...I finally couldn't hold off an got me a top of the line 15" MBP to replace my 1st generation MBP.
holy cow, you're already replacing your MBP? so...where do you work? they hiring?
just to let you know, they probably won't upgrade anything to coincide with the release of Leopard, they haven't in the past. it was a good 6 months after Tiger was released before the iMacs etc had hardware upgrades to meet tiger, RAM upgrades.
iMac is overdue though.
I'd hate to get a Mac Pro and then they change everything. At the very least I'll wait for Leopard / iLife'07
I suggest this one: http://buyersguide.macrumors.com/
I don't have any insider information or anything, but I would be expecting an update to the iMac range in the reasonably near future. An article on MacRumors discusses this a bit more.I am also saving up for a iMac. But I don't want to get one and then have a brand new one come out. Does anybody think they'll be releasing one anytime soon?