Can't add printer


When I try to setup my printer in preference and click Set "Up Printers" nothing happens. No error no nothing :(

I have repaired all permissions etc. Is there a plist I can delete or something?

Also I have a battery symbol in the menu bar (as I copied my account from my PB to my stationary) I guess. Where is the prefs for that as this is not in the "Energy Saver) on the Stationary I have to delete those prefs as well.

Tried to delete some prefs with no succes.
If you have an unneeded icon in the menubar, just hold your command key, and click-drag the icon out of the menubar.
Problems with setup of a printer is probably a permissions problem with your user. Copying a user folder, or parts of a user folder can leave some files with permissions set for the former user. Permissions repair will not fix this.
Open your terminal, type
sudo chown -R yourusername /Users/yourusername

Of course, replace yourusername with your actual user name. Watch for the spaces in the command, and remember that -R and -r are different commands!
press enter after the command, and enter your password and enter again when asked. Logout and log back in as the same user when complete.
This should fix your problem.
Working fine with the battery symbol. Thanks!

But the Add printer problem still remains :( I also from the begining copied the User Account with CCC so I think the permissions should be ok. (I did the "sudo chown -R yourusername /Users/yourusername") to. Could/should I reinstall the printer funktions with Pacifist maybe? What would it be that I should reinstall?

I also created a new Account to see if the problem was the same, and it was, so maybe the problem is in the system and not in the User Account.
What happens when you go to /Applications/Utilities and run "Printer Setup Utilitiy"?


I don't know if this shareware app will help you, but at least you can check it out if you haven't already.

And have you tried the html interface for CUPS?

If not, type -->
into Safari or your browser of choice. Try configuring your printer that way.

I am trying to use the CUPS interface but it asks me for password/login details and my Account admin password is not accepted. What is the login details it asks for???
BTW, the menu bar icon for the battery comes from Energy Saver settings. And ever after CCC, I'd repair permissions again just to be on the safe side.
Did many repair permissions, and used Print Repair app with no success.

I found a fix for the password problem in CUPS at

1. Authenticate to Netinfo Manager
2. Change the user needing UW IMAP's authentication_authority to ';basic;'
3. Paste in a the crypt hash of their password (can be generated with 'openssl passwd' if necessary).
4. Save your changes

But I don't understand how to do the No. 3 Paste in a the crypt hash of their password (can be generated with 'openssl passwd' if necessary).
I think the best would be if I could reinstall just the print part from the OS X install CD. But where is it located? Is it a part of the BSD?
Well, it's not that easy with OS X. There isn't a "print part" to OS X -- it's many different files scattered across the system in many different places.

Try the utility I linked to earlier -- it has solved many, many problems that people have had with printers in general under OS X, including the inability to add printers. If that doesn't solve the problem, then we might need to take more drastic measures, like an Archive & Install or something... but that utility is a great one to keep around for times like this.
That's strange. The CUPS web interface doesn't ask for my admin password. Why is it asking you for one?

I think if you have root user enabled, then CUPS does not ask. You can't access CUPS admin features without root user enabled.