Chimera 0.2.2!

Actually I sort of like the name navigator...its recognizeable and makes sense since it does navigate the web. I'm probably in the minority on this issue, but everyone is allowed their own opinion. I love their icon too. Much cooler than mozilla's which sucks by the way.

Originally posted by googolplex
I think that people will still call it chimera even though the app is called Navigator. I know I still call it that and so do the developers. :D

word up!

chimera forever!

p.s. : 0.2.3 is just fine :D
Everyone run out and get 0.2.3!

What's new:
What's New

- We compiled the renderer in 0.2.2 with the slow correct ATSUI option.

This is why 0.2.2 was so much slower than 0.2.1 (and beach balling like a

mother). 0.2.3 goes back to the hacky fast ATSUI way of rendering.

- Aqua form controls.

- Dropdown lists now work.

- The gamma correction bug has been fixed, so you won't see dark images.

- Font size has been reduced a bit (people reported that 0.2.2 font choice

was too large).

Fun times. The text is still laggy in the form controls though. Oh well. This is the first time experiencing it also, strange, it went agay again :p

Oh well. The Aqua form controls look really big too, kinda strange :p
Yep, them's aqua buttons, for sure. They looks all weird too.

I still get the overlapping when I type in a text box, but oh well. It is just another .0.1 release, and it's only been a couple days. The rendering is faster again though.

-the valrus
Uh, those ARE strange buttons. (By the way, darn forms still are lagging behind my typing >:( ). Rather large.

gplex: I would take a screenshot, but I'm using the AluniteX theme, so you wouldn't be able to tell how weird they are.
Chimera is giving me a banner ad at the bottom of that I'm not getting in mozilla. Has anybody else seen this?
I saw this in Opera for Windows -- try going to instead.
Well I'm home now and yes the buttons are kind of weird. They are big, and drop down lists are a little funny. But they are comming. And yes text is still slower, but it appears that they have fixed the cursor thing where the line is kind of behind the text.