For me Fraser was one of the funniest sitcoms, and then I would say Benny Hill. The single most comical episode of Frasure I can recall is when Frasure was talking/arguing with his father about something that the dog Eddie did. Soon the argument escalates, and Niles enters the room, Frasure and Niles start arguing with one another about psychological technicalities, shouting scientific terms at one another that are unintelligible to the lay person. The camera then switches to the perspective of the father, looking back and forth at his arguing sons, hearing 'blah blah blah Eddie [a few normal Engish words] blah blah Eddie [more English words]', then the camera switches to the perspective of Eddie, the dog, and the scenery is black and white, and all you see is Eddie looking back and forth at Frasure, Niles, and the father, hearing 'blah blah, blah Eddie, blah blah Eddie, Eddie... blah blah Eddie...'