SoundTrack is, by definition, "canned". And, yes, there is a heavy emphasis on the techno stuff.
As you may or may not know, all SoundTrack does is piece together prerecorded music in very clever ways that do not require any intelligence, skill or musical insight whatsoever. You cannot (to my knowledge) use SoundTrack to record your own music, add MIDI files, sync to a sequencer, etc. It's a self-contained loop-player.
Having said that, the starting library is pretty damned solid. Lots of genres are covered to some degree in a decent supply of keys. Assuming they release new libraries, the sky is the limit. Because the system is so flexible, you can avoid the pure "canned" sound by mixing together incongruous genres or sound types for unique and creative results. And it still sounds right in its own way. Very fun and addictive. It's like some kind of music machine where you're never wrong and never hit a wrong note. It always just sounds good (unless you purposely mix keys or something).
Its biggest weakness from a composition standpoint is that you cannot compose custom melodies, you're stuck using their melodies. You can create mood, style, genre, tempo, depth, complexity/simplicity, etc. but you cannot choose the raw notes, which is really where the true composition is.
For true musical composition, SoundTrack is not the answer, but that doesn't take away from it being a fantastic application in its own right.