Apple Soundtrack

Amazing. Really amazing. I never saw any rumors at all regarding this, and this looks like to be one "killer app"
Soundtrack supports audio units.
Does it mean that it's possible to use virtual instruments too? Or just effects?

Can't wait to get my hands on it...
Originally posted by kendall
who did Apple buy this software from? its interface looks like it came from IRIX.

Emagic. But the interface is the same as Final Cut Pro.

Originally posted by senne
Soundtrack was part of FCP

Not to this level. Soundtrack has a few features from Logic as well.

This software seems just perfect for me! Now if I only had 300 bucks to spend :p
Soundtrack is the only audio sequencing app I've ever been able to actually understand. There's like, no learning curve. The demo videos on pretty much show it all. I love it. And now I can buy it. :)
Jepp, kind of non apple-like interface... but then again, i have onle seen the tiny pictures on the homepage.

killer app?
no no no... "kick-ass app" i think is the right wording in Steve-world! :)
This app is amazing. I have it with FCP 4. It's very addictive, super easy and sounds phenomenal. The audio units effects are way better than their VST equivs.

Plus, I believe it also supports third party loop formats (could be wrong on that).

It's a teeny bit buggy so far, but it's a 1.0, so I'm not worried. The features don't have much room for growth cuz it's so well developed. Now it's just bug fixing and providing more loops.

This is one killer app.
From MacFixIt;

Apple's Macworld announcements Not much is stirring at this week's Macworld Create conference in New York City, with Apple only making two relatively minor announcements thus far. First, the company announced Soundtrack, the royalty-free music production tool previously available only with Final Cut Pro 4, will be available in August as a standalone product for US$ 299. Second, Apple announced an upgrade path where Premiere customers have the choice of trading in their disks for a free copy of Final Cut Express, Apple's industry-leading video editing software optimized for DV, or receiving a US$ 500 rebate from the purchase of Final Cut Pro 4. More.
I've read all the product info, and watched all the quicktimes about the interface. It certainly does look cool.

One thing escapes me, however: Since Soundtrack adjusts the KEY of the instruments, it looks like a whole soundtrack is in just one note -- G, A, &etc.

Does anybody know if it's possible to set up these loops with different notes/pitches at different times? -- e.g., to get a sort of Karaoke thing going with a real song?
Looks interesting. If it's worth $300, that probably adds to the cost of FCP; what would FCP without Soundtrack be worth? $700?

I'm betting they borrowed a lot of that from Logic Audio.

I'm not sure I understand your question, but suffice it to say that all the loops are recorded in a specific key (varies from loop to loop). You can then transpose the loop into another key as well as adjust the tempo. Presumably SoundTrack is simply doing on-the-fly "time-stretching" against the transposition. It sounds very good to medium good depending on how far you transpose. Typically you'd want to only transpose a step or two.

After doing a quick test I could not find a way to have multiple instances of a loop in different keys on the same or different timelines. Once you adjust the key it seems to apply the change to all instances of the loop. I just started to use this program, though so I could be wrong.
mindbend, keep us informed - looks like about £185 is a very reasonable price for what it does.
Thanks, Mindbend! That was a useful answer.

What I want to do with Soundtrack is lay down bass and drum line with refrain/chorus changes, and then overlay a vocal and guitar track from another source. The result would be a studio-quality song.
Is a program like this any good for doing anything besides Techno and canned music?

I've been in the market recently for an app to do some composing with (I have no experience here, mind you), but I'd like something to actually write real music - perhaps orchestral, perhaps guitar tune, with some built-in effects (echos, chorus, flange kinds of things).

Reason and Acid definitely don't seem to be what I'm looking for. Is Soundtrack?
SoundTrack is, by definition, "canned". And, yes, there is a heavy emphasis on the techno stuff.

As you may or may not know, all SoundTrack does is piece together prerecorded music in very clever ways that do not require any intelligence, skill or musical insight whatsoever. You cannot (to my knowledge) use SoundTrack to record your own music, add MIDI files, sync to a sequencer, etc. It's a self-contained loop-player.

Having said that, the starting library is pretty damned solid. Lots of genres are covered to some degree in a decent supply of keys. Assuming they release new libraries, the sky is the limit. Because the system is so flexible, you can avoid the pure "canned" sound by mixing together incongruous genres or sound types for unique and creative results. And it still sounds right in its own way. Very fun and addictive. It's like some kind of music machine where you're never wrong and never hit a wrong note. It always just sounds good (unless you purposely mix keys or something).

Its biggest weakness from a composition standpoint is that you cannot compose custom melodies, you're stuck using their melodies. You can create mood, style, genre, tempo, depth, complexity/simplicity, etc. but you cannot choose the raw notes, which is really where the true composition is.

For true musical composition, SoundTrack is not the answer, but that doesn't take away from it being a fantastic application in its own right.
The required spec is a little disturbing though - G4-500 or Dual G4 450, while FCP4 requires a minimum G4 350.

Logic only needs a 604 250. How does that work? Does it really need more power to launch that Logic?