Best decompression tool please


Hello everyone,

I can't find a decent program to decompress files.
All of those I have tried look really ugly, or lack significant features - so far, none of them allow me to see the contents of a RAR package! They also seem to have problems handling multiple-file archives.

I'm just looking for something completely user friendly and capable of handling the most popular formats - RAR and ZIP. Something like WinRAR for the Mac - does anyone have a clue?

I've tried stuffit expander, the unarchiver, rucksack, rarmachine, unrar, sArchiver...
It seems that you have tried everything that anyone would recommend and found them wanting. Why are you so hard to please?
Hi MisterMe,

I really am not. I need only very basic functionality. I come from the PC, got my first Mac a few months ago, and I'm absolutely delighted with mac world, because everything works as it's supposed to. It's beautiful.

That's why I can't understand why I can't find a piece of software that allows me to SEE the contents of the package, ASK ME WHERE I WANT TO EXTRACT IT TO, and handle multiple files. Pretty basic stuff.

Either that, or I'm not using the software correctly.

Which brings the question: what do you personally recommend?

Thank you for your attention.
I have downloaded stuffit expander, the free version. It seems good - but I can't see what's in the package, that seems to be the only problem. Same with the Unarchiver.
StuffIt Expander is but one fraction of StuffIt Deluxe. StuffIt Expander does one and only one thing: expands archives with minimal features and options.

StuffIt Archive Manager (included with StuffIt Deluxe) allows archive browsing, drag and drop expanding, supports segmented RAR files, and supports all kinds of archives (save for 7zip).

Edit: apparently StuffIt Deluxe supports 7zip now, at least as of version 2010.
Dealing with RARs is a bit of pain. The most functional app I've found is UnRarX. I see the first reviewer there recommends MacPAR Deluxe as well, but I've never tried it myself.

Mostly I just use The Unarchiver. It doesn't let you look inside archives, though.

In the past I used a Quick Look plugin so I could see the contents of archive (zips and rars, particularly) in the Finder. I don't have it on this computer and can't remember which one I used. Perhaps it was BetterZip Quick Look Generator. Quick Look plugins won't let you extract anything with the archive, but it will let you see what's in it.
Thank you for your suggestions guys. I'll take a look at the trial version of Stuffit Deluxe then, let's see how that goes :)