Personally I've got four cats in the house.
Anyone who says animals don't have personality, emotion, etc. needs to meet my feline companions...
Isis - Black, 6 years old. About 7 lbs. Part siamese, and something else gangly... Stole her from my girlfriend. She thought that Isis was her cat. HA! mine now.

Alpha cat, very bossy, and always looking over her kingdom and her people. The cats are merely there for her enjoyment, and people certainly make good servants, but only sometimes.
Onyx - Black, 7 years old. Pretty big cat, weighing in at 12 lbs. "The Fox" and "Little Man" I swear, he looks, acts and talks like a human. Any cat that says "ouuuwww" when he wants to be let out has my kudos. Oh, and lets not forget "Bold Beggar" any cat that will hang on the edge of your plate as you're holding it to get you to drop food should definitely be considered bold. Funny thing is, once he gets it off your plate he'll stare at it, and then look at you with the "c'mon now, that's not what's really on the plate, you just let that part fall... Where's the real food!?" (Don't beat the cat twyg, Don't beat the cat twyg...)
Haley - Tortise shell, 8 - 10 years old. 15 lbs+ "The Dirigible" I think she had a blimp contest with herself. She's got a little weight problem that isn't human related. She just finds food everywhere. (And not all of what she eats would be considered food by even most cats' standards)
Raksha - Tiger striped, and getting fat due to inactivity

(she's not mine, so I can't say anything about it), 1 year old. "Freak" and "Squeak" This cat is the the very definition of scaredy cat. I so much as show myself and she's out of the apartment faster than you can blink. God forbid I speak. She must have been abused as a kitten.

What possesses people to hurt other creatures that can't really do much against us?
All cats are adopted at different ages. Pics will follow as soon as I can capture the little ones...