Can someone please give me one good reason to upgrade to Snow Leopard?


Please, just one?

I'd even settle for maybe half a reason.

"It's a smaller install" - You get to download what they didn't install.

"It got rid of all the old bugs in Leopard" - Nah still there, with some new ones as bonuses.

"All those improvements" - Crippled QuickTime?

"Fixed the bug in dragging pages from .pdfs to the desktop" - Now can't drag them directly into Pages.

"Made software run smoother" - Like iWork for example?

"Subtle change in the color of the UI" - At last, my half reason!
Please, just one?

I'd even settle for maybe half a reason.

"It's a smaller install" - You get to download what they didn't install.

"It got rid of all the old bugs in Leopard" - Nah still there, with some new ones as bonuses.

"All those improvements" - Crippled QuickTime?

"Fixed the bug in dragging pages from .pdfs to the desktop" - Now can't drag them directly into Pages.

"Made software run smoother" - Like iWork for example?

"Subtle change in the color of the UI" - At last, my half reason!

It is a smaller install. They take out all the PowerPC binaries since they no longer support it. I prefer downloading only the stuff I need, like printer drivers. Why fill space with extra drivers you don't need?

Snow Leopard is much faster, I'm stuck on an old school MacBook and I noticed a great increase in speed.

They do allow you to use Quicktime 7 in Snow Leopard for those who like it. But for those who do not need all those features, a free quicktime is nice. Also, now with the great increase of performance in iMovie, most people have started using that instead of Quicktime. I believe it still crops video (for free too), which is the biggest reason why people used it, and it still exports as well (for free as well).

It also only costs $30, definitely not a waste of money.
No way.

I do support in Apple's iWork forum and the problems with installation, fonts and opening Word documents and templates are legion. Apple managed to stuff up the Hoeffler Text font that is featured in most of their templates so that they wouldn't open, without saying why.

I am still waiting for a solid version, possibly OSX 10.6.3.

Wouldn't it be nice if they had fixed at least one of the prominent bugs in Leopard? So much for the system clean up.

I know they did a lot of under the hood changes but they had plenty of time and feedback on the bugs. Having to go a circuitous route just to get multi-page .pdfs into Pages or other applications is yet another thorn in the side of your work. Heavens knows there are enough already in the way OSX "works".
No matter what you can complain about, you _still_ have said that it is indeed better than Leopard. Therefore, that is a reason to upgrade.
I don't think I said that at all.

The real reasons for upgrading in fact won't kick in till much later when developers start writing for the multi-threading etc.

Since I haven't upgraded it isn't hurting me but it is hurting the people I support who have upgraded (foolishly IMHO) or were forced onto it with their recently purchased Macs.
Well, you asked for one good reason. One good reason has been supplied, methinks. ;)

No one said here that Snow Leopard has less bugs than Leopard, yet that seems to be what's holding you back despite being offered several, arguably "good" reasons... so I also think that even if one of us comes up with one, single, best reason to upgrade that you still wouldn't.
I have said I won't until it makes sense.

The question was really rhetorical, just coming after a protracted bout of trying to fix iWork users' problems since upgrading. I keep asking them why did they upgrade, since it has so little to offer.

It isn't that it has "less bugs than Leopard", it has the same and then some more.
wait to upgrade!
there's some mysterious buggyness in these Snow Leopard hills.....

I do like some of the functionality. I can tell it's faster. but why oh why switch until the damn thing is super stable? I don't like to be surprised by a computer. silicon is not made to delightfully confuse and startle me. it's made to do things in a predictable way. not yet with SL.
it does wakeup faster. it does start faster.
I'm not totally crazy about the new expose. eh. I have to press ctrl-click on an app to get the info I used to just click for...
but one day you will HAVE to get it. howzabout: wait till then?

ps: I'm having a problem with 10.6.2 and linking it to an ext HD -- I asked a tech here about it but I may have to ask yall later. I've been trying to troubleshoot it for a week. oy. another reason to be slow to switch...
Are you having a problem connecting to a network drive or connecting to a USB/Firewire drive?
The only good reason to upgrade to something is if you see that your current OS isn't doing it for you or isn't being supported as it used to be. Aside from that, there's really no other reason. If you don't feel a need to upgrade to SL just yet, then stick with Leopard. I stuck with Tiger for quite a while without any desire to move to Leopard on my iMac G5 and I've been very happy. Of course, now that devs are moving away from supporting Tiger, I'm more compelled to move to Leopard with each passing day.