Hey there,
I've had my Macbook Pro for around 1 year and a half now (17 month). My battery load cycle according to the system manager says around 230 and it's capacity has been reduced to 16%. When I calibrate the battery (let it discharge, let it sleep for 5 hours and reload, full charge for at least 2 hours) it goes a bit higher closer to 30% capacity. However it stays like this for only a few and most of the time, after the battery have been discharged completely, the capacity changes again closer to 16%. As time passes and as I use my mac, it is going rapidly lower and lower.
According to coconut battery 2.5.1, the original capacity of the battery was 5500 mAh. My curerent capacity is now of 1644 mAh. That's close to 1 hour maximum.
Is this normal?
Also, coconut battery seems to think that my loadcycle of the battery is only of 7 times. (Which is obiviously wrong)
I've had my Macbook Pro for around 1 year and a half now (17 month). My battery load cycle according to the system manager says around 230 and it's capacity has been reduced to 16%. When I calibrate the battery (let it discharge, let it sleep for 5 hours and reload, full charge for at least 2 hours) it goes a bit higher closer to 30% capacity. However it stays like this for only a few and most of the time, after the battery have been discharged completely, the capacity changes again closer to 16%. As time passes and as I use my mac, it is going rapidly lower and lower.
According to coconut battery 2.5.1, the original capacity of the battery was 5500 mAh. My curerent capacity is now of 1644 mAh. That's close to 1 hour maximum.
Is this normal?
Also, coconut battery seems to think that my loadcycle of the battery is only of 7 times. (Which is obiviously wrong)