CD Burning Fails


I'm having a problem with CD burning on OS X. (I have 10.3.3 - been told not to upgrade to 10.3.4 yet till it's tested with some other software).

I'm trying to burn CD's and they seem to be working for a while and then (usually towards the end in verifying) my CD will be automatically ejected and I'll get a message saying that in verifying errors were found and my CD may be unreliable and should be discarded.

If I put the CD back in it usually seems to be fine however I don't want to trust it because I'm archiving clients work.

I've tried 3 different brands of CD's, am not bumping the computer while it's burning. I've even had the supplier of my computer replace the CD burner because we thought it must have been a hardware fault, however it's got to be software because I'm still having the same problem even with the new (different brand) burner.

It happens more often when there iss more data to be copied onto the CD and the only way I have found that the CD burn does ALWAYS work reliably is if I slow the burn speed right down to 2x but surely I should be able to burn faster than that!

Anyone else had a similar problem or have any ideas?
Hi Danielle and welcome to the forum.
How exactly are you burning those CDs? Did you ever try an alternative tool, i.e. Toast? Since you seem to archive a lot, I would suggest you to go for a burning tool. Toast is known to be one of the best tools for mac. But quality has its price. Anyway, you might want to try the demo before you buy. Good luck
Where are the files that you're backing up located? Are they on a server or something, or are they on the local hard drive? You shouldn't ever burn a CD from data that resides on a server -- the data should always be located on the local hard drive (tape drives are different, though, and are widely used to back up files on servers -- CDs are a different story, though).
The files are just located on my local hard-drive. No servers or anything. I haven't tried using toast at all, I'm just using the burn software that comes with OSX. We've just upgraded all our Adobe, Extensis and Microsoft software and purchased OSX so I'd prefer not to hit my boss up for spending more money. I might try out that demo though and that way I can maybe narrow down the source of the problem a bit more.

I would definitely try out toast, since you guess it must be a software prob. And what happenes if you skip this verifying step? I know, you prefere it to be verified, but as long the CD is burned properly and without any error, there shouldn't be any prob.
I don't think the basic OSX burn software gives you an option to skip verifying. I'd rather not do it because although the CD appeas okay I don't want to have to manually open every file on it to check it's okay, nor do I want to rely on a CD that's not verified as my archival method.
I see. But I am wondering if something is wrong with the verifiction of your finder, so you should see how other programs behave. My suggestion is to download a demo of any mac burning tool and test a CD-burning process with a verification. Let's see what happenes then
I need to print the contents of the an archive CD that was burned with Toast 6 and I was wondering if there is an equivelant to print window on OSX? Please HELP. :rolleyes:
robinevenhouse said:
I need to print the contents of the an archive CD that was burned with Toast 6 and I was wondering if there is an equivelant to print window on OSX? Please HELP. :rolleyes:

To print the whole window do this:

1) at the same time press Command button (the Apple button)+Shift Key+3 = You then will hear a camera shudder sound and a preview file of your screen will be save to your desktop -> This will take a screen shot

2) Open the file on your desktop, then print.

Now here is a more efficient screen shot:

Command button+Shift Key+4

= Your mouse pointer will turn into a camera cross hairs. Then click and highlight the are you want to capture, then release the click. The shudder sound will happen again and now you taken a screen shot of your selected area. Then open that up and print.

Good luck. Hope this helps you.