Cats and Macs...

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I know alot of us have cats, in fact, my family had more then 20 just a few months ago. Just wondering if anyone had any stories of the adventures of their cats. Feel free to write about you cats, post pictures, etc.

I have attached a cat story that one of my freinds sent me ( yes it is a true story ) :D

Have a great day!



Personally I've got four cats in the house.
Anyone who says animals don't have personality, emotion, etc. needs to meet my feline companions...

Isis - Black, 6 years old. About 7 lbs. Part siamese, and something else gangly... Stole her from my girlfriend. She thought that Isis was her cat. HA! mine now. ;) Alpha cat, very bossy, and always looking over her kingdom and her people. The cats are merely there for her enjoyment, and people certainly make good servants, but only sometimes. ;)

Onyx - Black, 7 years old. Pretty big cat, weighing in at 12 lbs. "The Fox" and "Little Man" I swear, he looks, acts and talks like a human. Any cat that says "ouuuwww" when he wants to be let out has my kudos. Oh, and lets not forget "Bold Beggar" any cat that will hang on the edge of your plate as you're holding it to get you to drop food should definitely be considered bold. Funny thing is, once he gets it off your plate he'll stare at it, and then look at you with the "c'mon now, that's not what's really on the plate, you just let that part fall... Where's the real food!?" (Don't beat the cat twyg, Don't beat the cat twyg...)

Haley - Tortise shell, 8 - 10 years old. 15 lbs+ "The Dirigible" I think she had a blimp contest with herself. She's got a little weight problem that isn't human related. She just finds food everywhere. (And not all of what she eats would be considered food by even most cats' standards)

Raksha - Tiger striped, and getting fat due to inactivity :( (she's not mine, so I can't say anything about it), 1 year old. "Freak" and "Squeak" This cat is the the very definition of scaredy cat. I so much as show myself and she's out of the apartment faster than you can blink. God forbid I speak. She must have been abused as a kitten.

:mad: What possesses people to hurt other creatures that can't really do much against us? :mad:

All cats are adopted at different ages. Pics will follow as soon as I can capture the little ones...
I have two cats. Both are 6 month old male brothers, and approaching 8 pounds. These guys are going to top out at 15+ pounds!

Booker - all black except for small white patches on his stomach and chest. Booker is a lap cat, loves beer and having his face rubbed. If your hand isn't petting him, Booker is trying to get under your hand and pet himself. Booker was the bully until recently.

Corky - Grey tiger stripe, with leopard spotted underbelly. Corky was the scaredy cat until recently. Now that he is about a pound heavier than Booker, Corky doesn't get pushed around. He is the independent hunter-type cat. If your hand is moving, he is waiting to attack. But he's always just playing; he never scratches.

Cats rule!

Ok, here is a ( rather long ) list of my cats. My sister is the cat person so some of these descriptions are brief:

Skunk: Black and white, looks like a skunk except for that white stripe is on belly instead of back. Short haired, Male
Bambi: Calico ( multi-colored ) This cat thinks that she owns the whole world. She can not eat or sleep with the other "lowly" cats. Long haired, Female.
Sherbert: White with sherbert colored spots. Short haired, Male.
Lucky: Siamese markings ( a variety which is called a paint ). Short haired, Female.
Smoke: Solid grey cat. Short haired, Female.
Mud: A calico cat, colors are mostly dark brown and black. Short haired, Female.
Mesquite: This is Mud's mother, looks exactly like her and the only way we tell them apart is by a slight difference in personality. Short haired, Female.
Blacky: A black cat, blind in one eye. Long haired, Female
Snickers: An orange cat very loving personality. Long haired, Female.

Ok, I will post a picture as soon as I can get all these cats in one place. Man, you should see the reaction when Elizabeth goes out to feed them in the morning. A wave of cats swoop towards her and literally climb up her to get to the cat food bag, you'd think these cats were half starved. :rolleyes:

And no, these cats do not reside indoors. ;)

Have a great day!

now that we have had almost a day's worth of silence in memory of herve's cat i will start in telling about mine (ours really, i would never have become a cat person without the GF's help)

Thor - the man of the house and a man's cat. He used to be scared of his own shadow but is now friendly to anyone we let in the house. he has learned trust slowly but surely. He was brought to us thru a friend that works to save animals from being destroyed. I can't imagine what life would be like without him.
He is the big protector. He whines and then ignores when you give him what he - fights for the milk while i have bowl in my hand, but never drinks a drop once i put it on the ground. Favorite saying is "nouuuuuwwwwww". Will carry on conversations for much longer than most cats. Has just started to sit on my lap as of last week. He loves to be brushed and petted. His best friend is Freya. They often curl up and sleep together or play wrestle and chase each other around the house. He is one of two cats that i don't have to worry about trying to escape out the front door. He is also the great hunter. spiders and other insects beware.


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Wow Ed, the resemblence in that cat and my older cats is shocking! One year (about 3 or 4 years ago) we had a whole litter of white kittens. They were so beautiful, most were long hair but some had short. We sold about two of them before their mother (I think it was our first cat Starlight) took them out deep in the woods and left them there :mad: Don't know if they made it to someones house or just starved. :(

Well, still have not gotten around to getting pics of our cats but they are coming soon.

Have a great day!

all our cats have been declawed since right before we moved from ohio to calif. We live less than a block from us highway 1, so we are very tight about not letting them out.

Freya - Thor's best friend who thinks she is a dog. She is a laphound. She is friendly to anyone. we found her on my GF's parents farm, aparently one of those abandoned woods kitties like albert was talking about. she followed us around and played with the kids and acted like a dog. she was just too people friendly to leave in the woods.
Other than her annoying habit of wanting to plod on my belly (that damn nesting instinct) she is wonderful. she is very playful and snuggly. very good for warming any cold parts of your body. just throw her on top of yourself anywhere. She is also not a very fast learner. She will jump rihgt back onto your lap over and over again no matter how many times you throw her off. Tolerates abuse that no other cat would ever endure. I hold her up in the air and make her dance to TV theme songs, i rub her head in a furrious way. She never stops purring. She and Minerva are the two that are always trying to get out of the house. Freya got out once when we first moved here and was gone for about 24 hrs. I was very worried. But she came home ok. We have been extra careful with her ever since.


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Our cats have several favorite places in the house. one is at the top of the stairs outside of my office. trying to get into my office is a favorite pasttime. they bring the catnip toys and leave them outside for me. another favorite place is in the kitchen garden window. they also fight over their spots on the couch and Thor and Freya are convinced my lazyboy is really theirs.

Minerva - the first of the rescued cats. She was brought home by my GF's oldest son. She was covered with her own sh*t and was a pain to get clean. She spent a lot of time as essentially an only cat before Thor & Freya arrived within a week of each other. At the time she was bigger and used to dominate and harass them. now she is the smallest and the most independent. she gets along with Thor and I, but not really anyone else. She is the one who shoots thru doors opening more often than any other. I ocassionally let her sit on my lap while at the computer until she starts drooling. she is very sweet when she is getting attention but very "catty" when dealing with the other cats. she is the one who gets the milk when i sit it down. If curiosity is what kills cats, Minerva will be the first of ours to go. Watching her and Thor get up on their hind feet and fight while i am holding the milk bowl is a hilarious site. they look like the 2 lions from old english crests.


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one of the most entertaining things to me is the non linear pecking order among our 4 cats. Who dominates who depends largely upon what they are arguing about. Minerva always wins with food. Freay always wins for my attention. Patches always wins for a spot on the couch and Thor wins for just about everything else. They are also great examples of where the word "copycat" must have come from. One will start a behavior and the others will gradually imitate it:p

Patches - the only cat that has been with my GF longer than i have, hence the non mythological name. While still the biggest cat, she is much healthier than when i first met her. Minerva tormented her back to a more active lifestyle when she was a kitten. Before that i referred to patches as "Mrs. Garfield". She is very quiet and spends 90% of her time on the couch. She only seeks attention from my GF, but will accept it from any adult. She avoids kids. Those of us who manage to live as long as Patches has in cat years may actually live long enough to see m$ become just another company. She is probably the smartest of the bunch. she knows when to mind her own business.


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I had two cats. Jack and Mew. Jack ran away about two weeks ago.

Jack was about three years old, pure white with blue eyes and very cuddley. His name is actualy short for Jack Frost.

I miss him.:(

Mew is much more aggresive. She runs around the house at full speed for no apparent reason sometimes.
My little brother wanted to name her Joltion (after this pokemon: ), but I said "how about we name her Mew?"(after this pokemon: )

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i would never have become a cat person without the GF's help

Wow, Ed! That must be some GF for you to end up with FOUR cats :D (or more? )

No worries, we love cat-lovers here!

he he

well, igrew up being a real dog person. i was allergic to cats as a kid so i couldn't have one around anyway.
My first gf's cat gave me an experience that turned me against cats for a long time. i was lying on my stomach on the floor when the cat crawled up on my back and pissed all over me:mad: she tried telling me that it was the cat's way of saying it liked me. riiiight.
but then the gf right before my current one had a cat that didn't seem to like anybody but me - no matte how much i pushed it away it kept wanting to get on me and be affectionate. I started breaking down about then.
and the current gf of 9yrs is something special. She and her cats are all exceptions to all my stereotypes. I now love them all dearly.:)
Or should I say her excellency Bambi VI :D I am doing this behind Bambi's back, don't tell her or she'll stare me to death :p

Anyway, here is a pic of our cat Bambi...


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Finally caught Raksha, the most bashful of the bunch. (Everyone who was on the irc boards knows the pain that is me attempting to get pictures of the little beasties.)

Rasha sniffin'

Horrible pic I know, but hey, security cameras never take good shots either.
Ok, here's a pic of Cyan and also one of Corso. Cyan's personality is described perfectly here. Basically a big lovable puff that has a squeak instead of a meow.

Corso is a lil rug rat though, as demonstrated by this pic where he's giving the camera a rude facial gesture. :p


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My cat, Snowball, rules! She's part Siamese and talks up a storm! Check out her photo from when she was a kitty! She's currently about a year and a half old.


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