badmouthing our president

Toast, FOX and CNN are very right leaning. FOX is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Definitely try If you are lucky, Cokie Roberts will give the post-speech commentary, she is wonderful. You should have heard her on the night of our most recent presidential election.

You might also try the list of radio stations in iTunes. It looks like there might be a couple under the "public" category that might carry the speech.
Wow... There's gonna be massive badmouthing tomorrow... And not ony n this board... ;)

See you all after I get some sleep :) !
I'm listening to his speech (he gave Saddam Hussein 48 hours to leave Iraq).

How can more than 50% americans follow this piece of SH*T and his war???

He wants to fight against bombs and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and what he does?.... he uses bombs and weapons of mass destruction to solve that problem.

How can a human being be so DUMB ??????

And he does this not to assure security or to fight terrorism but only because he wants the petrol and he wants to increase his power.
Originally posted by toast
Anyway, does anyone know how I can watch FOX or CNN (or equivalent) on my iMac ? Or how I can connect to US radios ? French radios will also transmit Bush's speech, but I'd like it in English, please, and I don't have TV... Can anyone help ? :)

From the USA WhiteHouse site.
zeno - you're entitled to your opinion, but please refrain from profanity while expressing it. perhaps you should read the site rules before posting further.
by habilis:
Racer, it not possible that I can be concerned greatly for my daughters safety and be positive and upbeat at the same time about where our president is going to take us in the future?
<best Yoda impression>
Fear is the path to the Dark Side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate... hate leads to suffering.

I sense much fear in you.

</Yoda impression>

Ask yourself this question (seeing as you didn't address my response to your points): would you have had any need to fear (or have concern) for your daughter's safety had Bush not come to power? Gore would have continued Clinton's endeavors to hunt down al Qaeda and move the middle east peace process forward. Gore wouldn't have sent us into an uncontrolled free fall economy and would have retained the surplus as a safety net (instead of throwing it away when we needed it most).

You say that we have something against Conservatives, but the only way anyone would be happy with our nation today would be to close their eyes to the reality of what is happening in order to support their ideological beliefs.

Theme for the 2004 elections: Are you better off now than four years ago? Do you feel safer?

About conservatives being "The most angry people" you've seen, you must not be friends with too many conservatives because that's pure myth and you've fallen for it. And I'm not attacking. I'm defending.

Your statement show that even though I do have many conservative friends and family members, you have already made up your mind. But that is a good thing because it makes you my perfect example. You, my friend, and your posts on this subject are all I need to show that the myth is real...

The myth is you.
Sounds like you have QUITE an opinion there. Your right, he did give Saddam 48 hours to leave Iraq, his son's also. But from a certain point of view, it seems like a just timeframe considering the 10 plus years Saddam Hussein has had to abide by the UN resolutions passed around the time of daddy Bush.
And yes, over 50% of the American people do follow George Bush. I believe the last time I saw an independent poll the approval rating was around 61%.
And how are you supposed to fight against bombs and weapons of mass destruction when after 12 years of diplomatic negotiations you still don't accomplish anything? With the lives of american soldiers? Or a well thought out, well orchestrated attack?
As for how a human being can be so dumb, in your sentence "dumb" is an adjective. It is a word you used to describe someone. That makes it nothing more then an opinion, your opinion. Mabye the dumb one isn't Bush at all, do you know something I don't know that gives you the facts to prove that Bush is actually
6. Conspicuously unintelligent; stupid: dumb officials; a dumb decision.
-American Heritage Dictionary, meaning of the word dumb.

I don't wanna get down on you here, but I don;'t like the way your post came over. It was just un backed disrespect of Mr. Bush. I don't completely agree with the impending war on Iraq, but I think it addresses some key points. Hussein has not obeyed UN delegations, and should be punished for it, although the US, Spain, Great Britan and Australia should not be the only nations to carry out an international sentence. But the said nations absolutely have the right to defend their peoples and country.
Originally posted by Ugg
Toast, FOX and CNN are very right leaning.

I'll agree that Fox does lean politically right. However, CNN is right leaning? Sorry to disagree but where do you get this information? IMHO a lot of political minding people in the USA thinks that CNN leans to the left spectrum of USA politics.
Originally posted by Ugg
Toast, FOX and CNN are very right leaning. FOX is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

CNN is totally liberal. I can't believe I just heard that statement. You're right about Fox though. And it's about time there's a media venue that's not liberally biased. It's the only one out there that gives you the whole truth. that's also why it's now #1 and CNN is in the doghouse. Fox had the backbone to call homicide bombers what they really are - killers and murderers. They're not afraid of offending terrorist killers - that's refreshing. And the anchors have the backbone to wear an American flag lapel pin. Being politically correct is really gettin old, the attempted guilt trips are gettin old, the watered down left-winged non-offensive mundane news media is gettin old, and it's popularity is waning. There's an ebb and flow to these things. The country(America) is leaning more to the right at the moment.

And Ugg, I listen to NPR every day to get that side of the story and it doesn't brainwash me, so you shouldn't be afraid of toast watching FOX.

Anyway, I'm off to go polish my gun rack in the back of my pickup and pin up that poster of a M.O.A.B. in my bedroom. I should also get around to putting up my new bumper sticker on the back of my chrome bumber that reads "Kick Their As* and Take The Gas!"
sounds like CNN must be pretty middle of the road if both sides think they are for the other. ;)
Originally posted by habilis
Originally posted by Ugg
Toast, FOX and CNN are very right leaning. FOX is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

CNN is totally liberal. I can't believe I just heard that statement. You're right about Fox though. And it's about time there's a media venue that's not liberally biased.
And Ugg, I listen to NPR every day to get that side of the story and it doesn't brainwash me, so you shouldn't be afraid of toast watching FOX.

Hmmmm, I haven't actually watched TV for a few years now but when I did I could have sworn CNN was on the conservative side. Oooops;)

One thing I am not afraid of is Toast turning into a dyed in the wool Bush-supporting, anti-French, conservative Republican just because he watched FOX!!!!! Toast seems to be able to make up his own mind.

To be honest with you, other than the Press Democrat I don't read any US papers, nor do I listen to the US news. I like, half of all the Guardian's readers ( ) am from the US. It is impossible to get unbiased news from an american news organization, whether they are independent or corporately owned. Although the corporately owned papers and radio stations seem to offer little other than regurgitated white house press releases and the rantings of the extreme right wing. I am being very facetious but my point is that we have lost all perspective and there is no objectivity.

When did Congress give the Prez permission to fight a war in Iraq?

What is this war about?

How many Americans can respond to this post in a reasonable manner?

Am I anti-American just because I disagree with the Prez?
Originally posted by Habilis
"Fox had the backbone to call homicide bombers what they really are - killers and murderers. They're not afraid of offending terrorist killers - that's refreshing."

Did I miss something? Are you claiming the so called liberal press considered them to be overprivileged youth who were brain washed by their extremist religious upbringing in countries where oil and the privilege of birthright means more than anything else? Hmmmmmm........

I don't think that anyone is afraid of offending terrorist killers. I follow the news pretty closely but I don't remember this claim of yours.

BTW, there is no such thing as a liberal press in the US anymore, there are only liberal leaning reporters who are asked to tone down their stories for fear of offending the medium's advertisers.
Ugg, sorry I was a little vague on that. Let me elaborate on my point;

CNN calles them Suicide Bombers, glorifying their cause and taking justice and attention away from the victim, as if there was no victim, it was just a suicide. Fox calls them Homicide Bombers, calling them the killers and murderers they really are.

It's no accident that Israel doen't carry CNN anymore and there's been many boycotts on that network there. The Israelis are totally offended by CNN.
maybe if the US would start paying more attention to the world and less to israel, we would all be in better shape. i find it hard to support a country in which an american girl was killed yesterday for standing in the way of the destruction of people's homes. israel is no less and no more to blame for the troubles in that part of the world than their neighbors. it's long since time we stopped played protector and started making them face the consequences of their actions as we do others in the region. peace will nver come so long as any of them are allowed to terrorize the others.
The craziest things can happen to you if you crawl underneath a bulldozer. But seriosly, I heard it reported that the driver didn't see or hear her. And if he had, we don't negotiate with terrorists, even if you are American.

I bet there's a lot of Human Shields out there tonight getting second thoughts.
so now standing in the way of destruction is terrorism? i suppose all the peace protests were acts of terrorism as well by that reasoning. next my disagreeing with Bush will be seen as terrorism. is there anything short of killing for america that isn't to be considered terrorism? :confused:
The craziest things can happen to you if you crawl underneath a bulldozer. But seriosly, I heard it reported that the driver didn't see or hear her. And if he had, we don't negotiate with terrorists, even if you are American.

She was waring a brightly colored top. She was not just run over, they backed up over her too.

Listen to yourself. You're calling her a terrorist? Have you lost all sense of reality. Are you truly that blinded by anger and hatred?

She never did anything to you and you have insulted her memory. I guess your ideas of what is right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral are warped by your blind following of one ideological position. This is what leads to fascism.

Pretend that was your daughter... she was someone's daughter to be sure. Would you want someone saying such things about her.
IMHO a lot of political minding people in the USA thinks that CNN leans to the left spectrum of USA politics.

I don't know what CNN was like 5 years ago but they are sure as hell not leaning to the left at the moment. They might be more subtle than FOX and the like but just try to read between the lines for a moment and you'll figure it out. Why is it that I either get a headache or totally p***ed off after watching CNN for more than 15 minutes?
It's big business, how can it be impartial?

And if he had, we don't negotiate with terrorists, even if you are American.

Before you say anything like that against one of your fellow Americans I suggest you do some reading on pre-WW2 Europe, notably the rise of fascism. You might rethink such statements after that.
Open question: Have the hardline people in this country reached a point where they have such hatred for the views of those that don't agree with them that they feel that those other people's lives are now not of any value?

Follow up question: How is this any different from the people of Germany in the 1930's that felt that the people they didn't like got what they had coming to them?

When differences in opinion make any group not value human life, that is when the line between right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral has been crossed. From what I just saw in this thread, has a group of my fellow citizens crossed over. Do you really know which side you are on?