badmouthing our president

Here's another question to all Americans participating in this discussion:
How much non-American history is actually taught in American schools?
Disclaimer: This is a serious question, not a flame or insult!
Wow racer, I'm impressed at how rightous you are. And if I strapped myself to the grounds where a peace rally was to be staged, and I was trampled to death, I'm sure you would defend my honor right?

No, you would laugh at how much of an idiot I was! Anybody that crawls under a bulldozer to save a freekin house has got their wires crossed.

Your logic then would indicate that you think Homicide bombers need to be defended, and their honors upheld, and their cause glorified right?
How much non-American history is actually taught in American schools?

As I recall (and I'm really bad with dates) most things before... oh, say 1776 were non-American.

The real question is how much non-North American/European history is taught... not very much would be the correct answer.
Originally posted by habilis
Wow racer, I'm impressed at how rightous you are. And if I strapped myself to the grounds where a peace rally was to be staged, and I was trampled to death, I'm sure you would defend my honor right?

Actually I would. I have served this country and sworn an oath to protect it's citizens and the laws that govern it. I may not work in that capacity any more, but the oath means as much to me today as it did then.

No, you would laugh at how much of an idiot I was!

Beyond the bulldozer issue, why do you think I would act in such a manner?

Your logic then would indicate that you think Homicide bombers need to be defended, and their honors upheld, and their cause glorified right?

That isn't my logic, but I guess we would have to assume that as you are the one making it up, that it must be yours. I have to say that you are turning out to be one scary individual.
by habilis:
Look, I know you guys don't hate the U.S. so much, it's conservatives and their seeing of black and white, right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral that you hate. I know what side I want to be on... Happy, Positive, Upbeat, full of Hope.

Would you please re-read your last few posts in this thread. I'm sorry but you are not someone I would classify as Happy... or Positive... or Upbeat... or even full of Hope.

In fact if we apply a strict black and white view of what you have said here, you tend to fall on the wrong, evil, and immoral side on this basic issue of human kindness.

I would really rather think of you as a relatively good person, but the ethics which you are displaying paint quite a different picture.
Originally posted by doemel
How much non-American history is actually taught in American schools?

In high school I took more than most for History, only 1 year was US History (AP my Sophmore year). World Civ as a Freshman, Asian/Middle Eastern Studies as a Junior, and European History AP my Senior year.

The requirements when I was in HS was 2 credits, World Civ being one.

Me personally, I liked History and it was an easy subject.
Has anyone ever even attempted such a thing? Laying down their life to prevent a peace protest? Personally, I just can't see it happening but if it did, I think the peace protesters would find a way to protect you, because isn't that the whole point, Habilis, to prevent needless death?
Michael Moore, director of Bowling for Columbine and author of Stupid White Men, wrote a letter to GW yesterday. You can find it here

I don't like the guy myself, but he has some good things to say.
i'm pretty sure nobody has ever been killed while peacefully protesting a peace protest. unfortunately peace protesters themselves seem to be pretty easy game. like fishing at the trout farm. line 'em up and either beat them down or shoot them. "Four dead in O-hi-O".
Habilis, you say that we should call the terrorists homicide bombers and I agree with you. The perpetrators of crimes against humanity should be labeled for what they are. Cold-blooded killers. Just because they are fundamentalist religious nuts who feel that the way to heaven is paved with the dead bodies of the infidel..... Who was I talking about???? Oh, that's right, the terrorists, or, was this thread about the president of the United States? Hmmmmmm................

So, your truth in advertising only works with the bad guys. Anybody who stands up for the native people of Israel is immediately branded a phreakin idiot, it's too bad that your vision is so myopic.
CNN/FOX debate

Well, the political side didn't matter much for me, as I needed the Bush intervention and not its commentaries, which I could have on French radios.
It is obvious that, from my European point of view, I share doemel's views: 99% American media lean right. Very rarely extreme-right, but right, definitely.
What an American can call 'left-wing' is more 'center-right' here, studies of American political cleavages shows it well (I'm thinking of Herbert Kitschelt's work, for those interested).


You've got a coll new signature ! :D There is an accent on the 'a' however: "Ne perdez pas votre vie à la gagner."
I've got a new signature too :rolleyes:.

Michael Moore

I just read Moore's letter. As usual, the whole is written in moron-style, but contains undeniable elements of truth. He should have come to this forum and read this thread. I'm sure he would not have called pro-war people "passionate people" but "American version of Israeli hawks".


Because yes ! The minority (statiscally speaking, that's a minority, yes) of pro-war people is acting like Israeli extreme-right supporters and leaders. First it's a question of national security, then it ends up with bomb shells. What a desperate situation: Sharon and Bush have the same IQ and got the same idea: 'bomb them, or they will bomb us'. This criminal logic has proven wrong in Israel since 1946, but some White House administratives still think it can work with them. What a pity.

Osama speech ?

There's nothing rational to add, anyway, war is declared, I may quote books and studies, forget it: the USA will be throwing bombs on Iraq soon ! Now I'm just waiting for Bin Laden's intervention from his cave: "Hello guys, thanks for feeding my troops with enough hatred and resentment over you. Could you send bigger bombs on children please ? My pilots are losing their patience you know." I just hope I don't have to wait for 2:00AM to hear his speech :rolleyes:.

George Walker

After all, this thread is about him. Now he doesn't need to be badmouthed. He's entered the Great Hall of Fame of Bloodthirsty Chiefs of States. Be glad you did not [irony]really[/irony] elected, so you can still complain and say you didn't vote for him...


Let the body bags' dance begin. Let the USA people buy gas masks, open their doors with a handgun in left hand, take the plane with a parachute, open their letters with anthrax-proof suits and walk in the streets with a Geiger counter just to be sure. This war is a continuation of a psycho the American people already live in; and this psycho is the beginning of the end.


No empire can hold on exclusive use of force, said Erri de Luca (Italian writer). Without justice, and esp. international justice, times of hatred and nonsense action is inaugurated. This war over Iraq responds to nothing, it is an act of violence of the strongest on the weakest. By this attack, Western countries are losing the right to defend themselves against those who will soon take their revenge. We are weaker than what stats and presidents say. We are immensely weak. We should take this omnipotency mask off our face.
Or assume its consequences. Not in my name.
Evil what are you talking about? Are you trying to make fun of me? are you talking about my old AOL(AIM)screen name from 1991? If you are, take a look at what my last name is and you'll see where that came from. Otherwise the handle "Habilis" stemmed from the first tool-using homonid called Homo Habilis, just before Homo Erectus. Habilis is also the name of my electronic music experiment. I use only electronic equipment to make it, synths and sequencers, hence Habilis=Tool User. Go here if you want to download my music: Or maybe you're talking about when I used to be a hacker and went by the alias sinkwh0le or sinkstyle. Either way, nothing's really that funny.

I must be mistaken. I had an online friend with a very similar name, who not only shared your opinions but had a very similar writing style.

I used to debate with him all the time.
I was not trying to make fun of you, in fact, this is more of a compliment, since he was such a good friend of mine.

I lost touch with him a few years back, but I would have bet anything it was you. I was under a different screen name also.

back to the debate...
This thread is a microcosm of our modern world.

And even though there are MAJOR clashes of philosophy, I can appreciate you people greatly in the fact that you all stand for something. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

Look how beautiful it is that we can indulge in pure freedom and speak our minds. It's this very freedom that, as unfortunate as it is, is under assualt by radical Islam. Radical Islam has been on the rise for the last 30 years and if we leave these people alone, appease them, don't stand up to the bully on the world block, it just grows stronger.

10 years from now, maybe 20, if these radicals are left unchecked, as many people would have it, you can be assured that we would one day wake up to a few smoldering U.S. citys.

This really is a struggle that will take decades, like the rebulding of Japan and Germany. And if America has to be called "imperialists" to get this historic job done, I'll take that over a mushroom cloud. If we have to leave behind us a culture of Life, rather then the culture of Death that currently permates the middle east, then so be that. and Amen to that.

This is key in the fact that containment of Saddam is irrelevant, because he will pass these weapons on to the radicals in time, where they can smuggle them into the U.S. and be detonated.

If you gotta go to war, go to war with the USA. America is the best thing that ever happened to the world and the best thing that can happen to your country if you go to war with us. Look back and see.
When did the Supreme Court appoint you president? Paternalistic and xenophobic attitudes like yours are what created WWI and WWII. Are we destined to repeat the past?
Originally posted by habilis
America is the best thing that ever happened to the world and the best thing that can happen to your country if you go to war with us. Look back and see.

I've been looking back my chair and still can't see what 'good' you are talking about.

Behind me I can see some of my books. Here are the titles of those concerning America:

- André Glucksmann, Dostoievski in Manhattan
- Tocqueville, Of Democracy in America
- Dictionary of Twentieth Century Geopolitics and Geostrategy Issues
- Theodor Adorno, The Authoritarian Personality
- Moisei Ostrogorski, Democracy and Political Parties
- Noam Chomsky, 9/11 - Autopsy of Terrorism, two Hours of Lucidity: Interview with Denis Robert and Veronika Zaracowicz, Manufacturing Consent (video)
- Howard Zinn, A People's History of America
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard

I don't see this glazing 'good' you are talking about. Maybe you could give me some hints please.
Ugg, by god I hope we do repeat the past: The vast majority of us here in America think the obliteration of Communism and Nazism was a good thing, A repeat of that would be great don't you think? or no...

Toast. I have no desire to read socialist propaganda just as I'm sure you have no desire to read a pile of publications I can recommend to you. but I'll allow you to recommend one of those, your favorite, what is it? I'll read it no matter how much it hurts.
Toast. I have no desire to read socialist propaganda

what time do you live in? 50's of the last century? the witch hunt for communists has been over for quite a while now, you can stop calling people commies.