AppleScript for AirTunes?


Flaccid Member
Anyone know of a way to write an applescript that will switch iTunes' sound to AirTunes remote speakers?

Thanks in advance
I checked the AppleScript iTunes Dictionary pretty thoroughly, then looked through others, and on Google and found nothing to indicate that AirTunes, or any AirPort functionality is directly scriptable.
Could you do the same with iTunes 4.6? That's likely the version that is asked about on this thread from nearly 6 years ago. Airtunes had only just been added.
Tough to say since the accessibility options of the OS are really the crux of what needs to be done to get it working.

I just know that as a user who was looking for ways to make it work with iTunes 9/10 this thread came up prominently on search results. After writing the solution, I just wanted people who were looking for the same thing to be able to find their solution.