CNN/FOX debate
Well, the political side didn't matter much for me, as I needed the Bush intervention and not its commentaries, which I could have on French radios.
It is obvious that, from my European point of view, I share doemel's views: 99% American media lean right. Very rarely extreme-right, but right, definitely.
What an American can call 'left-wing' is more 'center-right' here, studies of American political cleavages shows it well (I'm thinking of Herbert Kitschelt's work, for those interested).
You've got a coll new signature !

There is an accent on the 'a' however: "Ne perdez pas votre vie
à la gagner."
I've got a new signature too

Michael Moore
I just read Moore's letter. As usual, the whole is written in moron-style, but contains undeniable elements of truth. He should have come to this forum and read
this thread. I'm sure he would not have called pro-war people "passionate people" but "American version of Israeli hawks".
Because yes ! The
minority (statiscally speaking, that's a minority, yes) of pro-war people is acting like Israeli extreme-right supporters and leaders. First it's a question of national security, then it ends up with bomb shells. What a desperate situation: Sharon and Bush have the same IQ and got the same idea: 'bomb them, or they will bomb us'. This criminal logic has proven wrong in Israel since 1946, but some White House administratives still think it can work with them. What a pity.
Osama speech ?
There's nothing rational to add, anyway, war is declared, I may quote books and studies, forget it: the USA will be throwing bombs on Iraq soon ! Now I'm just waiting for Bin Laden's intervention from his cave: "Hello guys, thanks for feeding my troops with enough hatred and resentment over you. Could you send bigger bombs on children please ? My pilots are losing their patience you know." I just hope I don't have to wait for 2:00AM to hear his speech

George Walker
After all, this thread is about him. Now he doesn't need to be badmouthed. He's entered the Great Hall of Fame of Bloodthirsty Chiefs of States. Be glad you did not [irony]really[/irony] elected, so you can still complain and say you didn't vote for him...
Let the body bags' dance begin. Let the USA people buy gas masks, open their doors with a handgun in left hand, take the plane with a parachute, open their letters with anthrax-proof suits and walk in the streets with a Geiger counter just to be sure. This war is a continuation of a psycho the American people already live in; and this psycho is the beginning of the end.
No empire can hold on exclusive use of force, said Erri de Luca (Italian writer). Without justice, and esp. international justice, times of hatred and nonsense action is inaugurated. This war over Iraq responds to nothing, it is an act of violence of the strongest on the weakest. By this attack, Western countries are losing the right to defend themselves against those who will soon take their revenge. We are weaker than what stats and presidents say. We are immensely weak. We should take this omnipotency mask off our face.
Or assume its consequences. Not in my name.