... And after much delays (Sorry) here's that boot menu script.
It assumes one IDE disk with one partition.
To use it, put it in a text file called "menu" at the top level of your HD.
Make Mac OS 9 the default startup disk.
Boot into open firmware (Cmd+Opt+O+F)
type "setenv boot-device hd:,menu"
here's the script...
PowerPC Multiboot
: bootmacos " Booting MacOS 9..." fb8-write drop 100 ms " boot hd:,\\:tbxi" eval ;
: bootmacosx " Booting MacOSX..." fb8-write drop 100 ms " boot hd:,\System\Library\CoreServices\BootX" eval ;
: bootcd " Booting CDROM..." fb8-write drop 100 ms " boot cd:,\\:tbxi" eval ;
" Please select your OS"(0d 0a)" fb8-write drop
" "(0d 0a)" fb8-write drop
" Press m for MacOS,"(0d 0a)" fb8-write drop
" x for MacOSX,"(0d 0a)" fb8-write drop
" c for CDROM,"(0d 0a)" fb8-write drop
" "(0d 0a)" fb8-write drop
" Boot: " fb8-write drop
get-msecs d# 20 3E8 * +
key? if
key case
ascii m of " m "(0d 0a)" fb8-write drop bootmacos endof
ascii x of " x "(0d 0a)" fb8-write drop bootmacosx endof
ascii c of " c "(0d 0a)" fb8-write drop bootcd endof
dup get-msecs <
drop bootmacosx
A brief explanation...
to boot OS 9 it does <B>boot hd:,\\:tbxi</B> which is how OF normally boots and why OS 9 must be the default in startup disk.
The line <B>get-msecs d# 20 3E8 * +</B> controls how long the menu waits before defaulting to mac os x. The 20 means 20 seconds. change it to whatever you want.
For more information etc. you should probably look at the YBIN homepage
I used this program to generate this script (which I modified)
If you don't like the menu, just use startup disk to fix the OF variable.
Hope that helps...