Burstin' HD- what can i do without???


Hi there,

Bit of a problem here. WAS running OSX10.1.5 on my blue/white G3 with 6Gb HD. Had about 1Gb free so with regular backing up everything was hunky dory. Just 'upgraded' to 10.2 and it has left me with 280Mb free- ouch. So basically It runs like a dog. I realise I am 'pushing the envelope' a bit using this OS on such an old machine.

Q1- What can I do without? There seems to be so much extra language stuff installed that I can't imagine using plus tons of drivers etc for printers Im never going to buy. Is there a utility or something I can use to trim down my OS?

Q2- If all else fails I will have to just carry on using OS9 until we can afford new kit. If that has to happen can I uninstall OSX 10.2? Or will I have to reformat and start again with just an install of OS9?

Q3- I notice I am not Quartz accelerated (disappointing) using a utility I found (QuartzExtremeCheck 1.1). I have a PCI Radeon 7000 Mac edition card and the old Rage Pro thing running my 2 monitors. I would expect the Radeon to allow the acceleration but no- any ideas?

Cheers for any help. Paul.
i can help with #3 -- you're not Quartz Extreme enabled because you need an AGP Radeon card, nota PCI Radeon card. The PCI bus is too slow to support Quartz Extreme.
Oh, shame, thanks ElDiabloConCaca.

Anyone answer Q's 1 and 2? I swear I came across a utility to remove all the extra language stuff installed but I didnt download it and can't rem where I saw it...
you can use TinkerTool to remove unwanted languages, and also set other funky stuff...dunno about them drivers, though...
Removing languages saves LOTS of disk space. You'll never need it unless you actually speak the language and use it. Doubtful.

Secondly, it is possible to get Quartz Extreme enabled with your Radeon 7000 PCI card. It is not reccomended if you use many PCI cards, but if the Radeon is the only often used one it works perfectly fine. Here's a step-by-step I made on another forum:

When I installed 10.2 I did a custom install.

I unchecked all of the languages, and most of the printer dirvers upon installation. My install time was cut down to 1/3 the original time.

I understand why the languages are on the install CD, but perhaps Apple could build in an option "Do you want additional language support?" check box or something. Seems like a lot of unwanted installation.

Also, I've done most of my trimming in my OS9 folder, when I still had one. I'm 100% OSX on all my machines, including my Blue & White G3.

I removed all of my old applications that I could use in OSX, and OS9 specific files as well.

You should be able to trim at least a gig of useless data. By my count you should have no less than 3 gig of space for your documents.
2 apps that will do what you want DeLocalizer (removes all those unneeded language files). AND Print Center Repair (which will remove unneeded printer drivers by manufacturer). Both available by searching at versiontracker.com
Just in case this information is of use to anyone-

Removing languages saved me about 400Mb- yey!
Removing print drivers was not really worth the effort- couple of Mb saved.
With a bit further tweaking I am now up to 1.5Gb free though.

kommakazi - your quartz enabling tip worked really well- except I couldnt save the file after editing it even with changes to permissions. It refused to overwrite itself and I couldnt call it something different and get a save either. Weird. I downloaded PCI Extreme! though which automated it for me and chose the AGP/PCI option. My radeon is now enabled (and noticably faster), the 2nd monitor is not but I can totally live with that.

Thanks everyone, good thread. P.
Originally posted by DMCrimson
ohmandoihaveto, you propably need to be in superuser mode to edit the file...sudo su and then pico... ?

If you're using sudo you won't need to use su.. and vice versa.

using su your shell will run with root privilages. sudo will only execute one command with rute privilages.