be .. it was just sooo bad in italian. :D